
The scene outside Councilmember Allen's house as the FTP march culminated there

The "Defund MPD" murel on 5th st NE in front of Councilmember Allen's home was painted the previous night


The march set out from Dupont Circle shortly after 7PM. Another will be on Saturday, June 27 agan from Dupont at 7PM


First target was the upscale Pisco Y Nazco restaurant, where protesters entered the establishment and read off a list of Black and Brown people murdered by police


Second major target was a Whole Foods on H st NE, called out for gentrifying neighborhoods and routinely calling the cops on Black youth and black homeless people

It all began with a violent police assault to retake H st. Police were driven from this position when protesters marched around the block and came in behind them

Patriot Front flees Colonial Parking at 20th and Penn with license plates covered on the first of three vehicles. All had covered plates

Patriot Front had 8 people roaming near Black Lives Matter plaza. The racist stickers they put up were immediately destroyed

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Here they look almost like the Proud Boys at NYC's Republican Club just before than infamous violent assault

Trump's wall, second version again being decorated in one section

Cops wall off St John's church, site of Trump's infamous gas attack on peaceful protesters so he could cross H st to speak there


Bike cops ride into the St John's area


Bike cops walling off the Vermont and H area after a police-initiated incident there for the second night in a row

Front line at 16th and I in the evening

Crane installing Jersey wall base for fence, may have been purpose of entire Tuesday police operation


The bike cops who made so much trouble later in the night


H street retaken


Fencing the pigs installed to protect the racist Andrew Jackson statue

Statue of Confederate general (and possible KKK founding member) Albert Pike coming down right next to MPD (DC Police) headquarters

Making ready to pull it down


Fireworks blaze on General Pike's neck and chest

Park cops used force and violence to keep protesters from pulling down that Andrew Jackson(author of Indian Removal Act) statue in Lafayette Sq

Another view of Andrew Jackson in ropes


On the front line, just behind the shield wall that blocked further police advances and prevented incidents from escalating into stampedes


Shields at low ready after things stabilized a bit
