July 4 Roundup: SCOTUS showdowns, DC black bloc after dark, and reports from elsewhere
On the 4th of July, "Fuck the 4th" and similar abortion rights turned people out in the streets everywhere:
The day started out in DC with a confrontation at the Supreme Court between pro-choice activists and hard core theocrats chanting "Christ is King" presumably to celebrate Dobbs.
Video: confrontation with hard core theocrats at SCOTUS 35 sec
As night fell, a black bloc march issued forth from Stanton Park like the one after Dobbs was released. At least one attempt by police to isolate and arrest a single marcher failed. The march was eventually kettled by very aggressive cops, but marchers managed to get out and disperse safely, not clear how. Over 500 cops appear to have been involved in trying to counter this march.
Video: black bloc night march in DC faces police violence, kettle 2 min 6 sec, by John Zangas
In MD, climate change protesters from Declare Emergency blocked the Beltway at around 12:30PM. Thirteen of them and one counterprotester were arrested.
Elsewhere: "Fuck the 4th" protests took place all over the US including many in known antichoice states.
Lakeland, FL: Showdown w fundies, arrest for bullhorn use Video (3 min)
St Petersburg, FL Video: The big PSL march (1 min 29 sec)
Akron, Ohio: Police fire tear gas at July 4 protesters(link goes to Twitter, includes video