Tour of Shame marches on GOP Senator's homes after SCOTUS disables EPA on climate

On the last day of June, the Supreme Court released another atrocious ruling, this time gutting the ability of EPA to control CO2 emission from fossil fuel burning power plants. Hours later, protesters staging a "Tour of Shame" unfurled a "We the Corporations" preamble to a new Constitution and marched it from SCOTUS to the nearby homes of several GOP Senators.

Video: Tour of Shame visits the homes of many GOP Senators 6 min 1 sec

"We the Corporations" the Constitution as interpreted by Trump's Supreme Court

Mass civil disobedience near Supreme Court and Capitol demands abortion rights

On the 30th of June, hundreds of protesters were arrested in a sit-in blocking 1st st and Constitution Ave NE. This was part of the storm of protests opposing the Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling permitting states to criminalize abortion for the first time in 50 years.

Video: Civil Disobedience at the Supreme Court 2 min 30 sec

Setting up the sit-in at 1st st NE and Constitution Ave

Resistance March on Capitol Hill demands Congress, Biden protect abortion

On the 29th of June, a march around Capitol Hill shifted fire from the Supreme Court to Congress and the Biden administration. Marchers demanded the filibuster be abolished, the Supreme Court expanded, Federal lands be used to provide abortion services in ban states, and the Hyde Amendment be repealed.

Video-Resistance March on Capitol Hill 2 min 3 sec

Crane banner hang demands "Biden Protect Abortion"

In the face of the Dobbs decision and the deadly threat posed by an explosion of anti-choice state laws, people are rising to new heights of resistance. On the 28th of June, climbers dropped a banner from a crane near North Capitol St and FL Ave, reading "Biden Protect Abortion."

Photo by Women's March via Twitter

Debt for Climate march on IMF demands cancellation of Global South Debt

On the 26th of June, the "Cancel Debt for People and Planet" march descended on the DC headquarters of the International Monetary Fund or IMF. Protesters lit off smoke flares and held a street theater demanding that rich countries cancel debts owed by the Global South. This is being proposed as an alternative to extracting fossil fuels to be sold to get money to pay these "debts."

Video-Smoke flares and street theater at IMF Headquarters 2 min 17 sec

Continuous protest at SCOTUS resembles early days of BLM Plaza

The ongoing protests at SCOTUS(at least 27 hours at this writing) have taken on some of the atmosphere of the early days of Black Lives Matter Plaza, though with some key differences. So far, things are noisy and confrontational, but no tear gas and flashbangs as the antichoice protesters don't have them and the cops have limited their involvement to displays of aggression.

Video-massive booing at SCOTUS, sounds like a fight about to start but cools off on its own 16 sec

Fascist spotted with the antichoicers on June 25. This one claimed abortion "is the same as rape"(?)

SCOTUS dumps Roe, legalizes abortion bans as pro-choice advocates confront theocrats outside

Friday, the 24th of June was an ugly day at the Supreme Court. While the so-called "Justices" inside overturned Roe v Wade and warned Gay marriage and contraception are next, pro and antichoice crowds duked it out with bullhorns outside. At one point, a swarm of bike cops essentially kettled both sides together although not making arrests. Just before the decision was announced they withdrew in a big hurry.

Update 6-25 night: Protesters march on Gorsuch's private community day after Dobbs decision

Update 6-25: Continuous protest at SCOTUS like early days at BLM Plaza-minus the police violence

Update 6-24 night: Video-a black bloc takes to the streets, answering the call to a Night of Rage over Dobbs 2 min

Video-the scrum outside the Supreme Court-and the nonarrest kettle of BOTH sides together 2 min 44 sec

Legal or not, abortion will continue

Anti-Trans "Astro-Terf" event w Christian groups draw disruptive counterprotest

On the 23ed of June, a mishmash of right-wing groups including Concerned Women for America(CWA), the Family Research Council (FRC), and other hate groups held an "our bodies, our sports" event supposely representing cisgender female athletes opposing trans women in women's sports. Nobody there looked very athletic. Counterprotester with all possible noisemakers disrupted the event with whistles, drums, bullhorns in siren mode, and more.

Video-disrupting the anti-trans hatefest with noisemakers 44 sec

Trans flag flies as team to left of photographer disrupts the "astro-TERF" anti-Trans event

Protesters face off outside as SCOTUS releases more decisions, no Dobbs today

On the 23ed of June, the Supreme Court released five more decisions including the long-expected overturning of New York's restrictive concealed carry gun laws. As expected, the highly incendiary Dobbs (abortion) decision was NOT released with more business yet to go. As decisions dropped, pro and antichoice protesters duked it out outside, with bike cops separating most of them

Video-facing off outside the Supreme Court and its fortifications 45 sec

Bike cops separate fundamentalist Christian protesters from pro-choice activists. This was VERY loud

Scrum over right to choose at SCOTUS as 5 more opinions (but no Dobbs) released

On the 21st of June, so-called "Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising" (PAAU) fetus-stealing antichoice zealots faced off in a point-blank shouting match against pro-choice activists outside the Supreme Court.

Video-showdown at SCOTUS against PAAU and abortion bans 2 min 15 sec

One of the antiabortion extremists with a "fetus," this time apparently a plastic one
