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Red Line Protest For Gaza At White House Draws More Support For Palestinians

DC Media Group - Sat, 06/08/2024 - 22:53

Washington DC—Thousands surrounded the White House Saturday with a ‘people’s red line’ message to the Biden administration to stop funding and supporting Israel’s war on Gaza. At midday, hundreds unfurled and circled the White House with a 2 mile long red banner with names of thousands of Palestinians slain by Israeli military bombing in Gaza. Over 200 groups joined in demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, withdrawal of military forces, and a pathway towards Palestinian Statehood.

The Israeli military is now in its 9th month of a sustained military assault and occupation of Gaza which began on October 7, 2023 and has leveled over 80% of its structures, killed nearly 40,000 women and children, and rendered Gaza virtually unlivable. Nearly 2 million have been displaced with signs that famine has taken hold in parts of Gaza according to a Famine Early Warning Network Analysis published last month.

According to an Al Jezeera report, a full-blown famine was occurring but it was difficult to assess how extreme it was because of the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

A famine is determined to be occurring when certain conditions are met, according to a UN technical definition. These conditions include:

  • At least 20 per cent of the population in that particular area are facing extreme levels of hunger;
  • 30 per cent of the children in the same place are wasted, or too thin for their height; and
  • The death – or mortality – rate has doubled, from the average, surpassing two deaths per 10,000 daily for adults and four deaths per 10,000 daily for children.

Saturday’s giant action was supported by over 200 groups as of Friday, the day before the action was to start with more groups joining the ongoing organizing. An action in support of Gaza and Palestinians with this level of interest would have been inconceivable as recently as last year. This is because there was limited interest in the Palestinian cause for freedom and State autonomy, at least in the U.S.. But general support among Americans has grown this Spring with a wave of university protests in sympathy with Palestinian rights and news coverage of student activism and has spread awareness of the Gaza conflict to the mainstream. With today’s action it is apparent more voices are joining a growing chorus for an end to hostilities and the establishing an autonomous State in Gaza.

Tens of Thousands Circled White House

Buses came from States across the nation bringing 1000’s in a clear sign that political pressure is increasing against the Biden administration. While thousands circled the White House with a symbolic red line banner, others held a mock trial on the White House Ellipse of the key players responsible in the loss of life and destruction in Gaza infrastructure.

Later a group of students set up a camp on the Ellipse after the permit to protest had expired, in furtherance of the action, and as an autonomous event, to which Secret Service responded by circling the encampment and requesting that the students to take their tents down and not camp overnight.

President Biden has publicly warned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at various stages of his military campaign not to cross certain “red lines” with respect to Israeli military actions in Gaza, but PM Netanyahu has ignored every red line warning President Biden has issued.

Lopsided Attack On Gaza Unparalleled

A published report in Al Jezeera revealed the amount of munitions dropped on Gaza was equivalent to two nuclear bombs as of November 2023 with half of those bombs consisting of ‘dumb’ explosive munitions. The destruction of the Gaza territory is nearing a totality as over 1.5 million, more than 80% of Gazans have been forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in tent camps. Conditions are deteriorating much more quickly than previously reported as the most recent incursion by Israeli Military ground forces has limited aid to the beleaguered territory.

Speakers Told Of Human Carnage in Gaza

Mohammed (last name not given), a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement, told of his relatives in several cities in Gaza. “Each household is forced to choose between family members to save and those to leave behind. My family which resided in Has-te-Zahoon and in Red-de-Remon are reduced to mere numbers and displaced across Rafah. My homeland is soaked in the blood of our martyrs everyday and everyday it becomes increasingly difficult to move forward. We are exhausted. We are tired of this genocide on our people.”

Lanna (last name not given), a Student Representative of the District, Maryland and Virginia chapter of the Coalition of Students for Justice in Palestine said that local universities were providing funding to Israel. “These bombs and weapons that are used to destroy our land and our people are supplied by the U.S. and paid for by our universities. Campuses have become cesspools of complicity in the perpetuation of violence and genocide of the Palestinian people.”

Lubna (last name not given), a member of the Palestinian Feminist Collective, said of supporters of Gaza. “To our co-strugglers who continue to stand with us and our people in their darkest days—Palestine is neither an exception nor a litmus test. Palestine is a compass for revolutionary struggle worldwide.”

Brian Becker, National Coordinator of Answer Coalition said, “Only the people can be the red line, not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not Wall Street, and not the White House…only we the people.” The red line reference was taken from President Biden’s warning to PM Netanyahu that a ground attack on Rafah would trigger U.S. abatement of its military support for Israel. The U.S. continues to support Israel.

We will update the actions taken by students at the Ellipse as reporting becomes available. Update pertaining to the student encampment on the Ellipse: late Saturday night police swept through the encampment and removed all the tents after students left the tents behind. There were no arrests reported.

For a photo slideshow of the people’s red line action please visit DCMediaGroup Photographer Ted Majdosz portfolio here.

Video of actions is below.

The post Red Line Protest For Gaza At White House Draws More Support For Palestinians appeared first on DCMediaGroup.

GWU Students Storm Campus With Second Encampment; Standoff Against Police

DC Media Group - Fri, 05/10/2024 - 23:51

Washington DC—George Washington University Students stormed back by the hundreds onto the campus streets on Thursday afternoon. The told of their experiences during a police raid the day before, and then set up a second temporary encampment of tents near the University President Ellen Granberg’s F Street Home. The student-led action came 36 hours after 32 were arrested during a predawn Wednesday morning raid on the U-Yard. The Press coverage was quarantined during the police take down of their U-Yard encampment so there is limited video of the raid. However, students described a disturbing sequence of events during the raid. Their individual stories paralleled a similar narrative of aggression, brutality, and violence from hundreds of police at the behest of the University Administration.

The Students’ fury was plain later on Thursday night after their rally as they again squared off against hundreds of police lining Street F Street and the adjacent campus streets. Students formed a human blockade, condemned the University Administration and violent police aggression, and chanted late into the night.

Their chants, roars, songs, and drums echoed from the homes and dormitories and could be heard for blocks away as they trolled University Administrators and police alike. Live streams sent their messages across social forums such as Tic Toc and Twitter. Their images were streamed as far as the embattled Gaza territory where a million Palestinians are still under siege from an continuing Israeli military attack.

One resident of the city of Ralah in Gaza who gave his name as Mahmoud, spoke to DCMG through an intermediary channel and interpreter, saying that the students had given him new hope and injected a sense among Gazans that something new was happening in the U.S. that could lead to an end of the bombing of his city. He said he had lost many family members and had given into despair in the days before the recent wave of students actions on U.S. University campuses captured attention in Gaza. (See video below of students’ direct action).

Second Student Direct Action Triggers Massive DC Police Response

On F Street the students’ action swelled as more learned of the impromptu encampment. Students named their second encampment “Shahada Square.” Meanwhile police began closing off the George Washington campus for several blocks surrounding the student action to reduce an influx of supporters from joining it. This cascading effect frustrated other students trying to return to their dormitories as well as guests staying at a nearby hotel not involved in the civil disobedience protest.

As the night wore on and tensions began to ease, the standoff relaxed a bit and the students’ actions evolved into dance and a celebratory mood. Later in the night a person was injured in a fall and police opened East F Street access at 19th Street to the student encampment, allowing some to leave the protest and others joined in. Some began to tire from the action which had by then lasted 6 hours.

Once again community support streamed into the new encampment from 19th Street as random vehicles delivered much needed water and food. Boxes of eye protection and breathing filters were sent by someone in support of the students in anticipation of police mobilization.

Students who were arrested during the Wednesday morning spoke during the earlier rally, reiterating their demands to University Administrators to divest from Israel and identify its sources of investment there.

The students’ version of events ran parallel on a theme that the University Administration had needlessly ordered a DC police assault of their peaceful encampment, wrongly disparaged their reputations as being anti-Semitic, and had not engaged them in a meaningful or good faith dialogue at any time during their two week occupation of U-Yard. The students iterated the elements of their creation of a peaceful encampment, inclusive to a diverse range to religions of which many came to pray in harmony with one another for peace in Gaza, for the safety of the Palestinian People, the successes of their camp, and their vision of a society where all races, creeds, and orientations are respected and included. They spoke of their collective accumulation and allocation among themselves and the community of knowledge, shelter, medical assistance, educational resources, and safety which they shared generously.

The students’ version of events at the encampment they built countered the University Administration narrative that they were dangerous, destructive, and engaged in activities offensive to the community. And they condemned the University president for disparaging them. They spoke of the betrayal and deep injuries the felt both emotionally from the University Administrators and physically from the police who brutalized them when no one was allowed close enough to witness it.

In no uncertain terms, the students condemned the early morning Wednesday police raid on their camp and decried the needless disposal into the trash of their equipment, including personal tents and belongings, medical supplies, a people’s library, food and supplies, which included laptops and study materials they were using for their final exams, and dozens of prayer mats used during Muslin services.

One student said that their computer equipment was in their tent during the raid and by being woken up in the early morning hours, they were disoriented and unable to retrieve their bedding, clothes, and belongings before they were taken away. They declined to give their name because the University had previously suspended other students involved in the U-Yard encampment.

The students said they may have been evicted from the camp but they were not leaving and by that they meant they would continue Solitary to the Palestinian people and continue resisting the University’s financial support for those involved in the Gaza destruction and oppression of Palestinians. They would continue to rally for the Palestinian people even if it meant they could not continue with an encampment.

The students were not alone at their encampment. Several professors came out in support and and spoke about their distress in the way students had been treated during the eviction. They expressed worry that the University Administrators created an unhealthy academic environment by not being earnest and resourceful with the students in a dialogue to mitigate the grievances in a meaningful way. They declined to give their name for fear of retribution for supporting the students and their second encampment action.

Yet the students acknowledged their experience was but a shadow of the experiences of the residents of Rafah, Gaza, and those forced from their homes in the West Bank.

By 11:30 pm police began issuing warnings to leave the area or face arrest. Organizers decided to end the encampment. At just before midnight hundreds began marching again and a decision was passed among them to return home. Only one student photographer was arrested after the march ended but he was released without charges.

Voices of Some Students Arrested

Some of the students speeches are transcribed below as follows (They are included at the end of the video without personal exposure for privacy reasons).

Student Speaker 1:

“Over the past 13 days of our encampment I continued to think of the Palestinian children in Gaza who held signs for GW. Their eyes that were on the encampment gave us strength but our eyes are hyper focused on Gaza, Rafah, the West Bank, and all of Palestine.

“We built this liberated zone from the ground up. We imagined a world where public safety was not reliant on incarceration, policing, and surveillance. Where our art was made for us beyond the dictates of capitalist hierarchy, liberal governance, and commodified interests. We imagined a future that was made for the people and by the people and we materialized it.

“The Administration is terrified of the world we built—a world where food, shelter, medicine, art, and knowledge were collectively distributed—a world where our existence does not line the pockets of the ruling elite. And so they took that world away from us.

“I was one of the students whose own university arrested me. Before I was arrested I watched as these fascist pigs indiscriminately destroyed our art, our collectively accumulated resources, and our community infrastructure. It drives me (expletive) mad but this madness is the most rational thing that we can feel. The violence we faced is just an echo of the brutal destruction that Palestinians face every day.

“I was reminded of the homes that are bulldozed by zionist settlers in the West Bank and the entire neighborhoods that are decimated by U.S. funded rockets in Gaza. The Palestinians who have withstood far worse destruction on their homes and neighborhoods are our compass. Their resistance breathes life into ours. Their resistance provides us voice to sing in the holding cell and we will continue to sing when the zionist entity tries to silence us when we chant ‘we are not leaving.’ We don’t mean the physical space which we refuse to abandon. We mean the solitary we hold and embody with the Palestinian people.”

Student Speaker 2: This student is a disabled person and disability activist who was arrested in their wheelchair and stated they were improperly and unsafely harnessed while being transported.

“They thought they could get me alone, that they could put me in solitary, and they could intimidate me and i’m here to tell you that they (explicative) could not. We’re out here to say all eyes on Rafah and we are not backing down. We are here for Palestine.

“As a disabled person I center a lot of my activism on the ten principles of disability justice. And the two that I’m thinking about are cross-movement organizing and collective liberation. The ableist violence of the cops showcases the ways our struggles are connected and the ways our liberation is intertwined and also shows the importance and power of our solidarity. The fact that they needed to bring out 500 riot cops shows how scared they are of our power and we are not leaving.”

Speaker 3:

“They put our stuff in a (expletive) truck and destroyed it; tents, medical supplies, and food. They brutalized our students. They arrested (and) ppepper sprayed them. They felt that pepper spray for hours. And yet we are out here again because if you look at Rafah; if you look at Gaza, you know we have to be out here to continue the fight.”

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DC Police Raid George Washington University Student Gaza Campus; 31 Arrested

DC Media Group - Wed, 05/08/2024 - 23:14

Washington, DC—The student led Gaza solidarity protest at George Washington University Yard was raided in the predawn hours of Wednesday, May 8. Police arrested 31 and charged them with unlawful entry while four were additionally charged with assault of a police officer. All those arrested were released by the early afternoon of the same day. Jail supporters waited for each student’s release and provided emotional support, food, drink, and comfort to them once they were released. Nearly all those arrested were students and none of those arrested were reported as being “outside agitators” as the University Administration claimed had taken part in the camp.

According to GW Hatchet, a campus publication which has closely covered the Student led Gaza Solidarity Camp since its beginning, hundreds of police raided and cleared the camp with several police using pepper spray against protesters. A report of any injuries was not available. Live media coverage of the event was not possible because police had forced closure of H Street before the raid.

Students had renamed University Yard (U-Yard) the Liberated Zone, Gaza Solidarity Camp, and Solidarity Camp. The U-Yard was 1 day short of reaching a 14-day milestone of continuous occupation, making it among the longest running university protests in the country. The students vowed to remain encamped in University Yard in defiance of University Administrators orders to leave, or stay until the university administration met their demands.

The items left in the Gaza Solidarity Campus in the early morning hours were reportedly thrown in the trash after police arrested and removed the students refusing to leave. This included all the personal tents, the library tent and its remaining books, and the people’s garden, A box of Korans was among the books left in the library and available for the public as of late Tuesday night.

Students at other local Universities had followed GWU students’ example and staged Gaza Solidarity protests at Howard, Gallaudet, and American Universities. Many social justice movements in the community also joined with students’ efforts to message the press and the public about the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza; the urgency for restoration of basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care needs; and an end to the occupation of the Gaza territory.

Students Were Prepared To Stay Indefinitely

From a tactical point one could argue students could not have picked a less defensible place to stage an occupation. This is because the encampment was occluded on three sides by academic buildings with only narrow exits through sidewalks at the southern corners near Bell and Lisner Halls.

The remaining access from U-Yard to H Street was largely blocked by a 4-foot wall and bushes. The H Street access was a narrow one-way street already blocked by police cars at its two ends. Any police plan to raid and evict the GWU “Liberation Zone” and prevent support from assisting the students could do with minimal teams and few riot police—or so it would seem.

But the spirit of students and community supporters had from its outset made the GWU Gaza Solidarity encampment vibrant and wecoming to the community. The students created a safe space for those sympathetic to the Palestinian struggle and it attracted many students from other Universities as well as visitors from the community. It was self-evident that those who went to the encampment found promise and hope in the students’ messages about ending the Israeli military brutality and freeing Gaza with a path towards statehood.

One could also argue students in U-Yard had by the early Wednesday morning eviction, succeeded. Their strategy of pushing the Free Gaza narrative into the front pages of American press by engaging the DC, Maryland, and Virginia community along with and dozens of international press organizations, was evident throughout their occupation with press coverage of daily activities.

There were always students building art projects and painting banners with a focus on the Palestinian struggle in Gaza. There were rallies in U-Yard almost every day. The students wanted the focus to be on Gaza, not on them, and they went to great lengths to keep the discussion on Palestinian rights and on deteriorating conditions in Gaza. It was not their intention to be the story. But by Tuesday night, on May 7, so much attention was already being focused on the students as the result of evictions from Universities in other cities that they became intertwined in the story about Gaza.

