Foreign Policy/Imperialism

YPG supporters beaten, kicked by Turkish dictator's security at protest near embassy following White House protest

On the 16th of May, theocratic Turkish president Erdogan showed up at the White House for an official visit with Trump. Outside, supporters of the Kurdish YPG fighters who have nearly defeated Daesh(ISIS) in Kurdish territory protested. Supporters of the Turkish theocrat counterprotested-and someone in the police gave them the space closer to the White House before cops decided to close both the street and half of the park.

Update:Video of Erdogan security squad beating and kicking pro-YPG protesters and ineffective police response.

Video from when the cops closed the park, and from about an hour later

Erdogan's goons kick a pro-YPG protester in the head

Code Pink, Popular Resistance protest as Trump summons all 100 Senators for N Korea war conference

On the 26th of April, Trump summoned all 100 US Senators for a conference generally believed to be about a potential war against North Korea. The dictator of N Korea and wannabe dictator of "North America" have been in a situation best compared to an escalating fight in a crowded restaurant between two heavily-armed, violently psychotic Mafia dons. As protesters set up to denounce the brewing war, the police closed or claimed to close Lafayette Park, as they so often do at "convenient" moments these days.

Video from the Code Pink/Popular Resistance protest

The Shortwave Report 04/21/17 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 

The Shortwave Report 04/14/17 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 

            The latest Shortwave Report (April 14) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

AIPAC protests Day 2

On the 27th of March, at least three different actions were carried out against the AIPAC dinner gala at the Verizon Center. IfNotNow projected an image beginning at around sunset while Code Pink, Avaaz, and others set up on F st where most of the AIPAC delegates had to go to enter. Still another group set up alongside the arena on 7th st about a block further north.

Hordes of AIPAC delegates had to pass protesters to get to the building
