Park Service shooting deer in Rock Creek for second week in a row

Video-where the deer killers are closing park roads 1 min 49 sec

On the 3ed of December, National Park Service's USDA "Wildlife Services" deer shooting operation was back in Rock Creek Park for at least the 4th and probably the 5th time this season. They had been confirmed present on Nov 26,27, and 29 but not Fri Nov 30. It is suspected but not confirmed they also were present Nov 28.

The Park Service can claim all they want this is for the benefit of the forest, claiming young trees are almost absent in the park. In reality, there are big stands of small-diameter, young trees in some cases just a few hundred yards from the areas where deer are not being shot every year just for being deer. There is widspread suspicion the true reason for the deer kill is to protect the precious paint and bodywork on commuters' cars.

At the end of the year, the Park Service always releases a press release boasting about how much venison(deer meat) they gave to DC Central Kitchen to feed the homeless. There is a problem with that in a city: few city residents and few of the homeless have ever eaten venison before, and any kind of wild meat is radically different than the factory farm meat from morbidly obese animals most urban meat eaters are used to. The meat thus tastes a lot different, and many have complained about this meat. On top of all else, there are reports of children in family shelters asking in at least one previous year whether their meat came from Bambi or from Rudolf the Red Nose reindeer!

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