Civil Disobedience over GOP Tax Bill rocks Capitol Hill

Video compilation: March on the Senate, civil disobedience inside

On the 18th of December, the US Senate prepared to vote the following day on Donald Trump's GOP Tax Scam bill. Hundreds of protesters swarmed the offices of both the House and Senate, joined at times by pro DREAM Act protesters. The protests culminated in civil disobedience in the Russell Senate Office builidng Rotunda.

A major issue for many of the protesters is health care, as the tax bill still goes far beyond formally removing the (unenforcible) individual mandate from the ACA. While some of the worst provisions have been stopped, the $10,000 limit to deductability of state and local taxes is still forecast to force big cuts in state and local taxes and thus budgets. It is expected that this will cause many states to severely cut their Medicaid expenditures in response. Still worse, the budget-busting, deficit-bloating aspects of the bill may trigger automatic budget cuts including a $25 Billion reduction in Federal Medicaid expenditures. Beyond this bill, the GOP wants to folllow up on removing the ACA's individual mandate by again going back to try and kill the subsidies that allow many who cannot otherwise afford to pay for health insurance to buy it.

Washington Post calls out corporate video media for ignoring the protests on Capitol Hill

Details of what's in the final version of the GOP Tax Bill from

Still from AmpliFire News video clip of the Russell Rotunda die-in

Code Pink doing their part to kill Donald Trump's tax scam bill

Protesters outside Sen Jeff Flake's office (photo by Allison Berkowitz)

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