
DC activists celebrate as Trump gets indicted on 37 Federal charges

On the 10th of June, some DC activists celebrated the news that former "Not My President" Donald Trump has been indicted on 37 Federal charges.

Video by John Zangas:Celebration in front of the White House 42 seconds

Still from video by John Zangas

Fundamentalists shouted down at DC's Capitol Pride

As always, Capitol Pride in Washington DC was a festive event with hundreds of thousands showing up. Although many consider DC a safe haven, the hateful, genocidal politics spreading elsewhere in the US cast a shadow over the event.

Video-confronting the Fundies 37 seconds, from footage by John Zangas

Still from video by John Zangas

WARNING: Patriot Front peddling deadly fake HRT to trans women

WARNING! Patriot Front front group "Estro Labs" is selling a lethal overdose of a testosterone steroid as estrogen online, marketing to trans women to create a lethal boobytrap. It comes from a shrub but it's enough of a steroid to be a controlled substance!

Video Warning originally distributed over Tiktok 2 min 40 sec

Extinction Rebellion locks down to Washington DC City Hall against $5B gas pipe project

On the 9th of June, DC's chapter of Extinction Rebellion blockaded the Wilson Building in DC with a lockdown. They were protesting Washington Gas's proposed $5 billion gas distribution pipeline replacement project.

Video from XRDC raw footage 50 sec

Still from XRDC video

Breaking: Trump INDICTED 7 Federal counts Espionage Act

On the 8th of June, former "Not My President" Trump was indicted on 7 Federal charges of violating the Espionage Act. The most serious charge is willful retention of national defense secrets, which is a major felony but short of dissemination of national defense secrets in severity. Obstruction and conspiracy charges were also filed.
