Fred Sainz of HRC protested for defending Jeb Bush

Former HW Bush staffer Fred Sainz is now the Human Rights Campaign's Vice President for Communications & Marketing. Unfortunately, he has defended Jeb Bush in statements to the Washington Post citing his stance on Gay marriage even though Jeb Bush also supports "religious freedom" bills to legalize businesses refusing to serve or hire GLBT or otherwise gender varient folks. On Jan 11, protesters showed up ouside the offices of the Human Rights Campaign or HRC, demanding that Fred Sainz repudiate this support for religious bigotry.

The back story to this is that Fred Sainz grew up just two doors away from Jeb Bush and spend years working for the GOP. He left the GOP in 2004 after George W Bush publicly attacked Gay marriage, yet now seems willing to accept Jeb Bush's support for religious "freedom" to fire and refuse to serve people who don't meet their standards for gender conformity. Since he is a senior executive at the HRC, this is a serious problem: either his childhood playmate Jeb Bush needs to stop supporting bigotry or Fred needs to stop defending Jeb Bush. Otherwise the HRC needs to replace Fred Sainz or stop claiming to represent GLBTQ people.

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