Net Neutrality Activists Assaulted by security at FCC

On the 10th of February, net neutrality activsts unfurled a banner reading "85% of Republican voters support net neutrality" in front of a Republican FCC commissioner inside the FCC. In response they were tackled and assaulted by security guards, who in turn threatened to charge THEM with assault.Even outside the FCC's headquarters security guards continued to harass activists. FCC Commission Tom Wheeler (used to work for Cable TV) now says he is for Title II "common carrier" reclassification of ISP's, but Comcast and other ISP's are pushing back, no doubt callling in old favors. Mr Wheeler need to cut to the chase and put the ball in the endzone, not get himself whistled out by the people for delay of game.

In a further development, it is now being reported that security guards attempted to prohibit anyone from taking pictures of the FCC's building with the banner outside. Their orders were defied and this bluff was called. These security guards have behaved like this before, but like all bullies have little ability to back up their threats. During a late-night "dance party" at the FCC some months ago, they huffed and puffed but were outnumbered and all their orders were defied. This sounds like what these goons really need to experience is a anticapitalist "black bloc" in action.

Video-security guards tackle net neutrality activists inside FCC

Security guards assault net neutrality activists inside FCC headquarters.

Photo taken in defiance of unlawful orders by security guards not to photograph FCC headquarters.

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