TPP fast-track "in shambles" after sweetener bill goes down in flames
The Obama/corporate GOP trade agenda suffered a serious setback in a House vote on June 12, 2015. First the House voted down the "Trade Assistance Authority" bill to pay for worker retraining caused by trade deals. This was by a 302-126 margin. Next, they passed a TPA (fast-track) bill that was different than the Senate version. Now there is no clear roadmap, and even Nancy Pelosi is now vowing to stop TPP fast-track, also known as TPA or "Trade Promotion Authority." She said "It's time to SLOW this #FastTrack down." Unfortunately she didn't say "kill it and stake the vampire." Without the TAA "sweetener" bill, many votes for fast-track itself are considered forfeited. As a result, before any conference committe can attempt to reconcile the two different bills, the GOP wants a house vote to "reconsider" the TAA bill. The mainstream news is protraying this as a complete defeat of Obama's trade agenda and the TPP, but as usual the bill is NOT all the way dead. It took half a decade to stake the vampire of the Doha/Seattle WTO trade round after the 2003 Mexico City WTO talks. In those talks, a South Korean farmer publicly committed suicide atop the police barricades, and the next day 20 African nations walked out of the WTO talks. For the next five years there were attempts to resurrect the Doha Round, but in the end they ran out of steam and the victory at Seattle seemed final. The Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP is one part of an attempt to piecemeal the Doha Round, plus the addition of SOPA-style Internet censorship and other new and odius ideas that did not exist at Seattle. The TPP combined with the TTIP Atlantic trade deal and the TISA trade in services deal would essentially be the Doha Round by another name. Ratification of them would be a total repudiation of Seattle and a defeat of everything the anti-sweatshop, andi-globalization movement has fought for since 1999.