Some could argue that they were becoming somewhat of a international sensation, both from the perspective of the international press coverage but also from the flailing narrative imposed against them from detractors saying that they were “potentially dangerous” and using “hate language” tantamount to “antisemitism.” None of those types of behaviors were ever displayed for if they had been, such instances would have been publicized in the media. And the extensive community support the students enjoyed would have quickly dried up.

The student press liaisons engaged international media every day at 2:00 pm to spread the story about Gaza in their narrative beyond and they succeeded in reaching a wide range of international press reporters with their messages. Their messages were on topic about Gaza and efforts to dialogue with the University Administration.

Aljazeera set up a mobile news station on H Street and broadcasted it’s afternoon report about the Gaza Solidarity encampment. Aljazeera reported from U-Yard every day since the students began their occupation. One of its journalists spoke to DCMG about why they think the student’s’ messages are important and how the wave of protests across the U.S. is sending out beacons of hope in Gaza and in the occupied territories. The journalist shrugged at an Israel Government decision Sunday to close the Aljazeera news station in Israel, and confiscate their equipment, saying, “It will not stop us from reporting the truth about Gaza.”

Other press organizations including local reporters, news organizations from Turkey, Jordan, South America, Asia, independent media, and among many others, a documentary team was videotaping a full-length report to be released later this year.

On Sunday night the U-Yard encampment was visited by a large contingent of about 100 from Jewish Voice for Peace. JVFP prayed from Hebrew scriptures for about a half an hour and then and sang songs. Many watched as they prayed. Earlier that evening a nightly Muslin prayer had occurred just after sundown. The U-Yard students welcomed and respected faiths and diversity throughout its occupation.

The community embraced the Liberated Zone as well. There was a steady stream of food and supplies sent from area businesses. There was so much support in supply delivery that students generously offered anyone visiting the camp to eat and take as much as they liked and needed.

Students Set Up An Inclusive and Diverse Safe Space

Then there were the students themselves; concentrating on completing their final courses, writing their course theses, and keeping the Liberation Zone clean and clear of obstacles, despite the pressures on them. The camp tasks seemed mundane, and included many such as serving catered meals from the kitchen tent, staffing the medical tent, picking up and removing trash, and hosting classes, but were are all being efficiently completed.

On Saturday afternoon several were giving instruction about social justice concerns related to the Attack on Gaza. A group of activists were giving a class about excessive consumption and resource misallocation in the center of University Yard on Sunday. About 50 sat listening intently. There are several classes given by both students and community social justice activists every day. Many different groups found affinity with students’ zeal, energy, and undying belief in themselves and their purpose.

The medical tent was always staffed with at least three medical persons. They were both welcoming and helpful, always asking how they could help anyone who walked to the tent.

This same approach was seen at the food and supply tents which were stationed outside the U-Yard on H Street. These tents were always staffed and the students running them were helpful. No one was refused a meal or an item they needed.

Political Pressure Brought Against Encampment

The House Committee on Oversight, a Committee of the House with the responsibility over local governmental affairs in Washington DC, planned a meeting on Wednesday afternoon about the student protest at George Washington University. The Committee planned to call Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Pamela Smith to testify Wednesday afternoon but following the raid and removal of the encampment, the House Oversight Committee canceled the hearing.

George Washington University Administrators met with several organizers to hear their demands last week but made no comment and left the meeting after organizers iterated their demands. Another student provided DCMG a copy of a general email that GWU President, Ellen Granberg and Christopher Bracey, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, sent to students telling them to immediately cease their protest and leave University Yard.

The email accused the students of engaging in “hateful language” and ordered them to “vacate University Yard immediately.” The email further offered Anniversary Park, as an alternative for daily protest use daily until 7:00 p.m. The students declined several requests to leave so it was then that University Administrators decided to call DC police to assist GW police in eviction, according to the email. The first eviction attempt failed as students overwhelmed the police and de-arresed a student. Seven students were subsequently suspended.

The GWU Student Campus Gaza Solidarity Zone Evolved Into A Community Activity

If one had visited the U-Yard over a period of days they could see the students gaining confidence and courage about their protest. The number of tents had grown from 20 on the first day to over 160 by the weekend. Several student supporters from Columbia University in Yew York City travelled to GWU and put up a Columbia University Flag which was repurposed into a banner and painted over, reading “Evicted So We Came Here.” Columbia University students were evicted on Friday night from the Hamilton Hall Administration building after negotiations towards decampment fell apart.

The Library Tent, named after famed Poet and Gaza University Professor Reefat Alareer, killed in an Israeli airstrike on December 6 last year, doubled to a second carrousel and of books covering diverse topics on community interests. A person from the company which published his book, “Gaza Writes Back,” left multiple copies of the book as well as other books at the memorial library. Three women from The Black Radical Mutual Aid Library brought more books on a cart Tuesday night, just before the raid. Their delivery of several dozens books were free to anyone who wanted one. The books were quickly picked up by students and visitors. More books were coming into the library than were going out and the library was a popular attraction.

The metal barricades were removed from University Yard center on Saturday. It freed up more space for student’s use and the area was turned into a miniature school with several open tents placed there to create an open air classroom. On Sunday afternoon many took part in a massive embroidery marathon making Palestinian flags.

A Palestinian flag continued to fly on a flag pole in front of Lisner Academic Hall. Students had raised the flag, replacing the American flag last week. The University administration replied by unfurling a giant three-storied 50 foot long by 30 foot wide American flag and draping it from the roof of Lisner Hall. Students replied to this by staging a light show on Friday night over the flag and transformed it into an illuminated photo of President Joe Biden with the caption “Genocide Joe.” On Saturday a tussle between George Washington University Police and students resulted in removal of the Palestinian flag from the flagpole. Students responded by putting flags on their tents and stringing banners from the trees. The University had boarded up entrances to the academic buildings around U-Yard with plywood and had assigned security guards in front of each building facing University Yard. But there was no evidence the Administration needed take such precautions because the students were neither destroying property nor breaking into any buildings.

The People’s Garden had grown too as more plants were added; nasturtiums poppies, oregano, aloe, parsley, and magellan have been added. Some of the tent had shoes and potted plants placed neatly outside them.

The Liberated Zone took a deep washing from mother nature over the weekend with rain falling from Friday night to Sunday night, dampening the tents and turning parts of the turf into muddy parcels. Students stayed off the grass as much as possible and collected most of the banners and signs before they were damaged. Sleeping bags and laundry were collected and washed.

The medical team put up water resistant tarps and moved most of the spare medical supplies into the main tent to prevent water damage but it still took days for everything to dry out. The staff continued helping many with medical services upon request.

May 4th was the 53rd anniversary of the Kent State University shootings of unarmed students protesting the Vietnam War as Ohio National Guardsmen moved in to remove hundreds of students protesting U.S. bombing of Hanoi and Cambodia. Michael Marceau, a Vietnam Veteran, and President of Local Chapter 016 of Veterans for Peace, visited the Liberation Zone wearing a sign reminding students and visitors that University protests were not the first time that forces of the State were sent in action against unarmed students and it wasn’t going to be the last time. He visited the students to warn the of possible outcomes when one goes up against the State and described from memory the State response. He was then a Soldier and deployed to Vietnam. He described to students how the war and the Kent State University massacre changed him.

With Four students killed and nine wounded, the National Guard Unit involved actually enflamed anger and tilted national opposition against the Vietnam War which hastened the U.S. exit from Vietnam.

The effect of the university Gaza protests is yet to be seen. The story of the fight to liberate Gaza is not ended. Over 2000 students have been arrested at universities nation wide. More protests are spreading at universities around the world. And there are signs political opposition in the U.S. is shifting against the Israeli government invasion of Gaza and against U.S. military support of Israel. This shift was evident at the White House the same day of the U-Yard raid.

On Wednesday night the White House announced it would cancel certain military aid and munitions to Israel if that government proceeded in a ground invasion of Rafah, the last city not so far virtually destroyed by Israeli bombing. According to a published report in The Guardian, President Joe Biden said that he would not supply weapons that have historically been used against cities such as Rafah. The report iterated that further weapons shipments such as guided bombs could be canceled if Israeli ground forces invaded Rafah but made it clear other types of military support of the iron dome would continue. It was the first time Biden publicly announced the possibility of canceling military aid shipments to Israel.

On the last night of the GWU Gaza Solidarity Campus students held a 2 hour rally with speakers and chanting that led into the night. Soon thereafter several hundred marched to F Street House, office building or residence of the University President. All the lights were turned off but police blocked entrance to the steps. The protesters were spirited and remained at H Street House for nearly an hour. It was the last action taken by students before their eviction from U-Yard. Video of some scenes from GWU Gaza Solidarity Encampment is below.

The post DC Police Raid George Washington University Student Gaza Campus; 31 Arrested appeared first on DCMediaGroup.

George Washington University Students Create Gaza Campus Solidarity Encampment

DC Media Group - Thu, 05/02/2024 - 11:03

WashingtonDC—George Washington University students along with students from other universities, supporters from the local community, and some local allied groups, have joined the rising wave of university campus protests currently sweeping the nation. Unlike many other university encampment protests, police and campus security have failed to persuade students to leave and not successfully ejected them from the University Yard, which students have renamed “Liberated Zone.”

Students are protesting the continued War and destruction of Gaza by Israel, and laid out five demands to University Administration for its role in supporting Israel. They are also demanding revocation of the suspension of seven students involved in the protest. Other demands include university divestment from Israel.

The round-the-clock occupation of University Yard began Thursday morning at 5:45 am when a small group of about 20 began occupying the center of the yard and put up a handful of tents. University security and DC Metropolitan Police quarantined the student protesters by erecting metal barricades along the edge of the University Yard facing H Street, the only side fully open to the street. Supporters gathered outside the barricades to provide moral support. A standoff ensued as campus security and police attempted to force them out of the yard, according to a student witness who declined to give their name. Security and DC Metropolitan Police, denied the students bathroom access, food and water, but supporters were able to provide limited relief over the next four days according to the witness.

Outside University Yard more supporters joined on H Street over the next few days to give the students encouragement as the standoff grew.

On Sunday night at about 10:45 PM, dozens of MPD moved in to arrest the 20 students who remained firmly planted in the yard. But supporters stormed and overwhelmed the security and police, de-arrested one student, and stopped any more arrests. The unplanned quick action empowered the supporters who then scaled the barricades to join the students in the center of the yard. The students dissembled the barricades and the University Yard turned into a full-fledged resistance as hundreds joined in the occupation.

The encampment has grown 10 fold since Sunday night and has now been ongoing a week since last Thursday. Over 153 tents in total have been erected in University Yard which includes 16 additional tents erected on H Street.

University Yard Transformed Into A Gaza Solidarity Resistance

The encampment has continued to expand and hold firm as of noon on Wednesday night. More students and supporters have volunteered and joined in the University Yard as word of the GWU occupation spread on social media and in the press. The number of tents increased slightly to about 160 on Wednesday night. The tents include a medical tent, an open library, a food tent, an elongated and continuously operating kitchen tent with a staff of about three providing free cooked meals to anyone who stops by, an art supply tent, meeting spaces, and unisex bathroom tents complete with disposable waterless sanitation systems. Most tents are personal residences where student protesters can rest, change, and repose. It is difficult to ascertain how many are involved in the occupation but at a minimum several hundred are in the park at any given time with many coming and going to classes.

The “Gaza Campus” as they have named it, is also called “Liberation Zone” and has in its center a banner draped pillar of the unevenly stacked metal barricades which were torn down and haphazardly stacked at the climax of the attempted raid late Sunday night.

Students Say Gaza Campus is About Gaza Not About Students

Students are quick to say they’re not there for themselves but standing in for the Palestinians of Gaza. During an early Tuesday afternoon teach-in, over 300 circled in the center of the University Yard to hear speakers discuss the deteriorating conditions in Gaza. They discussed their five demands to the University Administration and their intention to remain in an indefinite occupation until their demands are met: some of which include University divestment from Israel, a moratorium on giving financial support to Israel, and reinstatement of seven students suspended for their roles in the “Gaza Campus” 24-hour vigil on Sunday night.

GWU Gaza Campus: Transforming Resistance

Most protests in Washington DC over the last two decades have been a gathering of hundreds or thousands in a local park with informal speeches, followed by a march through streets with signs; everyone returns home, and everything seems to go back to the way it was. Commerce and traffic return to normal. Washington DC has grown accustomed to this routine. Even the MPD script street closures by the numbers and are as efficient as an atomic clock closing roads.

The round-the-clock University Yard occupation is different. It has become a major thorn in the GWU Administration’s side if not just because it is growing and gathering more supporters, more students, but because it is continuous and gaining more and more support and by the day. The occupation of University Yard is an eyesore for anyone who prefers neatly combed green grass edged with flowering gardens, smarly trimmed bushes, and thick trunked trees aged over 100 years old; the way any ivy league school should be. Yes the flowers have been trampled and the grass has been flattened a bit after a weeks-long occupation. But students have added a sign at the entrance in response, reading, “Don’t like the encampment, keep looking away like you did for genocide.”

The yard’s flowers will bloom again next spring and the grass will regrow once the students leave. But for now the students are standing off against those complicit and unwilling the fix the underlying forces destroying Gaza and its Palestinian communities.

A Walk Through The Gaza Campus

The first thing one sees upon entering the square is that the bronze statue of George Washington has been retransformed from a statesman to the infantry infidel he once was. In the late 1770s his fledgling Army skirmished with the well-supplied and better equipped British forces occupying the rebellious Colonies. He resisted British rule and the British saw him as an insugent. But this time around, George Washington the infidel is wearing a checkered kufiya around his neck and tagged with motifs of the Palestinian resistance. By Wednesday afternoon someone had moved his kufiya up over his head and his neck so that only his eyes are peering out towards H Street. As signs are taken away, more signs are being added to his pedestal: “American compliance nurtures Palestinian Genocide” reads one, “Ceacefire in Gaza Now” reads another and it is the sign at George’s base.

And nearly everyone visiting the University Yard stops to take a picture of the newly repurposed infidel George Washington as he once was and as he is now.

Behind him is a white board with community standards written in green ink:

–No Zionism
–Clean up after yourself and our space
–Ask questions
–Don’t talk to police
–Don’t talk to media unless trained
–grace and patience
–self advocate
–No substances
–No sexual relations
–Respect one another
–Be disciplined
–Have revolutionary optimism
–Do not lose sight of Gaza (written in red)

To the right of George is the Liberation Library, free pop-up library in a tent with a carousel of books about resistance and revolution. A sign requests visitors to return books on the honor system. A copy of Frank Herbert’s Dune is on the shelf as is The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Mohandas Ghandi Essential Writings, Girl Zines, Palestine Studies, and Saving Our Own Lives (A Liberatotory Practice of Harm Reduction) by Sbira Hassan; except that the last word in the title, “Lives,” has been blotted out by black paint, probably accidentally. Many others discuss principles of revolution, self empowerment, and community building. There is a row on Zines laid on the floor; among them, “De-arrest Primer,” “First We Take Columbia (Lessons From the April 1968 Movement,” “DC To Palestine (Linking Our Liberation),” and “Fuck Identity, We Need Solidarity (Pittsburgh Radical Perspective).” Zines are usually anonymously written black and white discussion booklets providing practical guidance for community challenges.

By Wednesday night, Liberation Library has been renamed Reefat Alareer Memorial Library after the Palestinian Poet and writer who was killed in Gaza along with his brother, sister, and their children during an air attack on December 6, 2023.

By the following day, “Dune” has been checked out and other books such as “White Lies” authored by Berger, and “Azerbaijan“ by Soja Bolukbasi have replaced it.

