Two arrested as Code Pink confronts Kerry in Congress over ISIS and war plans
On the 11th of March, Code Pink confronted US Secretary of State John Kerry as he spoke before Congress to support US military intervention both against ISIS and in the Ukraine. Two members of Code Pink were arrested. One point Code Pink was making is that US intervention created ISIS/Daesh, so it stands to reason that more US intervention will produce more terrorism.
Code Pink had to specifically remind people over Twitter that being against more US war does not mean supporting Daesh. Here is some history explaining how supporting US intervention can in fact end up supporting Daesh:
Daesh grew from the so called "Islamic State of Iraq" which was a "coalition" wrapper around al-Qaeda in Iraq, which in turn began as Zarqawi's group "Monotheism and Jihad." This group and its sucessors would not have existed without George W Bush's 2003 decision to invade Iraq. There are very few diseases that are cured by more of the same thing that created them, and many feel this applies to the cancer known as Daesh.