Breaking: alt-right (NAZI) Steve Bannon exits Trump admin

Steve Bannon has just quit or been fired as Trump's strategy chief. Bannon's previous position was with Breitbart News, known as the news outlet of the alt-right and home of James O'Keefe III, infamous for doctored videos targetting everything from ACORN's voter registration drives to organizing efforts against the Deploraball.

Bannon was widely regarded as the alt-right's strongest link to Trump's White House. In the wake of Charlottesville, it has become plain to the whole world that to so-called "alt-right" is really nothing more than outright neo-Nazis. Some call themselves white nationalists, some are old-school Ku Klux Klan, and some (known as the "alt-light") try to avoid the overt display of Nazi symbols while still preaching the same racist doctrines.

In the wake of Trump's refusal to clearly condemn the murder of Heather Heyer and the far-right violence in Charlottesville have intensified examination of Trump's own ties to the so-called "alt-right." In this environment, the overt ties between Bannon and the Nazis have become too much of a political liability for Donald Trump, so Bannon is out. Unfortunately, the things Bannon stands for no doubt will continue to be part of the Trump administration.

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