Someone has hand written a poem on parchment titled “I Brought You White Roses,” and left it on the book carousel. It reads, in part:

“In case your mom wasn’t able to pick them up from the souk
I’d like to think you can hear the drum echo from my district to the one your heart beats in
There’s so many cameras
Does it feel like the world is watching your extinction?

Across from the library is a medical tent and team of medical staff; a sign above it reads “Please do not photograph the medical tent.”

Nearby someone has set down a row of portable plant pots, named it the “People’s Garden,” and left a sign requesting someone to check on it and to please water it if the soil is dry. Spouts include Lavender, Mint, Dill, Basil, and rosemary.

The kitchen team is continually busy, its student servers efficiently provide to scores free cooked meals outside the University Yard on H Street. On the menu Wednesday night is black beans and rice, chicken wings and drums, vegan meals with noodles and vegetables, falafels, and salads. There’s coffee, doughnuts left over from the afternoon, and confections from the Middle East and they all taste pretty good. Everything is donated from local restaurants or from the community.

There is another support tent nearby with snacks, hygiene products such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soft drinks, energy drinks and energy bars. The students staffing it urge everyone to take whatever they need since there is more than what is needed. Every few minutes someone from the community drops off more support donations for the students.

Along every pathway are chalked messages written by students of their hope for a free and peaceful Palestine. Students are constantly building signs and painting banners to display throughout the University Yard. Signs are taped on the walls of the buildings surrounding the yard on three of its sides. Nearly every sign will be moved by the next day or replaced by other signs.

Encampment Sets Beacon of Hope

Throughout the day many from the community visit the encampment. Visitors include notable personalities from past campaigns and organizations from across the region. Union organizers, founders of social justice organizations, and supporters are flocking to Gaza Campus. May Day saw a worker’s forum held in the yard center amidst the stacked barricades. Later on a march for Palestinian freedom numbering in the hundreds ended at the encampment and filled the yard with additional supporters chanting for a long time. Their chanting and drums could br hears a few blocks away. They finished chanting so evening prayers could begin. Dozens kneeled on straw mats as an imam intoned the evening prayers.

In a corner by a wall a group of five Latin-American men play resistance songs on their guitars while one sings the lyrics. In the yard center a long greyed haired octogenarian sits and speaks to students gathered around him. Press from around the world walks through the yard recording the tents and banners and captures the scene while a field news person speaks to their audience back home.

Like ripples from a stone tossed into water, the student’s’ activities spread influence through the community and to distant shores abroad. An organizer noted they received thanks from families in Gaza who learned of their solidarity protests. One can never know the full effect on others of their actions, especially since so much attention is focusing on the university protests. But based on the police response in other cities, the protests are working, even if just to focus attention from other world issues.

The effect of the encampment would be limited if not for the students’ intensions and harmonized reflections on themselves as beacons of change. Their interactions with others is peacefully calm and their resistance is in a respectful yet assertive manner. Actions are seemingly taken by individuals without words spoken. One could surmise that there are meetings over channels on a forum chat somewhere online but tasks are completed all around the yard without public discussion. There’s a lot at stake and a 4 year education could be taken from a student for their involvement. Without prompting, some paint posters, others pick up trash and serve food, banners are painted, moved and repurposed; an organizer hails the camp over a set of speakers calling out “Mike Check!” several times until everyone is listening and then reminds everyone of the demands and purposes for their occupation; they are there and not leaving; be mindful of others studying for finals; reflect carefully about intentions; everything they have in the yard—food, water, shelter, medical help, education, and companionship—has been denied to Palestinians.

Many students sit or lay on mats outside their tents and appear preoccupied on their laptop screens and seem disengaged from the Gaza Campus. This is because they are focusing on their last classes of the year and on their final exams. Being involved in a sustained resistance while preparing for college finals is as stressful a situation as any student could place themself. But theres a sign posted on a tree nearby in response to such a musing. It reads: “There are no universities in Gaza.”

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Black Women Blast Atlanta City Hall With Demand To Stop Cop City Buildout

DC Media Group - Sat, 03/23/2024 - 01:04
Mary Hooks spoke outside Atlanta City Hall on Friday, March 22, in opposition to Cop City a privately owned military style police training base currently under construction.

Atlanta, GA—A collective of Black Women of the Movement for Black Lives dropped a 30-foot banner under the atrium of City Hall and demanded Mayor Andre Dickens allow Atlanta residents to vote on whether or not construction of Cop City should proceed in DeKalb County. Outside Atlanta City Hall they displayed banners sewn with samples of over one hundred thousand petitions of Atlanta area residents opposed to Cop City. Several city employees watched the demonstration inside City Hall as the women chanted “Stop Cop City!” and “Black Women Oppose Cop City!”

The Black Women collective were met with over a dozen police both inside and outside City Hall. Police responded by tearing down and destroying banners the women had assembled and painted—one banner read ‘Black Women Against Cop City,“ which they hung from the third floor bannister inside the City Hall atrium. It was torn down by police a few minutes after it was unfurled (video of action is below). Another banner which the women attached to a fence outside and across the street from Atlanta City Hall was also torn down by an angry police officer.

There were no arrests during the banner drop and sidewalk action, however police and City Hall security photographed each participant and videotaped the action inside City Hall, despite it being a peaceful action, a spirited exercise of First Amendment rights, and within the law.

Black Women staged a banner drop in Atlanta City Hall reading “Black Women Against Cop City. Police tore down the banner. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

Several spokeswomen told of the history of police oppression and repression of rights in the fight against Cop City and warned it was an effort to privatize police, avoid accountability, and a threat to the safety of struggling communities across the Atlanta region. If the cop city were to be completed and go into full operation, it would “be police oppression on steroids,” said one of the speakers.

A mother and resident of metro Atlanta said she was concerned that the people of Atlanta were being denied a vote by the mayor. “A $120 million cop city a few miles from where i live does not make me or my children feel safe and does not make me feel good about the prospect of the future,” said Edget Betru, an organizer with Community Movement Builders. “I want the mayor to let the people of Atlanta to decide whether we want this facility and what we want to do with $120 million.”

Cop City Built from Dark History of Oppression

Cop City Atlanta is a $120 million police training facility being built for municipal city police as well as regional police forces to access advanced military tacticics, training, and equipment. This facility will include a Black Hawk heliport, a mock urban combat training zone, firing ranges, military grade vehicles, military grade weaponry and equipment, a K-9 kennel, firefighting infrastructure, and a facility training and support staff. The details of the plans for this military grade training facility could not be obtained as of publication.

The 85 acre site being developed was acquired from an Old Atlanta Prison Farm known as South River Forest in DeKalb County which was abandoned in 1995. The land was previously taken from the Muscogee Indigenous Tribe during the 1830s when the Federal Government forcibly removed and relocated the indigenous owners living there and sending them to a reservation in Oklahoma. This was the beginning of the Trail of Tears at Stone Mountain.

The forest was acquired 2021 for the Cop City project after the Black Lives Matter protests swept the nation in the wake of the Mineapolis Police murder of George Floyd.

Black Women Have Worked To Quash Cop City Through Legal Channels

Mary Hooks, one of the spokespeople at the action said that the construction of Cop City was not the only project being planned and 47 States nationwide had planned 67 similar military grade training sites. Hooks said that Mayor Dickens was not really concerned about the well-being and improvement of struggling Black communities. Hooks pointed out the Mayor had gone against his July 2023 commitment to not intervene in a petition gathering process but has done everything to subvert the petition process which would have allowed a referendum to appear on the November ballot. Under the present policy, if communities gather a minimum 60,000 signatures for a ballot initiative, an issue could be added as a referendum to the next November election. Activists worked for many months to gather nearly double that requirement—totaling 116,000 signatures as of September 2023—in opposition to the planned sprawling military Cop City complex.

Mayor Dickens appealed the ballot referendum on Cop City on the basis that the signatures were gathered by non-Atlanta residents, however, in a lawsuit filing, U.S. District Court Judge Mark Cohen found no basis to disallow the signatures and determined they were obtained legally. Mayor Dickens appealed the Judge’s findings, and so far has blocked the referendum from appearing on the ballot. The Judge has no legal power to compel Mayor Dickens to approve the referendum and place it on the November ballot, but he stated from the bench that the Mayor’s office was the source of “confusion” and “dishonesty” in the referendum process, according to a report published by AP.

Plans Are Forming To Roll Out Cop City Projects Nationwide

Hooks warned that civil rights organizations and social justice organizations of communities in other States must study strategies that the Atlanta Movement for Black Lives has undertaken to learn from its successes and mistakes to stop plans similar to the Atlanta Cop City facility from being built in their communities.

“The public should be concerned the same way we have been rallying about the privatization of prisons and what we have seen coming out of that,” she said. “We should be just as concerned about the ways cop city is being built with private money and who is running it.

Atlanta Cop City is primarily owned by Atlanta Police Foundation, a private organization with no public oversight. Hooks said that its CEO, David Wilkerson was inaccessible and would not answer their inquiries. “They know that we know what happens when people put our power together across color, race, class, gender, and sexuality, and they want to stop it. They want to stop everyday people from engaging in community control,” said Hooks.

Hooks later said at a debriefing the women had plenty of banners for future actions.

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Palestinians March with Supporters In DC for End to Hostilities in Gaza

DC Media Group - Sun, 01/14/2024 - 17:32

Washington, DC—Tens of thousands rallied in Freedom Plaza and marched through the Nation’s Capital in support of Palestinians in what may be the biggest action ever taken here on behalf of Gaza. Awashed in a sea of waving Palestinian flags—black, white, green, red—speakers with relatives in Gaza told of the carnage unfolding in the occupied territory and warned many more innocents would be lost if hostilities did not soon end. Many wore Kufiya scarves wrapped around their shoulders and partially covering their faces. More carried signs with messages such as, “Stop the Genocide,” “Stop Funding Apartheid Now,” and “Free Palestine.”
(A video of the action is at the foot of this story.)

The action was organized by American Muslim Task Force for Palestine, with many organizations such as CAIR, Muslin American Society, Young Muslims, and Answer, taking part. Speakers urged international support be given to Gaza which is suffering under the onslaught of a lopsided military campaign. Speakers demanded the Biden Administration stop all military aid to Israeli forces and put more pressure on the Israeli government to implement a permanent ceasefire. Their messages were also streamed over foreign media services and published on social media for those in Gaza, although it was unlikely very many could receive them since electronic communication inside Gaza was said to be cut off or limited.

The organizers originally planned to rally on the National Mall, however a heavy winter storm saturated the ground and necessitated a move to Freedom Plaza which was dry. Thousands squeezed into the plaza, which itself is one of the largest public spaces available for stationery protests in Washington DC. Even so it was crowded and difficult to access so thousands more occupied the surrounding streets.

Adjacent to the plaza, at the Wilson Building, home of DC Government Administration, someone taped a Palestinian flag to the arm on the statue of former DC Mayor Marion Berry and wrapped a Kufiya scarf around his neck. Across the square, a group of Palestinian youths swayed to old songs sung by an elder about their struggle and living with courage in Gaza. In other places around the square groups paused for afternoon prayers while speakers and protesters fell silent out of respect.

After speakers finished, tens of thousands lined on 14th Street and marched through Washington DC towards the White House. Along the route police stood in lines to guard Starbucks coffee shops.

Starbucks has become a focus of a targeted economic boycott for its support of the Israeli government. This boycott has extended to other retail giants such as McDonald’s fast food chain and BAE Systems, a technology and aerospace company providing support to the Israeli Defense Forces. The campaign to boycott, divest, and sanction has been an ongoing resistance tactic to bring economic pressure on the Israeli government for its blockade of Gaza.

The blockade of Gaza has cost an estimated $16.7 billion in lost economic revenue since the Israeli government began its blockade in 2007, according to a UN report published in 2020. Currently there is an 100 percent unemployment rate as the Gaza economy has collapsed. Much needed food and medical supplies have been reduced as Israeli Defense Forces have closed off the territory and allowed access at only one point.

Art Installation Outside White House Depicts Life In Gaza

Meanwhile, in Lafayette Park at the White House, activists built an art installation to depict what life was like in Gaza amidst the bombing, destruction and occupation. The display contained broken cinderblocks laid in a long pile to mimic destroyed homes, hospitals, businesses, and schools. Between and behind the blocks were dozens of teddy bears. A periodic sound recording of explosions simulated the bombing of Gaza. Nearby a tank filled with red water symbolized the blood of 11,000 children lost thusfar to the continuing bombing of Gaza. An activist added a bottle of red paint to the tank to symbolize the 270 daily average deaths in Gaza since the war began on October 7. A desk with paper and pens was set up for particpants to leave notes to families of the children killed in Gaza by the bombings.

The teddy bear motif is a local DC custom whereby families leave teddy bear memorabilia and written messages to their deceased kin in tree boxes near sidewalks where youth have been slain by gun violence. A spokesperson for the installation told DCMG they did not seek nor were they issued a permit for the installation, which was in itself an act of defiance. No officers of the Secret Service or the National Park Service attempted to force activists to remove the installation, which was a day-long event. Typically such installations are not permitted at that location.

A banner was also attached to the fence reading “Palestinian Children are not collateral damage.”

Tensions Outside White House As Marchers Arrived

Later, as marchers reached Lafayette Park many remained past dusk. A group broke off from the main march and gathered along the fence and tensions rose. They shook a 10-foot barrier metal fence put up the day before. Authorities had erected it about 20 feet outside the Iron fence lining the lawn of the North Portico of the White House. Secret Service responded to keep the protesters from breaching the fence. But protesters’ defiace was driven by a growing sense of desperation for the welfare of Gazans and disillusionment with the Biden Administration’s diplomatic and military support of the Israeli government. No matter what Israeli government actions have been with respect to the Gaza occupation, the Biden Administration has supported it both politically and militarily. Several others distributed “Abandon Biden” signs.

As night fell, and tensions continued growing in the park, Secret Service were dispatched to a portion of the fence to keep protesters from breaching the outer temporary metal barrier. There was one report of an arrest in Lafayette Park for an empty holster and nearby police reportedly pepper-sprayed a protester.

International Consensus Expands Against Israeli Government Actions in Gaza

The war between Hamas and Israel is nearing its 100th day. Based upon the October invasion of Gaza, a blockade of Gaza imposed by the Israeli government since 2007, and the ensuing degradation of livability there, South Africa has filed a petition before the International Court of Justice alleging Israel is committing Genocide in the occupied Gaza territory. In it’s application South Africa argues Israel should immediately suspend its military operations and take all measures within its power to prevent genocide.

The application was filed on December 29, 2023, and supported by all the 57 members of Organization of Islamic Countries, The Arab League, Bolivia, Columbia, Brazil, Jordan, Turkey, The Maldives, Namibia and Pakistan.

Attack On Gaza: Prelude to Regional War

Uncountable numbers of munitions have been dropped on Gaza, many of which are unguided “dumb bombs” which have a high probability of missing targets and kill or injure many innocents caught in crossfire. The structural damage to Gaza is also incalculably extensive as well—Gaza has a growing resemblance to the destroyed cities of Germany during WWII.

Unguided munitions used by Israeli Defense Forces account for nearly 50% of bombs used on Gaza, according to a published report. The report was the result of a U.S. intelligence assessment verified by three CNN sources.

Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into Israel and taken hostages, 100 of which remain unaccounted for. Lebanon has also fired rockets into Israel in sympathy with Gaza. Israel has attacked Lebanon as well. Most recently, and in the last few weeks, Yemen has become involved in the war as Houthi rebels launched drones and guided missiles towards shipping lanes in the Red Sea. In response, an Alliance of Western nations led by the U.S. and U.K., attacked radar sites and bases in Yemen over the last 2 days. Houthi military commanders promised a massive response in retaliation.

With escalating tensions and military activities spreading, the region continues to stumble towards a runaway regional conflict.

The UN has reported that 85% of Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced as a result of Israeli military operations in Gaza, with over 23,000 killed and 56,000 injured, many of them women and children. On Friday the UN met to discuss the Middle East crisis. “The UN relief chief told ambassadors that any Gazans forced to flee the enclave must be allowed to return “as international law demands.”

