Closeup of the helmeted fascists as they ran the gauntlet
MAGAt fash follow just behind the helmeted fascists
A huge march arrives in Lafayette Sq just after the fascists, joining with ANSWER and other groups already counterprotesting there
Unite the Right II's fascist turnout was a tiny fraction (maybe 10%?) of the turnout from the deadly 2017 Unite the right fascist rally in Charlottesville, VA
Why we fight: one reason
This cyclist is a confirmed fascist. He claimed to have videotaped antifascists prior to the event, and falsely claimed everyone was surrounded at a ten block radius
Why we fight: another reason
Lus Cannon photo of fascists on their special Metro train from Vienna to Foggy Bottom: Can you explain this broken promise, Mr Paul Wiedefeld and WMATA?
Spectacular Oren Segan photo from Charlottesville