Donald Trump visit to Capitol Hill draws protests over racism and outsourcing

On the 7th of July, Donald Trump visited GOP officials at the Capitol Hill Club near the US Capitol. Outside, protesters denounced him for racism, sexism, homophobia-and for outsourcing millions of US jobs to other countries. There was mention that the over a billion dollars he managed to lose running his own casino imply his economic performance as President would also lead to bankruptcy. Trump got in and out the back door, same way the rest of the garbage leaves the club and in this case enters. Afterwards, one GOP attendee described Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan as now being "teammates." Unless this is for public consumption, it's opposite what WTOP radio has been saying about GOP unity

A few hours later, a second protest was reported to have taken place at Trump's under-construction luxury hotel at 1100 Penn Ave. Sponsored by Making Change at Wal-Mart, this protest demanded that Wal-Mart take a stand against Donald Trump, alongside many big corporations that have withdrawn their financial support for his campaign after his violent racist and misogynistic campaign statements.

Video from the protest of Trump's visit to GOP bigwigs at the Capitol Hill Club, includes statement by one attendee at the meeting that Trump and speaker Paul Ryan are "teammates"

Protesting Donald Trump at the Capitol Hill Club
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