August 2017

Sierra Club holds latest in series of campouts against Potomac Pipeline

On the 30th of June, environmental groups in MD began a "rolling encampment" of camps moving downstream on the C&O canal to oppose TransCanada's Eastern Panhandle Extension, also known as the Potomac Pipeline. On the 5th of August, camp was set up at McCoy's Ferry in Western MD, with the Sierra Club as the organizer for the weekend

Video including interview with MD state delegate Jheanelle Wilkins(D-district 20), who was at the camp to show her opposition to the pipeline.

MD Del Jheanelle Wilkins (on left) at the Sierra Club's camp at McCoy's Ferry opposing the Potomac Pipeline

The Shortwave Report 08/04/17 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,             The latest Shortwave Report (August 4) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {33MB} ht

Forgive Them Hank Skinner,They Know Not What They Do..

    The silence of the United Nations,ACLU,Amnesty International,NAACP and American media on this horrific Hank Skinner Texas lynching,is just as frightening as the planned murder~execution itself..Texas was denied the ability to execute~murder Texan Hank Skinner prior DNA testing by the U.S. Supreme Court,not ordered to lose~destroy his most crucial exoneration evidence and them still want to execute him like 3rd world countries injustices.. This Communist inspired 1988 U.S.

Seven arrested on Capitol Hill demanding Schumer vote NO on Trump's FERC nominees

On the 3rd of August, seven people were arrested outside Senator Chuck Schumer's office demanding he vote NO on Trump's pro-pipeline/pro fracking nominees for FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. FERC is infamous as the gas industry's rubber stamp but lacks a quorum and cannot approve anything unless Trump's nominees are confirmed

Night Out for Safety and Liberation challenges notion that police provide safety

On the 1st of August, BYP100 DC, BLM DC, and the Movement 4 Black Lives DC hosted DC's Night Out for Safety and Liberation at Covenant Baptist Church in Anacostia. This event was part of a national series of events promoting alternatives to relying on police, and in direct counterpoint to the official "National Night Out."

The scene outside Covenant Baptist Church as young people re-enacted street situation where there are better solutions that cops