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Green Groups Rally On Earth Day, Warn Fossil Fuels Imperil Life As We Know It

DC Media Group - Mon, 04/24/2023 - 17:28

Washington DC—Over 40 green groups rallied on Earth Day at Freedom Plaza to celebrate the Earth’s natural beauty while calling on world and local leaders to get serious about ending the use of fossil fuel energy sources. The Saturday event saw hundreds join a in panorama of environmental and social justice messages on a common theme: any further delay in ending carbon based energy sources-oil, methane, and coal, and continued reliance on these energy sources—would lock in rising global heat levels and imperil the existence of all the future generations. 

The Earth itself has already been speaking its own language for several decades by warning us about rising global heat levels. Its message has been been in terms of increasing regional droughts, burning forests, stronger and more potent storms, a die-off of species, warming and rising oceans, melting polar ice fields, and increasing global heat.

Scientists have translated the earth’s language into mathematical terms and in the terms of physical impacts. But the environmentalists of Earth Day have translated the Earth’s messages into the collective practical action that must be taken now.

Global leadership has largely put off Earth’s environmental warnings up to this point. The President’s approval of the Willow carbon energy extraction project in Alaska and his subsequent approval of the North Slope Liquid Natural Gas export terminal with a 800 mile methane pipeline, just this month, illustrates this fact. Global leadership inaction spells out a short-term memory mentality on climate but it has long-term consequences for the Earth and all of its inhabitants.

The Earth itself has a perfect natural memory for its own environment. It remembers every pound of carbon dioxide gas released by burning coal, methane and oil. This also means that additional carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere acts for up to 3 decades as a catalyst by refracting infrared light (heat) into the natural moisture of the atmosphere around it. Carbon dioxide compounds the climate emergency by adding more heat to the atmosphere which is transferred by rain into the oceans.

The NOAA tracks the levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere and publishes quarterly reports on its levels and it is increasing and has increased to levels not seen since in 1000s of years—since before humans began a coal boom energy extraction in Europe during the 1850s

Speakers Warn Of Dystopia By Inaction

One after one speakers told of the worsening climate emergency while hundreds listened and independent media broadcasted their speeches over social media. Some carried messages on sign boards while others wore special outfits. Many discussed the climate emergency among themselves, its impacts on them, and told of what they have come to accept: the Earth as we know it is dying and collectively we have less than a decade to end fossil energy dependence. To delay further is tantamount to a climate outcome worse on humanity than all the wars ever fought.

Speakers’ main points were: (1) There can be no climate solution without acknowledging and solving the human rights issues of those mostly severely impacted in the Black and Brown communities and that the climate emergency transcends political issues; (2) there can be no solution to the climate emergency if leaders continue to greenwash the climate movement by approving more methane, oil, and coal projects that cement more greenhouse gasses from additional fossil energy infrastructure; (3) the funding of climate creating infrastructure by the five major big banks must end; (4) initiatives must begin immediately because in less than 10 years it will most likely be too late.

Inaction on Climate Is Environmental Racism

Nee Nee Taylor, an organizer with Harriet’s Wildest Dreams, a civil rights organization in Southeast Washington DC, connected the dots between the climate movement and institutional racism on Black and Brown people. Taylor said that Black and Brown people in Washington DC and across the country continue to be the most impacted by climate disasters because many Black and Brown communities are converted to sacrifice zones by fossil energy projects and local government policy. Taylor cited the health effects and the climate impacts on low lying rural and urban areas where poor communities are usually housed.

Taylor pointed out in Southeast DC “two trash transfer stations are in Black communities. There are no trash transfer stations in Dupont Circle where Mayor Bowser lives.” This scenario has also been playing out repeatedly in regions across the country, such as in St. James Parish, Louisiana, a Predominantly Black community also known as “Cancer Alley.” St. James Parish is notoriously connected to environmental racism where petrochemical companies are springing up and making Black residents sick with air and water pollution.

“Black people have always been the canary in the mine,” said Taylor. “Environmental racism is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It is an issue of human rights and equality. It is also a global issue.”

Taylor called on the White-led climate justice movement to look closely at itself when calling out the banks, oil, gas, and coal corporations, and its financing of the climate machinery—that they must consider the inherent injustice of not recognizing the impacts of climate disasters on Black and Brown communities. “Until they recognize that Black lives matter, they will never be in a position to combat the climate disaster,” she said.

Extinction Rebellion Washington DC Art Project—Methane Pipeline Cube

Extinction Rebellion Washington DC Chapter Press SpokesPerson Jade Olson, called on DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Council to nix a plan by Washington Gas to invest $4.5 billion in its “Project Pipes” methane pipeline infrastructure investment and instead invest in expanding the electric energy grid. By replacing methane pipes the DC government is locking the city into many more decades of methane use, they said.

Extinction Rebellion Washington DC has embarked on a campaign to challenge the Washington Gas investment in its methane pipeline replacement project know as “Project Pipes.” On its website, Extinction Rebellion DC wrote, “Gas leaks are also a major environmental justice problem. Black, Indigenous and people of color are more exposed to the dangers of leaking gas pipes than white people. Gas utility companies also fix these leaks faster in white neighborhoods.”

Olsen described the methane pipeline cube art installment as taking months to build. It depicts a complex series of pipes interconnected with some open to the air. It demonstrates the futility of continuing to build onto an old design concept that is destined to fail.

Global Impacts of the Climate Emergency

Basiv Sen, Climate Policy Director at Institute for Policy Studies, spoke of the global climate impacts. He said that the U.S. was propagandizing the world with stories it was trying to fix the climate emergency while it was building more fossil energy projects. The two actions could not be reconciled.

“India and the South Asia subcontinent are going through an horrific unseasonable springtime heatwave for the second year,” he said. “This is part of the international impact of the continuation of the fossil fuel economy” He pointed out that the U.S. produces 25% of the global use of fossils and is addicted to carbon based energy sources.

Elders Join Third Act to Fight The Financiers of Fossil Energy Projects

Lawrence MacDonald and Lisa Finn of Third Act Virginia, an organization of elders fighting for democratic norms and advocates for climate justice joined the youth-led action on Earth Day because they believe they can learn from youth and help them with the climate emergency.

“The generation that was in power when climate went from being a problem to being an emergency has an obligation to support young people in demanding action and end the fossil fuel era,” said Mac Donald.

Finn, said that she would not have come out to Earth Day previously because did not know anyone involved. She joined Third Act Northern Virginia and it has given her a connection to the community and a sense of achievement. She is committed to helping other groups such as the youth in the community now because she can focus and work with others in Third Act on the same objectives.

“Forming a community on environmentalism is a big thing. We learn a lot from our youth because they have a lot to teach us,” she said.

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Queer and Trans Youth Lead March for Equality in Washington DC

DC Media Group - Sat, 04/01/2023 - 02:02
Queer and Trans youth took to the streets in Washington DC demanding equality, recognition under the law, and an end to violence against them. Photo: John Zangas/DCMediaGroup

Washington DC—A march for Queer and Trans Youth Autonomy was joined by nearly 500 on Friday afternoon near the U.S. Capitol without incident despite a coordinated right-wing media blitz condemning it. The march was led by hundreds of Queer and Trans youth demanding the same civil access and equality under the law as is enjoyed by others in society.

The action was coordinated on Trans Day of Visibility, a global initiative to call an end to violence against the Trans and Queer community, and a moratorium to anti-Trans legislation being proposed and passed in States around the country. Marches were also held in cities across the globe.

Many youth activists spoke about their experiences and their growing anxiety of denial of access to healthcare, access to public spaces, oppression at school from legislative actions to deny their identities, and policies being enacted without their say in the policies being decided. They called on allies to join them in their quest for equality and human rights. One speaker drew on the reasoning of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that rights denied to one segment of society threatens the rights for all.

Ryan Cassata, a Trans youth activist who has been educating the public about Trans youth rights, spoke about the bills being proposed in State legislative sessions over the past year. “This year over 435 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced, 21 have passed into law, and more will unfortunately pass into law. Trans youth living in states that are banning [Trans] healthcare will have to wait even longer and waiting for a life-saving surgery is impossible. These bills are violent. These bills are murderous. Healthcare is a human right,” they said.

Cassata vowed the Trans community would not stop fighting for their human rights.

On the Trans Day of Visibility there was some good news despite the spate of mounting opposition to Trans rights in States legislatures. Thomas L. Parker, A U.S. Judge of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Tennessee, granted a temporary restraining order against legislation that would criminalize performance of “adult cabaret entertainment” in places that could be viewed by a person not an adult.

The law was passed by the State Legislature and signed by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, this month (March 2023) and would in effect prohibit Drag Queen Story Hour events. The legislation was tailored specifically to target Drag Queen participants from enjoying any public event such as family educational venues where children were present.

Judge Parker found that the State had not established any credible reason for denying the First Amendment rights of the persons affected and that it was “unconstitutional” on the basis for which it was passed.

The Tennessee District Court Ruling is here.

Another separate rally and march for Trans rights was planned for Saturday in Washington DC near the Supreme Court but was postponed due to a credible external threat of violence. Organizers determined that the public health and safety of the community was under a credible serious threat and though they had been planning the event for several months, they decided it was in the best interest of the community to postpone it to a future date.


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Elders Lead Third Act Climate Action At Major Banks In Washington DC

DC Media Group - Wed, 03/22/2023 - 22:13
Elders sat in their rocking chairs outside Chase Bank, one of four banks, in a 24 hour demonstration to draw attention to the financiers of the climate emergency. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

Washington DC—Elders picketed outside the branches of four major banks for 24 hours on Tuesday to call out their financial support of fossil fuel projects which are contributing to the worsening climate catastrophe. They sat in rocking chairs in front of the bank branches just blocks from the White House—warning them to stop funding fossil fuel energy or the planet will be unlivable within several decades.

A coalition of green groups organized by Third Act urged the banks to transition off of carbon based energy—oil, gas, and methane, and immediately and exclusively finance renewable energy sources—wind, solar, and geothermal, instead. The elders targeted Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, Citi Bank, and Bank of America, because they are the four major financiers of fossil energy, sinking a combined total of $1.2 trillion in the fossil fuel industry over the past 7 years.

Third Act is a relatively new climate organization founded by Bill McKibben in 2021 and a organization for elder citizens in their ‘third act’ of life. The four banks financial loans to fossil projects is one quarter of all fossil fuel financing, according to Third Act, consisting mainly of elders—folks 60 years and older—but many youth also took part in the rocking chair action over the 24 hour period.

As the sun came up on Tuesday morning and warmed the elders they were still lined on the sidewalk in their chairs, drinking coffee and chatting to the passers by about the worsening climate to be faced by generations to come. The planet is already beginning to suffer from the affects of carbon induced heat but in the years to come it will get much worse.

Many sat inside sleeping bags through the night as it was an uncharacteristically cold night. Some had enlarged photos of their grandchildren displayed on posters. They gave flyers to workers passing by educating them about the climate emergency and urging them to move money into green banks. Many workers asked why they had stayed out through the night—the Elders told them of their grand-children and great-grand-children to help them understand what who would be impacted most by the worsening climate conditions.

Later in the morning, those involved in the rocking chair action joined in a mile long walk from Franklin Park to the branches of the banks where the Elders were picketing to call out the banks for ignoring scientific research that demonstrated the climate emergency is rapidly worsening global climate conditions. Clergy from Churches, Synagogs, leaders from climate organizations, and union members spoke of what was to come if banks continued funding fossil energy projects. A scientist also spoke—something scientists rarely do—as they are pressured by their organizations to not speak publicly about the climate emergency. See video below.

Freeman Allen, an Elder from Charlottesville, Va, and member of Veterans Service Corps, joined Third Act because he was alarmed that enough wasn’t being done to transition off fossil fuels despite overwhelming evidence its resulting carbon output is responsible for global heat. He became involved with the climate movement on behalf of his six grandchildren, who were in their 20s. He said that they fully supported his efforts to draw attention to the climate emergency.

“The rocking chairs symbolize the fact that we are a group of older Americans deeply concerned about the climate emergency,” he said. He emphasized the climate was not a state of crisis but it was a state of emergency. “The tides are rising and the next two generations are imminently threatened. Species across the globe are going extinct and humans will be next,” he said.

Freeman Allen held a banner he made outside Chase Bank. He joined the climate action on behalf of his six grandchildren who supported his effort. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMediaGroup

Another elder sitting next to him said climate was an issue beginning to affect everyone. Susan Flashman, a retired electrician from a local union in the region, was worried that the U.S. was not doing enough. “Being a large and powerful country, we should be at the front because the countries suffering the most are the ones least able to help,” she said. “Everything is warming up and its changing the whole world.” She spoke about global regional climate impacts like last year’s floods in Pakistan, unprecedented fire storms and droughts in California, and the fact that there was almost no snow this year in the DC area.

A scientist was one of many who spoke during the rally against the banks. Rose Abramoff, who was fired from Oak Ridge National Laboratory for holding a banner during a protest, reading ’Out of the lab and into the streets,‘ said that most scientists want to speak out about the climate emergency but their organizations have warned them not to.

“What was summarized in the IPCC report yesterday is that in the next 10 years we expect to exceed 1.5 degrees celsius, at which point more tipping points become more likely than not. Widespread death of corals, abrupt melting of permafrost, collapse of Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets are things already possible and partially underway,” she said.

Abramoff also admonished that “as a society we have chosen to optimize infinite economic growth which is incompatible with sustainable resource use. Two options await us in the immediate future, climate crisis or climate revolution. Lets choose revolution.”

Later during a second march, activists used water colors on a street art project, resulting in one arrest. None of the elders were reported arrested picketing outside the four bank branches.

Third Act is helping to start a grassroots campaign for the public to transfer their money to ‘green banks’ or financial institutions that do not invest in carbon based fossil fuel projects. This will help pressure the banks to stop investing in fossil fuel energy source projects such as methane gas pipelines, methane extraction, and coal fired generation.


DC Community Protects Drag Queen Story Hour Reading For Children

DC Media Group - Sun, 03/19/2023 - 23:37
The Rainbow Defense Coalition stood between the Drag Queen Story Hour and a hate group to protect children and their parents while they attended a book reading. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

Washington DC—Once again a diverse group of citizens from the Washington DC community showed up to a Drag Queen Story Hour with their rainbow parasols and rainbow flags to protect it from a hate group attempt to disrupt it. The child’s book reading venue was held in Southeast Washington DC on Saturday where similar events have been held.

Inside the children’s story venue, Drag Queen Tara Hoot read stories to the children and their parents while outside a diverse grassroots group calling itself the Rainbow Defense Coalition twirled colorful umbrellas and danced to music playing over a loudspeaker—completely shutting down the hate group nearby. The citizens lined the entire block outside. The Rainbow Defense Coalition concept has sprung into action in many other States in response to right-wing attacks on Drag Queen Story Hour venues, including Florida, Arizona, Maryland, and Virginia.

The hate groups have been spurred by conspiracy and misinformation about the purpose of the Drag Queen Story Hour venues. Right-wing groups have threatened educational community building with harmful outcomes with intimidation, threats, and violence. Several right-wing extremist groups have already assaulted and bullied citizens at previous story hour readings.

The self-described religious group outside Saturday’s Drag Queen Story Hour bull-horned pseudo-religious doctrine and rhetoric, with several in its group trying unsuccessfully to access the venue where the children and their parents were enjoying the reading venue. But those in the Parasol Brigade formed lines with their umbrellas blocking them from the reading hour. They sang and chanted, drowning out the hate language. Others from supporting groups provided security by tracking infiltrators’ movements to keep them at bay. About a dozen DC police stood listlessly around their cars nearby while the volunteer citizens coordinated the street security action.

In the end, their coordination allowed the reading venue to go on without a hiccup, interruption, or incident. After the venue ended inside, escorts saw children and their parents safely on their way behind umbrellas and flags.

