Jews United for Justice holds rent control street theater demanding loopholes be closed

On the 20th of October, Jews United for Justice set up a "share the harvest" sukkot (booth) outside the Wilson Building, then staged a ceremony in which paper chains with six gaps were joined together to demand that six crucial loopholes that make DC's rent control law nearly useless be closed.

Councilmember Anita Bonds and Councilmember Robert White Jr both participating in stapling closed paper chains symbolizing these loopholes:

1: Hardship petition process used by landlords to get exceptions

2: Seniors and disabled people getting extreme rent increased

3: Lack of legal representation in landlord-tenant court

4: Landlords advertising lower rents than actually charged

5: Both the 2% annual increase and vacancy rent increases

6: Landlords circumventing tenant's first right to purchase when buildings are sold

Video showing symbolic closure of all six loopholes

Closing loopholes in DC rent control-symbolically today, for real tomorrow!
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