Witness Against Torture demands Obama close GITMO

On the 6th of January, Witness Against Torture held a protest near the White House demanding that Obama shut down Guantanimo Bay before he leave office. If GITMO is still open on Jan 20, Trump is expected to resume sending new detainees there. By pre-emptively closing it Obama can obstruct another part of Trump's fascist agenda.

The 11th of January will mark the 15th anniversary of the opening of Guantanimo Bay, seen throughout the Muslim world as one of the most profound symbols of US oppression of Muslims. As they have every Jan 11, Witness Against Torture will march symbolic hooded detainees in orange jumpsuits through the streets on DC in protest of this anniversary and of Obama's broken promise to close this hellhole.

Some have even compared Guantanimo Bay to a concentration camp, under incoming "Fuhrer" Donald Trump those comparisons will probably before far more frequent.

Photo by Code Pink

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