Foreign Policy/Imperialism

Anti-torture activists demand closure of Gitmo on 14th anniversary of its opening

On the 11th of January, activists marked another year of prisoners being held without charge or trial at Guantanimo Bay, One detainee was released that morning, bringing the total number of men still buried alive at Gitmo to 103. This includes 44 (maybe 43 now) men "cleared for release" years ago but still held under conditions so bad many detainees have said they would prefer death to remaining at Gitmo.Obama has one year left to fulfill his oath to close Guantanimo Bay. Congress is but an excuse, a threat to pardon all remaining detainees would easily force Congress to enact any other plan the President put forth.

Video highlights of the GITMO 14 protest

Protesting 14 years of Hell on Earth at Gitmo
