Global Zero demands nuclear security summit discuss reducing nuclear warheads to zero

On the 1st of April, Global Zero staged a protest in McPherson Square complete with a full size inflatable replica of a US nuclear missile. The protest was timed for the second day of Obama's nuclear security summit that has barricaded much of the Convention Center area. The protesters called out the summit for not considering global nuclear disarmnament as a solution to the danger that a warhead will be stolen by ISIS/Daesh or some other terrorist group. There are over 15,000 warheads, and terrorists or coup governments only need one to create a humanitarian and environmental disaster worse than Hiroshima, The dangers of dirty bombs and just plain accidents were also cited as reasons to destroy this global stockpile of death.

Video highlights of Global Zero's rally plus a clip of the security zone around the summit

Global Zero rallies near nuclear security summit
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