Several in the hate group objected over their bullhorn to being compared to Proud Boys, a nationalist group that has bullied and harassed Drag Queen Story Hour venues across the region, but the self-described religious hate group came across in language, tone, and aggressiveness similar to Proud Boy hate groups.

“We Keep Us Safe“

The Rainbow Defense Coalition (recently renamed) has been showing up to Drag Queen Story Hours because the threats from right-wing groups have grown aggressive both online and in presence when the groups show up to harass and disrupt the reading venues. Police have provided scant protection to the venues, if any at all, so citizens organized among themselves. The citizens provide essential support with large numbers of allies and supporters. Their security and organizational tactics have been successful, keeping the venues secure and well-monitored for threats against the business hosting the events, the parents and their children attending the events, and the drag queens holding the events.

Queen Tara Hoot dispensed bubbles and danced after finishing the reading venue—to the delight of admirers. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

After the reading inside ended, Queen Tara Hoot joined the Rainbow Defense Coalition outside, thanking them for their support and volunteerism. Tara Hoot held toy unicorn bubble blowers in each hand and danced outside on the sidewalk to celebrate another successful educational event with the community. The volunteers turned a stressful situation into a scene of dance, laughter, levity and fun, while building community spirit in troubled times. But underneath there was growing worry among many because in many States antiTrans and Drag legislation is being introduced.

For the Trans community recent developments in several States’ legislatures threaten their access healthcare, their identity, access to public space, their human rights, and their lives. For the Drag community some States’ legislators want to take away their rights to perform at public venues, including Drag Queen Story Hours. Some of the legislation being considered is intentionally vague, making it difficult to tell directly that it targets the minorities affected, but the results will undoubtedly harm the Trans community.

Anti-Trans Bills Multiply In States’ Legislatutres

Over the past three months States’ legislatures have tripled the number of anti-Trans bills pending approval. Some bills have already passes States votes in legistures and await final signature. If all the these bills pass they will remove healthcare access rights for transgender persons, access to public spaces for drag queens, threaten their rights to exist, and hasten the end of human rights for other minority classes of the LGBTQIA2S community.

The passage of such bills also signal possible overturn of same sex marriage laws, and decreasing access to healthcare for those with unwanted pregnancies.

According to Trans Legislation, an organization tracking bills being proposed nationwide, there have been 471 bills introduced in 44 states to reduce or limit Trans rights. Of those, 16 bills have passed, 415 are still active, and 40 have been defeated.

Among the States considering anti-Trans legislation is Florida, which now has 14 bills pending. One of the bills, FL S1674 requires exclusive restroom access based on gender, and if it passes, will provide criminal penalties for anyone in violation of the law.

Another Florida bill still active, FL S1320 prevents public educators from referring to gender preferred pronouns, and restricts instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Arizona has 11 anti-Trans bills pending, including SB1702 which prohibits trans hormone therapies, and SB1001 which restricts public educators from referring to a the biological gender of a student.

Access to pending anti-Trans and anti-Drag bills in States legislatures and updates to the progress of the bills can be found here.

Trans Day of Vengeance

The spate of legislation has prompted the Trans community to organize in a way not seen since the Stonewall Riots in New York City 53 years ago. The Trans community is planning a march in Washington DC on the Weekend of April 1 and plan to take their opposition straight to the seat of government at the U.S. Supreme Court. They will have their own security detail accompanying them.

A collective of activists is planning actions in response to State Legislation designed to take their rights to healthcare, limit their public access, and ban their public identities—in effect, activists say they “are fighting back against false narratives, criminalization and eradication of their existence.”

Concerned Neighbors Repulse Proud Boy Hate Group On Day of Rage

DC Media Group - Sat, 02/25/2023 - 23:57
Hundreds of concerned neighbors fed up with a hate group’s oppression stood shoulder to shoulder to block the group—but only one supremest showed. Photo: courtesy of @literarymouse ©️

Washington DC—A grassroots citizens collective calling themselves the Parasol Patrol decisively sidelined a hate group’s attempt to disrupt another Drag Queen Story Hour held in Southeast Washington DC on Saturday morning. Citizens who were fed up with the violent hate group’s attacks in local communities showed up by the hundreds and formed a block-long array of rainbow colored umbrellas, rainbow flags, and grassroots community solidarity to shield children and their parents from the hate group’s rhetoric, taunts, and oppression. But only one supremest was seen showing up, although it is supected that hate group scouts came but left the venue early because of the massive show of concerned citizen solidarity.

Harriet’s Wildest Dreams sponsored the Drag Story Hour which was an all-seats-taken venue with parents and their children enjoying a continuing educational series of children’s book readings about self-empowerment and self-expression. Queen Tara Hoot read to the children and their parents.

After the children’s reading was over Queen Tara Hoot came out into the street to thank the many neighbors who formed a line with their umbrellas and to tell them a story from memory. The story ‘Be Brave Little One,’ was about how to be brave in unsettling times, how to remain calm, and how to remain focused and stay on task in challenging circumstances. After telling the story the Queen told the gathered neighbors of spreading legislative efforts in other States to erase Drag Queen existence, cancel Transgender healthcare, and make Drag Queen art and culture a felony. They warned the neighbors of troubling times ahead if the legislation is not stopped, urged them to become knowledgeable of its effects on civil society, and informed them about aspects of the legislation and its impingement on minority rights.

The Proud Boy hate group has latched onto certain conspiracy information being propagated over right-wing social media channels about Drag Queen Story Hour events. Proud Boy hate groups have been showning up to harass and shut down dozens of the Drag Story Hour events in States across the country.

Today’s event coincided with the hate group self professed ‘Day of Rage’ in which Proud Boys came out on social media threatening Jewish venues.

Last Saturday about 30 members of the local chapter Old Line Proud Boy hate group based in Maryland assaulted multiple citizens who had formed a human wall with rainbow umbrellas to keep the hate group out of Loyalty bookstore in Silver Spring. Store management which sponsored last week’s reading hour, thanked the citizens of the Parasol Patrol for protecting the children while condemning the extremists for attacking citizens.

Last Saturday’s incident at Loyalty Bookstore in Silver Spring may have been a tipping point, however. Over the last week civil rights and grassroots groups connected across several States to buckle down and organize against hate groups and hate legislation. No one expected the turnout of citizen supporters to be so successful as it was today.

One Hate Group Antagonist Showed Up

DC Metropolitan Police were at today’s event and only one person showed up in opposition to the story hour Saturday. Online sleuths used several close-up photos taken of the lone antagonist today to identify him as Bryan Betancur, also known as Bryan Clooney and also known as Maximo Clooney. Betancur was among the 1000s at the January 6, 2020 U.S. Capitol insurrection who tried to stop certification of States’ votes confirming President Joe Biden’s election win. Betancur was arrested on January 18, 2020 for involvement in the insurrection. At the time of his arrest he was on parole for an earlier conviction and was wearing a GPS location device as part of his parole agreement. The device tracked him to the U.S. Capitol grounds on January 6.

For his part in the insurrection he pled guilty to charges of trespassing onto a secure Federal facility and was sentenced to 4 months detention and a $500.00 fine. A U.S. Department of Justice plea agreement Betancur and his attorney signed shows he understood that additional convictions after the plea agreement could nullify the agreement.

It is not clear that his appearance at today’s Drag Story Hour was a violation of the terms of his plea agreement or a violation of his previous parole. But one of the citizens in the Parasol Patrol witnessed Betancur approaching the Parasol Patrol and making a white supremacist gestures with his hands.

The witness, who identified themselves as Bubbles, said of Betancur “We first spotted him coming from the metro. He looked over at us at [name redacted], which is very obviously a queer space with pride flags everywhere, and immediately crossed the street to come toward us. He got close to us and flashed the white power hand sign at the owners, and then crossed the street again and tried to head to story hour.”

Bubbles said also that when Betancur tried to go into the story hour intersection police eventually removed him. Police were insensitive to escort him past the parasol patrol.

DC Police were video taped by @DCHomos escorting Betancur away from the Drag Story Hour on Saturday after citizens told police he was there. Police escorted him him up 8th Strret leave to the Eastern Market metro station. Police may have blundered any goodwill they had earned by showing up to protect the community, as officer Riley, who was being videotaped escorting Betancur, closed the entrance for a short time so he could get onto a train. Police officer Riley, who escorted Betancur looked backwards towards @DCHomo a videographer, he and said, “I feel threatened!”

Incidentally this latest story hour took place just across from the U.S. Marine Barracks at 8th & I Streets Southeast. Thursday was the 78th anniversary of the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima, an epic island battle in the South Pacific during WWII—a World War fought against fascist ideology during which 50 million died worldwide. Nearly 7000 Marines died fighting that island battle alone. The Marines were not involved in today’s incident.

The post Concerned Neighbors Repulse Proud Boy Hate Group On Day of Rage appeared first on DCMediaGroup.

Proud Boy Hate Group Assaults Citizens At Children’s Book Event

DC Media Group - Mon, 02/20/2023 - 11:32
The Parasol Patrol stand holding hands and colorful umbrellas outside Loyalty Books, preventing a hate group from entering to disrupt Drag Queen Story Hour. Photo: DCMediaGroup

Silver Spring, Maryland—A family day story hour at a local book store for children and their parents turned violent outside when about 30 Proud Boys from the local chapter of the Old Line Proud Boys attempted to gain access to the event on Saturday. The hate group members beat, kicked, and stomped on several citizens with one sustaining open flesh injuries to the face. A medic provided first aid on the scene but no hospitalizations were reported.

The Loyalty Book Store and the Parasol Patrol had anticipated PBs would show up to the community friendly book reading—an event sponsored by Loyally Books, so Parasol Patrol formed a line on the sidewalk before PBs arrived. The Parasol Patrol effectivly blocked PBs from entering Loyalty Books with deescalation tactics. Loyalty Books had closed its doors to PBs to protect the children and parents from harassment. Maryland State Police were on the scene during the assaults but did little to protect the citizens outside. In fact as video shows, it was the Parasol Patrol that protected the families inside the venue from PBs, not police, as some news stories erroneously reported on social media.

This particular individual hate group has shown up to events in Washington DC and to other States to disrupt Drag Queen Story Hour readings and to harass families attending them. So it wasn’t a surprise that they would show up on Saturday to intimidate the families and children from attending the latest Drag Queen Story Hour, according to members of the Parasol Patrol.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated the PB organization as a violent domestic hate group. Its leader and members were involved in the insurrection on January 6, 2020, in which a Capitol Police officer died, over 130 Capitol Police were injured or maimed, and an insurrectionist was shot dead inside the Capitol. They were also the MAGA attack on Black Lives Matter Plaza signage in Washington DC, on November 7, 2019 during the Presidential election and in another incident involving hundreds from their group, assaulted scores on the weekend of a pro-Trump rally December 12, 2019. They were present at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. During all these events there were citizens injured and property damage. After the Presidential election they skirmished in the streets and burned Black Lives Matter signage of venerated churches  in downtown Washington DC.

Book Reading Inside Was A Success

Inside Loyally Books, the family friendly event went off largely undisturbed with about 20 families enjoying the Drag Queen Story Hour, according to an inside source who spoke with DCMediaGroup on condition they not be identified. They were not affiliated with the Loyalty Bookstore and they were not one of the parents of the children attending.

They described a scene of joy and of children and parents enjoying themselves who were given friendly greetings with smiles when they arrived. The Drag Queen storyteller, Charlemagne Chateau, engaged the children by encouraging them to participate in dancing to the Hokey Pokey and to enjoy pantomimes as they read to them from books such as Karamo Brown’s ‘I Am OK To Feel.’ In this way the storyteller built children’s interest for books and of reading, and broadened their imaginations, which was the intention of the family event. Parents watched as Chateau interacted and engaged the children to participate.

The subjects of the stories promoted positive self images, allowed children to express themselves, and taught self-love and self-empowerment, according to the source. The author, Karamo Brown, is a celebrated media personality nationally known for his messages of inclusion and self-empowerment of oppressed groups such as the LGBTQIA2S community.

A rainbow flag placed over the window on the inside of Loyalty Bookstore facing the sidewalk, blocked the view outside where the PB assaults took place. The flag was in anticipation of an expected PB disturbance outside and amplified music outside made it all but impossible for children to hear the mayhem outside. The Parasol Patrol played Disney music and sang along with it over a speaker to frustrate the PBs and drown out their chants. And it worked—to a point.

PB Actions Turn Violent

As the PBs realized they would not be getting disruptive access to the bookstore to stop the reading, they began pushing, punching, and kicking a line of community citizens who call themselves the Parasol Patrol. The disturbing scenes captured on video taken by several in the Parasol Patrol depicted the violence. The PBs, who hid their faces behind black skeleton masks and wore combat grade flak jackets, attacked and shoved citizens, destroyed or shredded their umbrellas, and body-slammed one into a glass window cutting their face. Video and photos provided to DCMediaGroup show Maryland State Police on the scene but doing little to prevent injuries or protect the venue from PB mayhem. Police did eventually move between between PBs and the Parasol Patrol Police but only for about a minute and after several were already beaten and injured. Police have made no arrests as of our Sunday publication.

Kristen Mink, Council Member, 5th District of Montgomery County, was stomped and kicked by one of PBs outside Loyalty Books. “Proud Boys showed up in Silver Spring and got violent today, trying to scare away families and children attending Drag Story Hour at Loyalty Books. But the community held a wall of rainbow safety and support. The kids had a great time and were none the wiser. We will never back down,” she posted on Twitter.

She also released a video segment showing a PB assaulting her. “I looked down when I felt someone stomp on my foot. An adult. I just.” The video she released on Twitter also shows the same PB kicking her in the thigh.

One in the Parasol Patrol said the PB assault was an escalation of violence not seen before at any previous Drag Queen Story Hour.

One of the members of the hate group who menaced the Drag Queen Story Hour. Photo: DCMediaGroup

One of the citizens who showed up and joined the Parasol Patrol, said he was there because “Drag Queen Story Hour events have been consistently targeted by protesters who have harassed parents and their children.” John Stimpson was right up front in the line when PBs tried to push their way into the bookstore and he was “definitely shaken by the experience. I wasn’t sure how far they were willing to escalate, however I’m very proud that I was there and I that I was a part of keeping families safe from a violent hate group.”

Stimpson wrote by email of his feelings about the PB group, saying, “The PB claim to be there to protect kids, but that’s a ridiculous lie. The idea that any of the kids who came to this event with their loving parents would be comforted by the presence of intimidating strangers in skull masks is absurd on its face. The truth is they were their to intimidate and harass a marginalized group of people, who in their narrow minded worldview should not be allowed to exist in public spaces.”

Stimpson also wrote that the responsibility for the well-being of others in the face of hate groups is a community-wide imperative. “None of us are free until we are free. It’s vital that people who claim to support LGBT people get off the sidelines and into the fight for their rights.”

Michelle Peterson, a local resident of Silver Spring, also joined in the front of Parasol Patrol line to protect the community venue from PB hate. Peterson was also assaulted several times, being struck by several PBs and shoved as she stood next to others on the sidewalk, but she sustained no serious injuries. She wrote by message to DCMediaGroup about her experiences, saying she totally misread the tone when she first arrived—the PBs were far more confrontational than she expected. “I was holding an umbrella and a Proud Boy started leaning on it. I think it’s pretty clear in the video, you can see me trying to brace the umbrella by the handle, then I reach to support the fabric portion as he leans on it further. Then all the shoving breaks out. And one of the Proud Boys started trying to reach over the top of the umbrellas and started swinging. I wasn’t injured, but my hat was pulled from my head,” she said.

Peterson believes that people are allowed to live as they see fit and just as families of Silver Spring are allowed to live and raise their families, so are others, such as the PBs. But she drew the line on the PBs who willfully imposed violence on others. “No one is forcing anyone to go to these events. These are families that are part of or allies with the LGBT+ community, and they deserve the right to raise their children to be accepting of the community. Same as the Proud Boys are allowed to indoctrinate their children by taking them to church weekly and filling their heads with with racist nonsense. The LGBT+ community deserves our support in their fight for the right to simply exist.”

