
Protesters in front of Kavanaugh's house

The march crossing Connecticut Ave


Security presence at Kavanaugh's house when protesters are expected


State's rights: NOT such a good idea


Marchers looping around: lead elements are across the street, tail of march still in front of Kavanaugh's house

Front line just before a very aggressive kettle by Capitol police followed by dispersal not arrests (still from John Zangas video)

Night march near the Capitol as fireworks go off on the Mall (still from John Zangas video)


Earlier: the "Christ is King" yelling theocrats at SCOTUS (Still from video from John Zangas clips)


A T-shirt worn at the Lakeland protest where pro-choice protesters confronted Fundamentalist theocrats and cops made an unlawful arrest of a 13 year old for using a bullhorn


The march in St Petersburg


Lead banner at night march in black bloc

"We the Corporations" the Constitution as interpreted by Trump's Supreme Court

In the streets on Capitol Hill, near the homes of multiple GOP Senators

Blocking signs held by theocrats with Anarchist and anti-Christian signs

The smaller crowd is a few fundamentalist theocrats surrounded by pro-choice protesters, the larger crowd (in back) is the main pro-choice protest


Coat hanger pentagram (inverted "Satan Mode")-people are PISSED


The Summer of Rage forecast by Women's March continues


Blocking theocrats up close and personal


Unlawful arrest for using a bullhorn


Christianity (or at least its widely known Fundamentalist varients) is wearing out it's welcome in many places with all this

Setting up the sit-in at 1st st NE and Constitution Ave

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Photo by Women's March via Twitter

Protesters march by Kavanaugh's house in compliance with laws forbidding "stationary picketing" of a residence(Photo by Melissa).
