Kavanaugh gets yet another neighbor-organized residential protest on Int'l Women's Day

Video highlights of the dance party for women's rights at Kavanaugh's house 1 mn 52 sec

The 8th of March was International Women's Day. Protests were held all over the so-called "United States" against an expected Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs Wade. Here in the DC area, "Injustice" Kavanaugh's Chevy Chase neighbors organized yet another protest at his house. This time around the protest took the form of a dance party.

Last time protesters showed up at Kavanaugh's house, he was there and ordered Chick-Fil-A, perhaps the most homophobic of all common fast food vendors. This time around, again someone showed up with a delivery which was assumed to again be Chick-Fil-A. Last time Kavanaugh opened his door to receive the shitty food he had ordered. Thinking better of the security implications of this, he apparently took the delivery this time by a rear or side door of his house.

You know you have a very serious issue when your neighbors organize protests in front of your home and invite others to show up not just once but over and over again. Kavanaugh clearly is not welcome in Chevy Chase, perhaps he'd be happier in McLean, VA or perhaps in a wealthy suburb of Miami, FL.

One man made a very serious attempt to disrupt the event, getting in people's faces and going right up to the line for assault charges. He challenged everyone he could to fight, no doubt intending to run for the cops about 1/2 a block away if he was not already working with them. Nobody bit on the bait, and his attempt to blind cameras to photographing his face using a flashlight backfired when an Indymedia videographer managed (using a bare hand) to reflect some of the light back onto his face. His tactics were reminescent of those of Westboro Baptist, which is known for attempting to provoke fights so they can lawsuits to support themselves.

Dance party in the street in front of Kavanaugh's house

Kavanaugh's house in the background

This is the man who attempted to disrupt the protest by getting in people's faces, blustering threats, and challenging people to fight him

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