Loyalty Bookstore Heralds Actions of Parasol Patrol while Condemning Hate Group

The next day Loyalty Bookstore posted the following message on its Instagram channel:

“Yesterday afternoon Loyalty came under attack from hate groups who had tried to force their way into our store during a Drag Queen Story Hour with physical violence. The incredible Parasol Patrol and the Montgomery Country Chapter of Drag Story Hour did wonders to not only to push back and hold the safe space, but to keep cheering and singing joyfully in the face of hate speech and disgusting threats. Because of their efforts, the children inside the store got to enjoy doing the Hokey Pokey, hearing beautiful books read aloud, and basking in the presence of Charlemagne Chateau.

“We are incredibly grateful to the volunteers and our wonderful drag queen for focusing on joy and safety.

“Loyalty will continue with our Drag Queen Story Hour because it is an awesome time for kids and because there is no hate or violence stronger than our community.”

Loyalty Bookstore has put out a request for community help to support its mission of inclusivity of marginalized groups by either volunteering or donating at its website or by purchasing books from their website.

Police Were Ineffective At Protecting Community From Proud Boy Attacks

Twenty minutes after Proud Boys began shoving and striking the Parasol Patrol, police arrived and stepped in between citizens and Proud Boys, according to Sadie Kuhns, who joined the Parasol Patrol outside the story hour venue. They said police were neither helpful nor protective of those attending the story hour venue, and it was the Parasol Patrol who kept Proud Boys out of the Loyalty Bookstore. Video was shaky but it clearly shows who the aggressors were—and it was the Proud Boys. (See video at foot of story)

“Police did not break it up. Out of multiple assaults by Proud Boys, there was only one moment they stepped in to separate, and they pushed us back. They kept us separate for maybe 30 seconds and then stood in the street watching it all happen,” Kuhns said.

Kuhns also pointed out that police were not on the scene when Proud Boys first arrived and it was the Parasol Patrol that kept them out of the bookstore. “Police were not proactive. No barricades, no dispersal, no police line,” they said. They also said it was “just a community creating a barrier of flags and umbrellas and defending a bookstore full of children from neo-nazis.”

In The End Children’s Anonymity and Families Rights Were Protected

After the venue ended The Parasol Patrol formed a gateway to shield parents and children from PBs. They ushered them safely on their way home.

Some expressed concern and surprise that PBs showed up in Silver Spring, a diverse community which welcomes everyone from all walks of life.



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Noam Chomsky Joins Assange Supporters at National Press Club For Belmarsh Tribunal

DC Media Group - Fri, 01/20/2023 - 14:44

Washington DC—Prolific political scientist Noam Chomsky and Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg held court along with noted press rights advocates, constitutional lawyers, and journalists over the continuing imprisonment of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The Belmarsh tribunal was held Friday, 20 January in the spirit of the Russell-Sartre Tribunals of the Vietnam War era. The Assange Tribunal was held at the National Press Club 13 years after Julian Assange appeared at the National Press to speak about the need for a free press. The event and it was open to the public.

Other noted speakers included Jeremy Corbin, the former Labor Party leader of Parliament in England.

Julian Assange, journalist and founder of the Wikileaks website, which released a trove of classified U.S. intelligence transfered to it by Chelsea Manning, has been credited with turning the tide against the U.S. military occupation of Iraq. The release of the documents was the catalyst that triggered a wave of Iraqi opinion against the Iraqi War and its eventual end.

Assange has been held in solitary confinement at the Belmarsh maximum security prison in London, pending extradition to the United States for trial. The U.S. State Department is seeking Assange’s extradition on the grounds that he violated the U.S. Espionage Act.

The Belmarsh Tribunal brought together a range of expert witnesses from constitutional lawyers, to acclaimed journalists and human rights defenders. Its purpose was to present the evidence of the attack on publishers such as Julian Assange, and to seek justice for the crimes he exposed.

If the U.S. is successful in extraditing Assange, he could face trial in the Northern Virginia, in the same court and with the same judge that prosecuted Chelsea Manning for his refusal to testify in a deposition against Julian Assange.

Political scientist and intellectual Noam Chomsky is one of a growing chorus who disputed any extradition justification on the grounds that the U.S. neither has the legal authority to extradite an Australian national, nor the legal basis to prosecute him. “Why should the United States have the power to control what others are doing elsewhere in the world? It’s an outlandish situation.”

The tribunal also hosted Daniel Ellsberg, an employee of Rand Corporation who in 1971 leaked classified documents known as the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times revealing the U.S. was much more extensivly involvement in the Vietnam War than the public was led to believe. Reports published in the New York Times and Washington Post about the Vietnam War helped turn the tide of public support against that war and eventually led to the U.S. exit from Vietnam in 1975.

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Starbucks Coffee Shop Workers Stike As Labor Unions Vow Support

DC Media Group - Tue, 12/20/2022 - 11:09
Starbucks baristas went on an unprecedented 3-day strike in 100 stores. Baristas voted to unionize and put Starbucks corporate leadership on notice about poor working conditions. Photo: J. Zangas/ DCMG

Arlington, Virginia—One year ago it would have been unthinkable that leaders from every major U.S. labor union would show up to support a small group of baristas at the Courthouse Arlington Starbucks. But seven baristas who recently voted to form a union at the Courthouse Arlington Starbucks were swarmed with union support from across the DC-Maryland and Virginia region. Unions promised to stand with and give undivided support to Starbucks baristas in their negotiations for collective bargaining rights with Starbucks corporation.

Union leadership from the AFL-CIO, Teamsters, SEIU 512, DC Nurses, Teachers Unions, and many other unions joined hands in solidarity for Starbucks Workers United, the union working to gain collective bargaining rights for Starbucks baristas across the country. So far baristas at 270 Starbucks coffee shop locations have voted to unionize.

Over 1000 Baristas went on a “Double Down” strike in nearly 100 coffee shops on Friday, December 16. The 3 day strike was scheduled to last until Sunday, but some coffee shop employees voted to strike only for a day. The Starbucks at Arlington Courthouse, a coffee shop in Northern Virginia, close to Washington DC, voted to strike for 1 day. The collective action was unprecedented and hit Starbucks in its pockets as customers were turned away Friday morning from nearly 100 closed coffee shops.

“A year ago today, a group of working class baristas organized the first unionized Starbucks store in the United States. In the span of one year, we went from ZERO unionized Starbucks stores to 270 and almost 7,000 union workers.” Starbuck Workers United tweeted on 9 December, the anniversary of the successful vote to unionize their first store in Buffalo, New York.

“We are not anti-Starbucks. We are Starbucks! We cannot reach our full potential if we are understaffed, overextended, exhausted, and burned-out,” Starbucks Workers United wrote on its website. So far Starbucks Workers United has not called for a product boycott but has urged other union members not to give Starbucks gift cards this holiday.

Organizers of the Double Down Strike asked supporters to sign a petition on the Union website. Organizers were also seeking donations of support for striking baristas because, of course, they were not getting paid for striking. The union was compensating baristas a portion of their lost wages to minimize the economic strain it would cause them.

The wave of labor union support couldn’t be coming at a better time for Starbucks baristas as Starbucks has ramped up pressure against union organizers at stores voting to unionize. Starbucks Workers United reported bullying from managers, sudden shift changes, reduced hours, firings for small infractions, and store closures for employees and stores voting to unionize.

Starbucks Workers United has filed over 900 worker complaints on behalf of its workers with the National Labor Relations Board, a government agency set up to arbitrate issues between corporations and employees. The complaints were reported since the first Starbucks voted to unionize on December 9, 2021, and they stem from bullying, firings, and sudden store closures at locations voting to unionize.

On November 17, Starbucks Workers United membership organized a “Red Cup Rebellion” strike which closed over 200 stores for a day. It signaled Starbucks executives that the union was committed to negotiating for improved working conditions for baristas. But Starbucks corporate officials still declined to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement.

Starbucks Workers United may become known as the ‘little union that could’ if union organizers successfully negotiate livable wages, stable shifts, 40 hour work weeks, and affordable benefits, which are some of the key issues impacting baristas.

Wave Of Bullying Comes After Union Vote

Sam Dukore, a shift supervisor at the Arlington Courthouse Starbucks said Starbucks is not negotiating with the union. His efforts with other baristas at Courthouse Arlington Starbucks to get better working conditions has centered it in what may turn out to be a major battle in the labor movement for worker’s rights to collective bargaining. But voting to ‘go union’ has come with a cost.

Dukore said that after September 30 when his store employees announced their intention to vote on whether or not to join the union, management began to pressure workers with write-ups for minor infractions. The work culture shifted as management used micro-aggressive tactics to bully baristas, according to Dukore. The write-ups were issued for infractions that before then were rarely given at the Arlington Courthouse Starbucks. The write-ups became even more common place after the Arlington Courthouse Starbucks voted to unionize on November 7.

Write-ups were filed against barristas for being late to a shift clock-in by 1 minute, even though baristas had been at the store for their health check. Baristas are not allowed to clock in until their health check is completed. Other write-ups included uniform infractions for improper shoes and write-ups for jeans with small holes or tears, something management did not monitor before the union vote, according to Dukore.

The write-up system is the basis Starbucks uses to terminate employment. Write-ups spell out that a barista can be terminated at any point and it does not follow any particular escalation path. Dukore feels the Starbucks termination system is ambiguous and being used arbitrarily to retaliate. The feeling is that a flurry of write-ups are being used to punish baristas at his store for voting to unionize.

Without a union, Starbucks regards its baristas as ‘at-will’ employees and under the Virginia State labor statutes, can terminate employment without a reason. At-will employment means that an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one, or for no reason without incurring legal liability. Likewise, an employee is free to leave a job at any time for any or no reason with no adverse legal consequences, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures website.

The work environment at the Arlington Courthouse Starbucks became more adversarial and stressful after the union vote, according to Dukore.

One of the Arlington Courthouse Baristas was fired this week but the facts of their termination were not available to DCMediaGroup. Starbucks Workers United has not yet signaled whether it will file an complaint with the NLRB in this case.

Bullying was reportedly happening at other locations such as in Memphis, Tennessee where a Federal Judge ordered Starbucks to reinstate seven baristas it had fired for organizing and voting to join the union.

We Will Stand With You And Behind You

There’s nothing like a friend that stands with you in a time of need and that was the theme spoken by Liz Shuler, President of the AFL-CIO, a labor union representing over 12 1/2 million U.S. workers.

“Workers said enough is enough. They were tired of being treated with a lack of dignity and respect,” said Shuler. “We aren’t asking for much. We are going to keep fighting until we get a contract with Starbucks Workers United right in front of the labor movement leading the way.”

Leadership from every major union joined Shuyer in a vow to support Starbucks Workers United.

Shuler said that 12 1/2 million workers were at her shoulder and her message was clear, “if you have a union thats how you’re protected.”

Starbucks Succeeds But Baristas Left Behind

Starbucks reported in its digital magazine it had 15,444 locations, of which about 9,000 shops were licensed by their corporate headquarters as of January 2022. It also claims over 33,000 locations in 80 countries globally. With a reported $116 billion in gross revenue globally, why would a large corporation like Starbucks fight workers’ efforts to join a union? Its about money and power sharing, said George Atallah, Assistant Executive Director of External Affairs, NFL Players Association.

The NFL Player’s Association has joined in collective union efforts to compel Starbucks CEO, Howard Shultz to respect Starbucks baristas and their efforts to unionize and negotiate with Starbucks Workers United for a collective bargaining agreement. Starbucks attorneys have so far walked out of every meeting within a few minutes of the start of negotiations, refusing to bargain in good faith with Starbucks Workers United representatives, according to Atallah.

“Two issues we have found in our experience with management where they are not interested in negotiations in good faith are money and control,“ said Atallah. “There is plenty of money to go around [but] it can be terrifying to corporations to cede some of that control to its work force,” said Atallah. It is because “they are effectively unable to do what they want.”

For now Starbucks’ profit is very good for CEO Howard Schultz, a billionaire worth $3.7 billion who also owns a super yacht he named “Pi” which is valued at $118 million. With a glass-bottom swimming pool, spa facilities, and a helipad, it is a crown jewel of Starbucks’ opulence. Schultz has also gone a stock buyback spree, amassing over 210,000 additional shares earlier this year which he added to the $1.75 billion in Starbucks stock he already owns.

Starbucks reported in its digital magazine it had 15,444 locations, of which about 9,000 shops were licensed by their corporate headquarters as of January 2022. It also claims over 33,000 locations in 80 countries globally.

Starbucks reported $116 billion in gross revenue globally, and satisfied stock owners. Shultz is opposed to unionization, but as a wealthy billionaire with a glass bottom swimming pool in his 254 foot yacht named “Pi”, why would a successful corporation with excellent revenue flow with everything going for it not fight workers’ efforts to join a union?

Atallah looks at it this way, “Even if their practices are unfair, unjust, and not right, those things [worker’s rights] are not in line with the win-wins we talk about with labor management. They don’t get to just keep all they money for themselves and not treat the employees fairly. There has to be a way where a happy barista means revenue for the company.”



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Activists Disrupt Forced Birth Banquet And Outrage ‘Fake Pregnancy Healthcare Center’ Supporters

DC Media Group - Sun, 12/04/2022 - 21:52
Two grassroots reproductive rights groups Our Rights DC and Shut Down DC disrupted the annual Capital Hill Pregnancy Center Banquet fundraiser for propagandizing reproductive healthcare options for pregnant people.

Washington, DC—On Thursday civil rights and reproductive rights groups Our Rights DC and Shut Down DC disrupted the annual fundraising banquet hosted by the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. Seven activists registered and received invitations to the full-course banquet but did not go to donate to its forced-birth cause or support the hosts’ forced-birth message. They infiltrated the dinner to disrupt it and put hosts and attendees on notice that the fight to reclaim reproductive freedoms for everyone in every State was not going to end anytime soon.

Outside the Marriott hotel over 35 activists chanted and waved flags, banners, and signs, while Arlington Police kept them outside the hotel in the chilly air, off of its property, and on the sidewalk near the street. But that didn’t keep patrons from hearing the boisterous protest. Several groups from the banquet ventured down to photograph and take selfies with the protest group in the background. This drew into question outrage hosts expressed to right-wing Christian media outlets in response to protester’s disruption of their banquet.

The next few days, right-wing Christian media echo-chamber recoiled en masse criticizing the six disruptors (actually there were seven disruptors) who were on the guest list and invited by email. The disruptors attended as Christian guests wearing crosses and other religious garb and enjoyed a free meal. Right-wing and Christian media outlets described their outbursts as “obscene” and “vulgar.” The disruptors did use profanity and security quickly escorted them out of the banquet—one disruptor was shoved by a man at her back as she was already walking towards the exit.

The disruptors celebrated their outbursts as a big win, and agreed afterwards the main course fare of baked chicken was well served but the cheesecake desserts we’re a bit on the small side. Vincent, one of the disruptors who also displayed a handful of bread from the table at which he sat, grabbed it because he did not have time to eat before he was escorted out of the banquet, so he shared his bread with the others. Several of them mused and wondered if the lost loaf was an omen of things to come for the pro-life movement.

The disruptions were timed as jump-out popcorn actions during a speech given by Janet Durig, the Executive Director of Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center.

“Fake clinics hurt people. We held this protest to bring attention to the harm they do, and to highlight the dangerous efforts of Erin Hawley, who is actively working to ban abortion and harm queer kids,” said Sadie Kuhns of OurRightsDC.

“For every real abortion clinic in the U.S. there are at least four fake clinics. Most people probably don’t realize these crisis pregnancy centers exist right here in the DC area,” they said.

