
View from the front line, where activists were ready and waiting to physically prevent the landlord from illegally changing the locks

Georgetown Karen about to ram

Getting mad about kneeling on necks-and about troops gassing and kidnapping protesters

Stop Trump's stormtroopers


You know things are getting hot when you see this

Sunset yoga on BLM Plaza

Only two cops enforcing isolation of St John's from the public


Number of cops pinned down on Vermont Ave by protesters is declining but may still prevent many arrests by taking these cops out of the rest of the city

One of several front lines where bike cops attempted to control or shut down protesters but failed

Bicycle cavalry responds as police bikers attempt to cut off the lead of the march (as they would for a kettle or a fake kettle)


Biker cops in full retreat after furious protesters advance on them

A direct hit on Trump's precious Portland Federal courthouse
