
Diner reportedly seen in a Trump hat at some point spits on a Black woman at the They/Them marchl(still cut from YLF-DC video)

Just after the spitting attack(still cut from YLF-DC video)


Bike cops at the Admiral(still cut from YLF-DC video)

Still from Richie MCG video

Bikes take the lead as a march crosses Key Bridge

Marchers on Key Bridge


Graffiti on Key Bridge


Big crowd at U st for the save unemployment insurance rally


Marching on M st by night before the noisy wake-up march hit residential areas


Lead banners in Georgetown


"Hey COVID-breath!" white-shirted cop refuses to wear a mask in crowd at U st


Another unmasked cop waiting to give COVID-19 a helping hand


THIS unmasked cop even attempted to order the photographer to "come here." COVID-19 is all the reason needed to decline


Marching past the big rally to save unemployment insurance on U st

Ugly but true: yesterday's KKK members are today's cops-and police suicides are common

Still from Stephanie Ramiriz Twitter video

Protesters outside Chad Wolf's Alexandria home

DemandDC's big permitted march

The "Take Back our Streets" march from Malcolm X Park blocks I-395


Fuck the Police march confronts upscale diners at a restaurant whose Black Lives Matter sign may have no meaning other than avoiding broken windows


Some of the diners really got into arguing with protesters. Also only some of the diners wore masks.

Police line enforcing mass arrest (photo by Abdallah Fayyad)

Solid wall of cops at near-optimum distance for spreading COVID-19 among themselves (photo by Abdallah Fayyad)
