
Anti Keystone XL Tipi encampment arrives on the Mall

April 21: First tipis on the Mall for Reject and Protect

Family members, Code Pink protest Egypt's detention of sit-in translater Mohamed Soltan

On April 21, Mohamed Soltan's two sisters and brother backed by Code Pink showed up at the Egyptian Embassy.
Video-Family members,other Egyptians and Code Pink speak out

In front of the gates of the Egyptian Embassy

Reportback from vegan actions against animal abuse at Ringlings Circus in DC, VA, Baltimore

Last night concluded 5 weeks of "Vegan Actions on behalf of Animals Used as Entertainment" at the Ringling circus.

THIS is what's wrong with the circus

Breaking: Keystone tar sands pipeline decision to be delayed until after election

Once again the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has been hit with a new delay. Reuters is reporting that the State Department is going to extend the "government comment period," likely delaying an decision until after the November 2014 mid-term election.

CCAN delivers 105,000 petitions to FERC opposing new oil and gas pipelines and export facilities

On the 17th of April, Climate Change Action Network(CCAN) delivered over 105,000 signed petitions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) demanding they stop rubberstamping oil and gas infrastructure projects. (video embed in article)