The headline speaker was Erin Hawley, wife of Josh Hawley, (R-Mo) who has drawn scrutiny for his role and support of the January 6, 2020 insurrectionists at the U.S. Capitol. “The headline speaker didn’t even show up but spoke on video and their speech was atrocious,” one of the disruptors added.

Meanwhile outside the Marriott activists chanted “Thank God for abortion!” and “Blood on your hands!” to counter critics and demonstrate they haven’t completely been claimed by godlessness. “We won’t give up this fight, healthcare is a human right,” was another chant to notify those watching from above and inside the hotel the activists would continue to show up to reclaim reproductive healthcare in States limiting or banning it as long as reproductive healthcare is being denied to anyone under the Dobbs ruling and subsequent States’ trigger laws.

A projectionist beamed a light-show of messages onto the facade of the Crystal Gateway Marriott, reading ‘Respect Existence or Expect Resistence’ and ‘Beware Toxic Political Poison.’ Several other activists blew soap bubbles with toy wands. There was also an automatic bubble maker. The ‘bubble resistence brigade’ has grown as an act of joy through resistence on a theme the activists have added to their toolkit. They blow bubbles to poke fun at claims by political conservatives in media that they are lawless, making too much noise in neighborhoods at the homes of conservative Justices, attempting to influence Supreme Court Justices, and should therefore be arrested for their actions.

Activists have come out saying such claims are not reality based but propaganda and police posted at right-wing justices’ homes have not yet arrested any of the activists for exercising their Frst-Amendment rights. Activists have consistently liaised with police to be aware of the limitations of their demonstrations.

A root purpose of the banquet action was to expose the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center as a “fake clinic” that was part of a link of thousands of such centers across the country that does not provide reproductive healthcare options such as abortions to pregnant persons in crisis as a bonafide pregnancy clinic would provide. The Pregnancy Crisis Center network is self described as a “faith” based network.

Activists also wanted to debunk claims that centers such as Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center were apolitical—to the contrary, they said in a press release that Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center headlined Erin Hawley via video at its banquet, a lawyer with anti-choice and antii-LGBTQIA2S+ far-right-wing group Alliance Defending Freedom. Erin Hawley was centered in efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade on June 24 earlier this year. It was a long-running campaign she helped come to fruition.

ShutDownDC said in a press release that the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center is a fake clinic—an institution that claims to provide health care to pregnant people but in actuality is run by anti-abortion extremists who use tactics including lies, coercion, and shame to pressure people out of terminating their pregnancies.“

According to Planned Parenthood website, Crisis Pregnancy Centers such as Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center “aren’t legitimate medical clinics, so they don’t have to follow HIPAA and keep information private, like most real health care providers do.”

According to the CDC, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.

One sign read “Jesus loves abortions.”

The Planned Parenthood gives reputable reproductive health information while warning that “crisis pregnancy centers could even give information to other anti-abortion organizations or use it to harass you. This could be especially concerning if you live in a state with anti-abortion laws.”

Planned Parenthood gives a list of warning signs that a pregnant person has been duped by a crisis pregnancy center. “Crisis pregnancy centers don’t provide abortion or offer a full range of health care, and they won’t give you honest facts about sexual health and your pregnancy option—their goal is to spread misinformation and propaganda,” the website reads.

A database of crisis pregnancy centers can be cross checked here and here.

A locator for a Planned Parenthood near you, a reputable healthcare provider, can be found here on their site.

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Starbucks Workers Go On Nation Wide Strike In Red Cup Rebellion

DC Media Group - Thu, 11/17/2022 - 16:45
Starbucks workers took place in a nationwide strike earlier today with over 116 stores taking part. Pictured are workers from the Court House location, Arlington Virginia. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMediaGroup

Arlington, Virginia—The Starbucks at Court House on Clarendon Boulevard was one of 116 coffee shops nationwide that was forced to close for a day because its Baristas went on strike on Thursday morning. Workers refused to open their store and report to work over poor working conditions, poor benefits and low pay, unpredictable hours, and forced understaffing at locations nationwide which they say places workers and their families under undue economic strain. The “Red Cup Rebellion” strike was a also a response to Starbucks management’s refusal to negotiate with its union in good faith.

The strike took place on the day Starbucks rolled out its ‘Red Cup Day’ special offer in efforts to hit back at management for failing to negotiate in good faith with Starbucks Workers United (SB Workers United Union). SB Workers United Union is an employee-led union seeking accountability from management and a share in the corporate decisions that affects workers’ conditions.

The strike was also timed to draw attention from retail customers for their role in the plight of Starbucks workers and to help them understand what the workers are experiencing. While DCMediaGroup reported from the Court House location several dozen customers attempted to enter the store but doors were locked. Some of the customers were surprised at that workers were striking and wanted to know why workers were on strike. They were given flyers to help them understand why workers walked out for a day.

Sam Dukore, one of the workers who took part in the strike said that his store at Court House voted 8-2 on November 8 to join Starbucks Workers United. According to Dukore, the Court House Starbucks opened for business an hour late and had closed by 11 am, 7 hours earlier than its regular closing time. Managers from other locations worked in the store for the brief period it was open.

Dukore said that attorneys for Starbucks were not giving workers reasonable consideration because they would show up to negotiations and within a minute and a half, walk out of negotiations. He also related that Starbucks corporation had over 700 unfair labor practice claims filed against it over the past year by workers who were organizing.

George Atallah, Assistant Director for External Affairs, and a spokesman for the National Football League Players Association (NFL PA), a union that represents NFL players, was also present for part of the Starbucks strike at the Court House location. He expressed support for the barista’s strike on behalf of the NFL Players Association. “The NFL Players Association has a long history being a part of the labor movement across the U.S. and is affiliated with the AFL/CIO. All workers have common issues and common goals. One of those goals we are trying to attain not just for players but for Starbucks workers also, is the support of professional athletes to have basic fairness.”

Atallah pointed out that Starbucks makes billions off the labor of its workers but was not sure the managers of Starbucks were negotiating in good faith with SB Workers United. “The two issues we have found in our experience with management is money and control. There is plenty of money to go around,” he said. “It can be terrifying to cede control to workers because [management] can’t do what they want.”

Dukore was encouraged by the support from the NFL PA and felt that their support would gain much attention to the challenges working people face in retail and the beverage food industry. “I think its amazing that the NFL PA is supporting us because it means we’re starting to get the notice we deserve,” said Dukore.

Starbucks reported raising its starting pay for baristas to $17/hour this past Summer but the living wage in the Washington DC, North Virginia, and Southern Maryland area is double that. Starbucks also reported an historic fourth quarter consolidated net revenue result of $8.1 billion in 2021, an increase of 31% from the year prior.

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Press Freedom Allies Ring Department of Justice in Support of Julian Assange

DC Media Group - Tue, 10/11/2022 - 23:58
Many well-known independent media journalists and free press advocates spoke outside the Department of Justice on behalf of Julian Assange. Photo: J. Zangas/ DCMediaGroup

Washington DC—A who’s who list of press-freedom activists and journalists assembled outside the U.S. Department of Justice on Saturday to demand Attorney General Merrick Garland drop charges against the Wikileaks journalist Julian Assange and not extradite him to the U.S. where he would face charges under the Espionage Act. Assange has been imprisoned in strict solitary confinement at London Belmarsh prison for 3 years where he has faced tortuous psychological mistreatment for his role in the Wikileaks release of thousands of documents during the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

Assange supporters carried a city block-long yellow banner around the Department of Justice while chanting “Free Julian Assange.” It was the fourth time this year they rallied at the Department of Justice in support of the Wikileaks founder and journalist. The action drew more supporters than had been present in all the previous actions there and demonstrated public interest in his release was expanding. A similar action was organized by Stella Moris on the same day around Parliament in London. Over 5000 joined hands circling the seat of government there to demand Assange be released from Belmarsh prison. Moris, an attorney and member of Assange’s legal team, married Assange earlier this year while he was in Belmarsh prison. She previously had two sons by Assange but kept knowledge of this a secret in order to protect them.

Up to now Julian Assange and his legal team have successfully avoided his extradition to the U.S. but it has come at great cost to him physically, emotionally, and psychologically. His wife recently said his health was deteriorating and he had contracted Covid late last weekend.

Over two-dozen well-known journalists and press freedom activists spoke to hundreds who had assembled at the DoJ on his behalf, condemning Merrick Garland and the curtain of secretive intelligence operatives behind him for their role in pursuing charges against Assange. One by one they faulted legal aspects of the extradition proceedings against him and the pending charges, of which if convicted, could carry a 175 year sentence tantamount to a death sentence. They argued the pursuit of Assange threatens press freedoms by undermining a major pillar of democracy—a provision in the First Amendment that the press must be free to report and watch over government. Without a free press government officials cannot be properly examined for wrong doing.

A free press exposed the Watergate scandal during the Nixon Administration, bringing it down and holding responsible those for wiretapping Democratic National Committee (DNC) telephones at its Watergate headquarters in the run up to the 1972 presidential election. A free press also exposed their ensuing attempts to cover up their wrong-doing. It was then established that had the journalists not been able to pursue the story of those responsible for the break-in at the DNC, Nixon could have gained unbridled power to do as he pleased in government.

A free press was also responsible for exposing the Iran-Conta arms trade scandal in 1986 during the Reagan Administration. The bombshell revelations resulted in Congressional hearings showing a secret agreement between the White House and interagency intelligence groups, trafficked hardware in violation of an arms embargo then in effect against Iran. Such stories were the result of a free press having a constitutional right to report what information they develop and keep in check those in power who would stray from constitutional principles of governance.

When Chelsea Manning released thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks without authorization, she exposed war crimes such as the Collateral Murder video that would have remained cloaked in secrecy at the behest of intelligence agencies. Information about the video exposed the dark underbelly of U.S. involvement in Iraq, it illuminated Iraq war crimes, and it shredded the fabric of diplomacy between Iraq and the U.S. It also led the U.S. to eventually withdraw from that war after Iraqi public opinion soured against the U.S. military being there.

There were other truths released on the Wikileaks website that embarrassed the George W. Bush Administration. Among them was the existence of a secret imprisonment facility at Guantanamo Bay and secret methods of torture by U.S. agents of hundreds of detainees rendered from foreign countries during the War on Terror. It was on this Cuban soil where detained insurgents were held for years without trial according to the secret documents released to the public on Wikileaks. The trove of documents also exposed “black site” locations and intelligence agency operations and diplomatic cables.

This placed Julian Assange in the crosshairs of efforts to prosecute him for Chelsea Manning’s massive document dump. The CIA surveilled Assange through cameras inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he sought and was granted political asylum. Later he was made a citizen of Ecuador, while still holed up in its embassy. Under pressure from the U.S. Government, and against Ecuadorian law, Ecuadorian President Moreno stripped Assange of his citizenship to pave the way for his illegal arrest and kidnapping on April 11, 2019. It was during this period when the CIA planned and attempted to kidnap him but he was immediately arrested by police in London once Ecuador rescinded its citizenship and expelled him from its embassy.

The wikileaks founder was cast as a hero among free press advocates and journalists in independent media circles for exposing the truth about wars in the Middle East and the lengths intelligence agencies will go to cover up war crimes. He has been awarded dozens of international awards for journalism and taking a stand against war and human rights violations through his reporting. He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize eleven times.

Voices For Assange and a Free Press

Speakers focused on the free press as essential to the fabric of a republic to hold responsible those in power for what they do or do not do to maintain democratic norms.

Chris Hedges, a long time journalist and writer, and former war correspondent in the Middle East, spoke from prepared comments, saying that the intelligence agencies such as the CIA were ultimately behind attempts to prosecute Assange for violating the Espionage Act and the Department of Justice was carrying out their orders. “Merrick Garland and those who worked in the Justice Department were the puppets and not the puppet masters.” The prosecution and persecution of Assange was not based on law but on revenge, said Hedges. “Because the machine of this modern leviathan was exposed by Julian and Wikileaks, the machine demands revenge.”

Hedges raised jurisdictional issues, arguing it made no sense for the U.S. to prosecute a journalist from a foreign country for a law not applicable to him from another country. And to chase him down eviscerated any conception of a free press in this republic.

A published report claims the CIA planned to abduct and kidnap Assange from the Ecuador embassy in London by spying on him through cameras in the embassy. The spy agency also planned to assassinate Assange.

Esther Iverem, producer of the Pacifica program radio show, On The Ground, Voices of Resistence, said that it was good to stand up for Julian Assange if one believed in a free press. In speaking indirectly to past administrations that have sought to extradite Assange, she said, “You may try to silence Julian Assange but the thing about facts is facts don’t die. They don’t change. They don’t become un-facts. They don’t become untrue.”

John Kiriakou, a former CIA Intelligence Officer and whistleblower who exposed secret waterboarding torture methods used against prisoners taken during the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, and was subsequently prosecuted under the Espionage Act for going public about this fact, said that the public needed to show up for Julian Assange because not defending him would inevitably threaten the rights and freedoms of everyone. He pointed out the CIA engaged in torture programs, secret rendition and kidnapping programs, and established secret global black box facilities where prisoners were held, and could not be trusted because they publicly lied about the existence of all these programs. He said also they were lying when they (Pompeo) said that Julian Assange would be given a fair trial in the Eastern District of Virginia. “It’s up to us to be there for Julian Assange. A crowd like this has to be in front of the court house in Alexandria, Virginia. We have to be there every day doing our part,” he said.

Kiriakou lamented the growing possibility of Assange being brought to the U.S. “A fair trial is impossible for a bunch of reasons. The CIA actively sought to kidnap Julian Assange and surreptitiously bring him to the United States probably to be killed,” he said. “The CIA bugged the Ecuadorian Embassy with audio and video so they could spy on Julian Assange while he met with his attorneys to use the information against him in the United States,“ said Kiriakou.

Kiriakou ended by saying hello to and welcoming the FBI agents who had discretely shown up to surveil the demonstration. “Maybe you’ll learn something from us,” he said.

Short video of the rally and a few comments from several of the speakers is at the foot of this story.

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Appalacian Resistance Warns Energy Bill Will Compound Climate Emergency

DC Media Group - Sun, 09/11/2022 - 23:47

Washington DC—A coalition of dozens of environmental groups from around the country, led by grassroots community organizers, lobbied at Congress and at the White House on Thursday warning President Joe Biden that his agreement with Senator Joe Manchin would further worsen the global climate emergency. They assembled for a rally near the U.S. Capitol in the afternoon where speakers from front-line communities bore witness to the destructive effects the fossil energy industry was having on their health, water, land, and livability. Many held banners and signs identifying their community and their struggle. Nearly 1000 took part in the day’s long event.

Speakers came from Alaska, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, New York, and many states in between to tell of the effects the fossil energy industry was having on their front-line communities. One by one speakers told it was more often than not the pipelines, methane powered plants, fracking wells, incinerators, and supporting infrastructure was being built in or near poorer communities, minority urban zones, and indigenous communities with the least amount of resources and political leverage to challenge or organize against such projects.

Environmental Organizers’ Voices of Resolve

William J. Barber, III, an environmental and climate justice scholar and advocate, who currently works as a Strategic Partnerships Manager at the Climate Realty Project, spoke of the relative recent successes the climate justice movement was having in getting Federal action on the climate action. He said that if the Appalacian Resistance climate justice movement was able to get climate legislation into the Inflation Reduction Act, the movement could do even more if it was at its full strength.

Barber, who is from North Carolina and has previously worked with his father, William Barber, II, on the Poor People’s Campaign, told of his mixed family heritage of African American and Tusca Roy indigenous roots and the impact fossil energy projects had on such communities. He said that voices from such communities were pivotal in moving climate justice forward and such voices needed to be in the rooms with energy giants so they could understand what impact their projects were having on those communities.

“Just a few months ago Federal Climate Action seemed like an impossibility but thanks to the tireless efforts of the voices and leaders like you all that refused to stop we forced Federal Climate action back into the conversation,” he said.

