

The Standing Rock Youth Council's 93 mile relay run.

Photo by Lydia Pillis

Still from Black House News video of President's Day protest against continuing deportations under Biden

FTP March subjected to "Kettle and Release" police tactic

March was false kettled as cops harassed marchers in front of this restaurant on 18th st between S and T streets


North bike line of the apparent kettle. This yielded when protesters marched at it, but could trivially have been ordered not to. This is the point of the false kettle tactic: a statement that "we can mass arrest you at any time"


South police line potentially blocking S exit from or by the march


Ahh yes: an unmasked cop, even after all those cops ended up in quarantine from facing unmasked MAGAts on Jan 6

Lots of cops on 18th st during the FTP march. None visible in videos of the previous day's outright Fascist march

A cop tries without success to blind an Indymedia camera.


Lead banner of the march


Shields remind ex-prosecutor Kamela Harris and crime bill author Biden that their past behavior is not acceptable(still from Black House News video)


Another shield calls out cops for letting (other) Fascists control the streets and storm the Capitol on Jan 6 (still from Black House News video)

"Build it Back Fossil Free" marches on the White House from the EPA

The balloon banner


Sign truck at the White House
