Submitted by Luke on Tue, 12/17/2019 - 17:57
Dec 17 was the night before the House votes to impeach Donald Trump. All over the US people turned out for protest rallies demanding he be impeached and removed. One of the rallies was in Olney, featuring, Rep Sarbanes, Senator Cardin and Senator Chris Van Hollen.
Huge impeachment march in Times Square 10 sec video by Joshua Potash
Impeachment rally in Olney (Photo by Dana R Fisher)
An impeachment story (Olney, Photo by Dana R Fisher)
Impeachment rally in Olney (Photo by Julia Tagliere)
Donald Trump calls impeachment "open war on American democracy," remember he is commander in chief of the US military
Protesters at Trump Tower in NYC (photo by Aaron Black)
Protesters in Times Square in NYC (photo by Michael Kink)
Olney: protesters line Ga Ave (Bill Christeson photo)