But he warned that there was no time to rest and much more needed to be done. “Our movement, our communities, and our planning is in the fight for its life. We must stand against ant attempt to fast-track projects that make this climate crisis worse.” He mentioned the Mountain Valley Pipeline and the fast-track initiative agreement between Senators Manchin and Schumer as one example of an “attempt to offer up our communities as a sacrifice zones. We cannot have climate solutions without justice justice,” he said.

The Mountain Valley Pipeline project is a 304 mile 42 inch diameter methane pipeline being built between Northwest West Virginia and Virginia that will process fracked methane gas to points South for national use and for export.

Crystal Cavalies, from the Occaneechi Band of Saponi Nation, came to the Appalacian Resistance action to tell of the impacts of the MVP on her community and people. “The MVP is coming through our lands and digging up our burial grounds. Our indigenous people have been made invisible for so long that nobody know and we have to speak up,” she said.

Another participant in the action was Steve Norris, an environmentalist who has worked with Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE) and North Carolina Alliance to Protect Our People and Places We Live (NC APPPL), both of which are grassroots organizations. NC APPPL previously helped fight the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, another methane gas project undertaken by Dominion Energy and Duke Energy and helped stop its construction in 2020.

The MVP will damage farms and communities in Appalachia,“ said Norris, who works on environmental issues in North Carolina and often travels across the country supporting other environmental groups..

Norris said the MVP will enable Duke Energy to fuel 50 methane gas turbines to generate electricity and blow efforts to reduce carbon output at a time when global heating is already having catastrophic consequences across the country.

“This pipeline is like having 20 million additional cars on the highways and we just can’t afford it,” he said. “We just can’t afford another pipeline of this magnitude.” Norris pointed out that although the climate emergency outlook was dim that we could not gove up hope ar stop organizing and fighting projects like the MVP. “The news is not good but on the other had its not good to give up hope because if we give up hope we lose.”

Tara Vamos, a front-line community organizer with Water Watch New York State, said that there is already so little community input when it comes to fossil energy projects. “The deal cut between Senator Schumer and Senator Manchin would gut policy protections in the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). It would gut the Clean Water Act and that would mean that twenty projects a year would get green lit without community input.”

Vamos was resolute that she and her organization would not stand by while projects like the MVP cut through communities. “Its time to get serious about people’s rights, indigenous sovereign rights, and the rights of people living in these communities.”

Climate Disruption Accelerating Globally

The effacts of deteriorating global climate crisis are becoming more and more physically evident as the climate worsens from continuing use of fossil fuels as an energy source—coal, oil, and methane—which are all carbon based energy sources—has gotten much worse, much more quickly, than even the scientists were projecting just a few decades ago. While claims of climate and environmental degradation are relative, there can be no mistaking the environment faces worsening waves of heat as a result of carbon in the atmosphere released by burning fossil fuels.

For those few still doubting there is a climate emergency, one only need look at headline news reports of drought, flooding, fires, and historic heat waves from around the world. It is clear that the time to act is quickly running out and that tipping points—major self-perpetuating climatic events on a global scale—may soon begin to take over the chain of climate events and make moot any action humanity takes to mitigate global heat.

In Pakistan, where 1/3 the country,nearly 35 million, were displaced by flooding since June of this year. The flooding seen there requires world countries to mobilize assistance said António Guterres, UN Secretary-General.

The Secretary-General traveled to Pakistan to view the devastation last week. During his remarks he drew a connection of the floods in Pakistan to climate disruption. “We need to stop the madness with which we are treating nature. According to the scientific community, we need to reduce emissions by 45 per cent until 2030. I’m not talking about the end of the century, I’m not talking about 2050, I am talking about now. Now is the time to reduce emissions. This will be essential in the discussions in Cairo of the [COP27]. But the fact is that we are already living in a world where climate change is acting in such a devastating way.”

In the U.S. midwest, where a decades-long mega-drought is getting worse, Lakes Powel and Meade have been reduced by 3/4 due to the drought, heat, and increasing demand due to drought. The flow of the Colorado River has been reduced by 20% leading to region-wide water restrictions. Seven States get much of their water from these sources. In California an unprecedented 90% of the State is under water restrictions.

A heat dome that lodged over California and nearby states over the last few weeks was responsible for toppling September temperature records across the region. The heat indices have contributed to the ferocity of large fires like the “Mosquito Fire” now having consumed over 50,000 acres as of September 11, and is still raging. This conflagration began on September 6 in the Sierra Nevada near Lake Tahoe and was reported to have induced its own weather pattern in the form of a pyrocumulous cloud resembling a swirling thunderstorm which reached the upper atmosphere.

Crystal Cavalier, Occaneechi Band of Saponi Nation Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG William J. Barber, III Strategic Partnerships Manager at the Climate Realty Project. Photo: J. Zangas/ DCMG

The post Appalacian Resistance Warns Energy Bill Will Compound Climate Emergency appeared first on DCMediaGroup.

Abortion Rights Are Labor Rights Say Activists on Labor Day

DC Media Group - Tue, 09/06/2022 - 22:34
Kuhns and Seilor hold a banner message that democratic norms are imperiled by the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

Washington DC—The tall metal fences and barricades have been taken down from around the Supreme Court and the protest crowds are thin. The street in front has been reopened to traffic but the fight to restore reproductive healthcare rights is still simmering thanks to a group of activists engaged in a grassroots campaign to see the fight through to the midterm elections. They may even continue protests beyond then if necessary.

The activists have still not given up hope that abortion rights can be restored if Congress, both the Senate and the House of Representatives, win enough “blue State” victories in November to enable passage of law that side-steps the Court’s recent Dobbs ruling on abortion.

A modest group rallied for about an hour on Labor Day to remind the public the Dobbs ruling overturned Roe v. Wade, the 50-year Federal law granting access to abortion-on-demand, is affecting millions in 26 States, and that a looming healthcare crisis will only get worse. It was on June 24 the right-wing Court under Chief Justice John Roberts, turned the clock back to 1973 on reproductive healthcare liberties for over 169 million.

The activists held a die-in and walked a short distance to block traffic on
Independence Avenue before police responded a few minutes later, ordering them out of the street. Several handed out a ‘zine’ — an unsigned mini-magazine with instructions and a tutorial on how to obtain abortion pills by mail and how to use them. The zine also explained the basics on how the pills work to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

The activists spoke about the dangers to healthcare the Court’s decision has had on those needing abortions and one of its secondary affects—that stripping bodily autonomy from persons with a uterus will have direct implications on the workforce. For millions already in the workforce it means many will be forced to carry a fetus to term and then have to leave the ranks of the workforce to care for their unplanned birth, something that will disproportionately affect lower wage earners, Black women and minorities especially.

Sadie Kuhns, an organizer with OurRightsDC, who has been advocating for reproductive healthcare on demand since before the Dobbs decision, said that the Supreme Court undermined the very free-market system it typically supported by undermining its workforce. And it undermined its most vulnerable workers at the roots of the labor force by stripping their ability to stay in the workforce under forced-birth circumstances.

Kuhns also railed against the Democratic Party for not taking this Court seriously when it had the chance to do something to protect reproductive healthcare. And although they were angry with the Democrats for not acting when they had the chance, they considered the situation strategically, “I’m pissed the f— off at the Democrats. If we lose Congress we’re done. Please register to vote. Vote for pro-choice candidates,” they said.

Kuhns’ remarks during the rally were a call not only for healthcare justice but economic justice.

Kuhns and Seilor hold a banner symbolizing errosion of democratic norms with the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

Worsening Economic Future Post-Roe

The Turnaway Study, a long-term longitudinal project conducted by ANSIRH, examined the effects on families of unwanted pregnancy. The project researchers followed the lives of 1000 women over a 5-year period to track the social conditions of those seeking and receiving abortions versus those who were turned away. The first-of-its-kind study found:

— Persons denied an abortion had almost four times greater odds of a household income below the federal poverty level and three times greater odds of being unemployed.

— There was an increased likelihood that pregnant persons denied an abortion didn’t have enough money to pay for basic family necessities like food, housing and transportation if they were denied an abortion.

— Persons unable to terminate unwanted pregnancies were more likely to stay in contact with violent partners, putting them and their children at greater risk than if they had received the abortion.

— Continuing an unwanted pregnancy and giving birth is associated with more serious health problems than abortion.

— Existing children of pregnant persons denied abortions were more than three times more likely to live in households below the federal poverty level and they were less likely to achieve developmental milestones than the existing children of women who received abortions.

These findings point to a deteriorating economic outlook for lower wage earners, service industry workers, food service and restaurant workers, and housekeeping service workers. Wages have not kept abreast of inflation since the 1960s and a present day near double-digit rate of inflation, not seen since the early 1980s, has dealt a double punch to lower wage earners, something that’s going to economically stress Black and minority workers at a rate five times the average.

The U.S. is the only developed Western nation that still does not provide a compulsory national program of paid time off for workers needing time to care for an infant after giving birth. This further stresses wage earners at the lower end of the economic ladder.

Coupled with a stagnant Federal minimum wage that has remained cemented at $7.25 per hour since 1996, the economic outlook for wage earners is dim, especially in States like Alabama, where a total abortion law recently went into affect.

The Alabama State Legislature enacted its “most restrictive” abortion law in two generations after Dobbs went into effect. The law makes it a class-A felony for a healthcare provider to perform an abortion with a conviction penalty of 99 years’ sentence, and a 10 year sentence for anyone transporting a person out of State for an abortion.

The Turnaway Study also dispelled a popular belief among some conservatives that abortion leads to mental health issues for those who receive them. To the contrary, the analysis uncovered the opposite affects. The study found:

— Abortion does not increase a pregnant person’s risk of having suicidal thoughts, or the chance of developing PTSD, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or lower life satisfaction.

— Abortion does not increase pregnant person’s use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.

Nadine Seilor, a civil rights activist who has been working on reproductive healthcare access expressed dismay that more weren’t involved in the fight for abortion rights. “We are losing the little thread of democracy we have. We’re losing it even in the face of people knowing it is endangered and not enough people care.”

She has urged people to get involved with their presence and has devoted much of her free time working on reproductive healthcare options for everyone.

Behind The Scenes Organizing Grows As Street Movement Energy Fades

It is inevitable that the initial energy that drives people into the streets on social justice issues eventually fades. But as it’s energy dims it gives organizers an opportunity to build coalitions between people they’ve met along the way and then begins the not so prominent work of organizing behind the scenes in fights for causes.

Planned Parenthood published a state reproductive rights laws and abortion access tracker but warned that abortion rights access are changing as some States are imposing new laws and while grassroots organizations are challenging those laws in the courts.

Planned Parenthood reproductive rights laws and abortion access tracker.

Its website advised that the acts are changing quickly and to check with Abortion Finder Organization for the most recent information available.

Abortion Finder Organization is tracking access to reproductive healthcare across the country and provides this by-State web tool for an up-to-date authority on abortion access: Abortion Guides by State.

Tide Of Opinion And A Federal Response

There are positive signs the public clamor over the Dobbs ruling is forcing the Federal Government to act. It is also triggering grassroots efforts to intervene in healthcare rights for everyone.

Last week on August 29, 2022, the Veterans Administration announced it will provide life-saving healthcare for all Veterans in every State, no matter what the State laws say. In its interim final ruling for reproductive heath-care, the Secretary of the VA wrote, “VA is acting to help to ensure that, irrespective of what laws or policies States may impose, veterans who receive the care set forth in the medical benefits package will be able to obtain abortions, if determined needed by a health care professional, when the life or the health of the pregnant veteran would be endangered if the pregnancy were carried to term or the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.”

The Department of Defense is taking decisive action as well to provide access to reproductive healthcare for those Service members and dependents needing reproductive healthcare. The DoD has signaled it will adopt flexible policies to excuse Service Members from their regular duties to seek reproductive healthcare if needed.

In States across the country grassroots efforts are underway to provide assistance to those wanting access to reproductive healthcare. One example is in the State of Texas where an anonymous group will walk anyone through the process. A video on youtube published by Vice tells this story.

Congress will have the final say in whether or not a new Federal law is passed restoring abortion rights. Photo: J. Zangas/ DCMG

But this still leaves a large segment of the country without the liberty they enjoyed before June 24 of this year. It will be up to the Democratic Party to change the direction of economic and healthcare justice for pregnant persons if they are able to retain and gain Congressional leverage in the midterm elections.

There are positive signs the national clamor for abortion rights issue will make this so.

In Kansas there was an overwhelming 1000% surge of new voter registrations just before a special election was held on August 2 to restrict abortions. Organizers mobilized a “No” campaign and helped to reject the law by a 20% margin. Kansas is considered a deep-red state.

In Alaska, another red state, Mary Peltora defeated Sara Palin a special District election held on August 16 becoming the first Democrat to win a U.S. House election in Alaska since 1972. Peltola, is the first Alaska Native elected to Congress, and the first woman elected to represent Alaska in the House. Peltola ran on a platform of supporting abortion rights.

This was the fourth major special election victory since Roe was overturned in June.

The post Abortion Rights Are Labor Rights Say Activists on Labor Day appeared first on DCMediaGroup.

Abortion Rights Advocates Demand Biden Declare Public Health Emergency

DC Media Group - Tue, 08/23/2022 - 23:11
Our Rights DC urge President Biden to declare a public health emergency and allocate funds for a growing healthcare crisis as a result of tge Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe in June of this year. Photo: J. Zangas/DCMG

Washington DC—Activists from the community collective OurRightsDC, an organization of concerned citizens in the DC metro area, walked to the White House on Tuesday afternoon to pressure President Joe Biden to declare a public heath emergency over rising numbers of pregnancy related health emergencies in hospitals across the country. They carried a hand-painted rainbow-hued banner reading “Public Health Emergency” with signs they also hand made. Several handed out flyers with instructions for pregnant persons to obtain and use abortion pills.

The organizers are known internationally for their 15-week sustained protests, which they refer to “Roe-tests“ at the homes of Supreme Court Justices since early May of this year. The Roetests were in response to the unauthorized pre-release in May of the Dobbs decision and subsequent June 24 ruling with overturned Roe, a 50-year old federal law which enshrined abortion liberties to pregnant people. The organizers have been hounded online for their actions and perseverance but nonetheless have continued their organizing as support for their cause has been overwhelming.

Speakers were critical of a lack of action on the part of Congress to act to codify Roe into Federal law in the decades Roe was on the books but were also critical of President Biden for failing thus far to issue an executive order setting aside federal funding for urgently needed medical assistance in States whose legislators have passed trigger-laws banning abortion.

“Biden introduced a bill to increase funding for police forces across the country. That bill was $37 billion. Where is that money when it comes to abortion rights?” said Sadie Kuhns, who uses pronouns they/them.

“If we can fund the people who are enforcing laws that we are criminalized by [then] we can definitely fund abortion healthcare across the country, we can declare a public health emergency, and we can save people from trigger-laws in States where people are bleeding out on their hospital beds,” said Kuhns.

Nadine Seiler, an organizer and civil rights activist, said that Black women were more likely to be impacted by the Supreme Court Dobbs ruling than their contemporaries because Black women were more likely to be victims of sexual and domestic abuse. “Black women make up 12.9% of the women in the U.S. but are 40% of the women who get abortions,” she said. “Why is this a thing? For starters, Black girls and women are disproportionately raised in sexual and domestic abuse mainly due to systemic racism and its ripple effects [are] impacting the Black community,” she said.

Abortion advocates spoke at the White House on the issues over abortion impact everyone. Photo: DCMG

Carley Hughes, a teacher in the local area said that she was speaking for women everywhere as a mother and as a concerned parent. “I am here because of my love for children and my love for people. Being pro-choice is being pro-child. In Tennessee there are only three abortion clinics. In Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas, there are no clinics providing abortions. Thats zero,” she said.

To support OurRightsDC and their efforts to restore national abortion rights visit this link.

The post Abortion Rights Advocates Demand Biden Declare Public Health Emergency appeared first on DCMediaGroup.
