
Immigrants march on GOP House Speaker demanding vote on immigration reform

On the 9th of April, hundreds of immigrants and their supporters marched up Capitol Hill to the office of Speaker of the House Jim Boehner. He is refusing to permit the House to vote on an immigration reform bill that has already passed the Senate.

Video of the march on Speaker Jim Boehner's office

Photos from ongoing "Act Fast" Mall presence against deportations

After the Saturday, April 5 march to stop deportations, a big tent and stage were established on the Mall for presentations and performances lasting until the closing rally on the morning of April 9

Immigrants march on White House demanding not one more deportation

On the 5th of April, thousands of immigrants and their families and supporters marched from Mt Pleasant Park down 16th st to the White House, bluntly demanding that Obama entirely cease and desist deporting migrants. One of the banners called Obama the "deporter in chief." This, in turn, could indicate that Obama won't be getting any more slack from Latino voters and should be prepared to kiss their votes goodbye if deportations continue.

Video of the Dream March (Liveleak)

NYPD tries, fails to prevent video and photos at Robin Hood March

On the 4th of April, a called for "Wave of Action" began with a Robin Hood march in New York City. Just like the security guards at the State Department, the NYPD attempted and failed to bluff photographers and videographers from shooting video and stills. They issued formal police warnings, and photographers called their bluffs, just like at the State Department here in DC. The first photo here was shot by John Zangas in defiance of the NYPD's unlawful threats.

2nd Day of Keystone protests at State Dept-videographers hassled again

Climate First! is calling for daily protests against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline at the US Department of State. Beginning yesterday activists have met at the Foggy Bottom Metro and walked to the State Department to hold signs and give out fliers. On the 2nd of March, security guards again tried to order activists not to videotape them but were rebuffed.

Video of police orders not to video being defied, followed by video interview with one of the activists
