
Photo by Kevin Bond

The replacement for the sculpture banned by NPS probably over GOP concerns for nudity etc.


The Abraxis Dragon was on site


Still from Catharsis DC's live video footage


The famous "Peacewalker" seen at antiwar protests back at least as far as the 1980's was there


Spectacular Catharsis DC long shot of the fire dancers


The Abraxis Dragon on the early AM Nov 12 march to the US Capitol (Photo by Catharsis DC)

The view from the Reagan building on 11/19/2016, last NPI event there

Charlottesville Aug 11, 2017. THIS is what happens when Richard Spencer is given a platform


And this: Charlottesville Aug 12 2017 shortly before the car attack.


And this: Still from the Oct 28 "Alex on Twitter" video of neo-Nazis assaulting an interracial couple in a restaurant after the Nazi march on Shelbyville, TN.

Fernando Pizzaro photo

Cops arresting one of the student protesters


Closer shot of the Hart Building galleries by Helen Parshall

Protesters in front of the Egyptian Cultural & Educational Bureau

Police cars blocked the view of the protest from the street


Protesters lined both sides of the sidewalk on short notice

CWA photo of "Not One Penny" rally by the US Capitol

The billboard truck at Trump Hotel (CWA photo)
