Decarcerate DC protest held against US atty's fanatical opposition to Second Look Amendment Act

On the 5th of September, US Atty for DC , Jessie K. Liu (a Trump appointee) held an ostensably public meeting aimed at sabotaging and undermining the DC Council's Second Look Amendment Act. Outside, DC residents and representatives from Black Lives Matter held a protest as the meeting was limited to hand-picked residents. Liu's staff told members of the public the meeting was "for elected officials only."

Protesters march on Brazilian Consulate for Indigenous land, against Bolsonaro's fires

On the 5th of September, protesters gathered at the White House, then marched on the Consulate of Brazil. The march carried mock matchbooks depicting Trump, Bolsonaro, and major agrobusinesses, condemning their role in the ongoing arson of the Amazon rainforest.

HD Video-mock flames and matchbooks lead the march 2 min 29 seconds

Questions About the September Climate Justice Strike

There is ongoing discussion in California about showing up in Washington, D.C.

Kremlin Annex protests continue at White House as new fences, 2020 concerns rise

The "Kremlin Annex" protests began in July 2018 after the Trump/Putin Helsink summit where Trump stood alongside Putin to deny Russian interference in the 2016 election. Over a year later, these protests continue, now on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. They've had to move a bit because of the "White House Fence Replacement" project, new fortifications going up to protect Trump from an increasingly angry public.

Kremlin Annex protesters on Aug 29

Extinction Rebellion DC protests Bolsonaro burning the Amazon Rainforest

On the 26th of August, Extinction Rebellion's DC chapter staged a noisy protest at the Embassy of Brazil in response to the suddent wave of fires in the Amazon Rainforest. Brazil's fascist, Trump-like president Bolsonaro has fired the scientists who revealed the wave of fires, and his supporters in land-hungry agrobusinessnesses are suspected of setting many of the fires.

HD Video highlights of the protest against Bolsonaro's fires in the Amazon 2 min 14 sec

Mono Diner in Georgetown closes after refusing or shorting last paychecks to all their workers

For months Georgetown's Mono Diner has had a problem: owner Mohammad Esfahnani had discovered he could save money by withholding employee's last paychecks outright and paying for only some of the hours employees had been clocked in on others. This is flat-out wage theft. Now he has shut the restaurant down, and apparently nobody there will get their last paycheck. Mohammad Esfahnani now owes at least $6,602 in back wages and has refused to pay even in the face of months of pressure and complaints to the DC government.

Video-start of the Aug 2019 DC Bike Party

On the 14th of August, the DC Bike Party again took to the streets with hundreds of participants. DC Bike Parties ride on the second Wed of every month from April to December

Video-start of the August DC Bike Party 1 min 16 sec

Leaving Dupont Circle with the DC Bike Party

US Park Police entrap, arrest Gay men in Malcolm X Park

For decades Malcolm X Park has been a popular cruising area for Gay men, mostly men of color. Since August 2018, US Park Police have been entrapping and arresting Gay men there, using 1950's style tactics including directly propositioning their targets. This and police raids on Gay bars were the factors that led to the Stonewall Riot, a three day uprising in which NYC's police were soundly defeated. It has the potential to lead at any time to violent confrontations beyond what police expect, as they found to their sorrow on June 28, 1969. The GLBTQ community has refused to tolerate this kind of assault since Stonewall.

Mock statue of liberty set up at US Citizenship and Immigration "Service"

On the 14th of August, opponents of Trump's racist pogrom against migrants set up a mock Statue of Liberty outside the Mass Ave offices of the US Citizenship and Immigration "Service." The statue bore an inscription welcoming migrants in many languages at the base. Security removed the statue after USCIS acting director Ken Cuccinelli took a selfie with it, carefully cropping out the inscription at the base welcoming migrants

Video originally published by CommonDreams.org of security removing statue after Cuccinelli's cropped selfie
