
The bike party passes St John's Church, site of Trump's June 1 tear-gas enabled Bible thumping photo op

Halloween theme on display as ride passes Union Station

Photo by Keya Chatterjee

Photo by Keya Chatterjee


Scene as Donald Trump spoke by a remote link or maybe pre-recorded


Colonizers up close


Keya Chatterjee's photo of the Oct 11 projection on Union Station

Bike cops blocking the street behind the FTP march

Cops BEHIND a restaurant, as though to consider both the diners and the protesters as equally hostile


A bike cop with NO MASK at the FTP march


Another bike cop wearing his mask improperly, with his nose showing and blowing droplets

Concerned Women for AmeriKKKa's lobbyist bus parked at Dept of Labor just waiting...

A line of bike cops on the left flank of the march(looking back) similar lines were in front of, behind, and on the right with gaps only at the corners much of the time

Bike cops behind the march


Left flank cop line extending ahead of the march near 18th and Columbia


Bike cops on flanks came to close quarters more than once. This came VERY close to kicking off


Bike cops ahead of the march when it was in the Dupont Circle tunnel. Cops also corking the back end of the march, could have been kettled here at any time


Cops maneuver ahead of the protest, preparing for a determined stand at 14th and Columbia

Blocking theocratic anti-choice signs at the Supreme Court

Antichoice sign after a direct hit from some paint


Handmaids and antichoice theocrats face off


Overall crowd at the Supreme Court as the women's march goes by


The main Women's March passes the first set of antichoice counterprotesters.


"We are the granddaughers of the witches you couldn't burn"


Earlier: Women's march passes Trump Hotel


MAGAt Trumpers counterprotesting the Women's March. Their numbers were much smaller than the theocrats

Blockade at the Dirksen building: Photo by Elm

Handmaids for a literal handmaid (Amy Coney Barret's former title in People of Praise)


Anti Trump/Barret protesters some in Tyvek biohazard suits


Barret supporters puts his trust in Jesus, does NOT wear a mask


Women (judges) not interchangeable


Explanation of Amy Coney Barrett's "Handmaid" rank with People of Praise

Image via "Vicky" (Twitter)

Photo from
Note the presence of the word "spread" on one of the signs

Protesters in "Handmaid's Tale" uniforms lead a march protesting Amy Coney Barret, who actually held the title of "handmaid" in "People of Praise."

The march began at the US Supreme Court


"We are the Resistance" a theme going back to the time of J20
