Labor Activists storm National Retail Federation demanding living wage and predictable hours

On the 12th of February, many hundreds of labor activsts were in town for the National Jobs With Justice Conference. In late afternoon a massive march left the conference. The march divided into two, with the restarant workers going to the DC Chamber of Commerce and the retail workers marching on the National Retail Federation's DC headquarters. At the National Retail Federation, marchers stormed the building because of this organization's active lobbying against living wage legislation and legislation to stop "just in time" scheduling that leaves workers with unpredictable hours.

Video of labor activists storming the National Retail Federation(3 min)

The view from the back of the lobby where cops kept workers from going to the elevators to go up to the National Retail Federation's offices

The combined march near the start.

Storming National Retail Federation for fair pay and hours
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