
Big rallies for control of Embassy of Venezuala end in continuing standoff

As of May 4, 2019, the standoff at the Embassy of Venezuala continues essentially unchanged after major mobilizations both by progressive activists to break the siege and by coup supporters to take over the building.

Update May 6:Unconfirmed report of pro-Coup "Gusanos" shining LASERS at Embassy defenders in possible attempt to inflict permanent eye damage

Update May 5:Code Pink is warning that if the Venezualan Embassy in DC falls, the government of Venezuala will probably take over the US Embassy in Caracas, Venezuala. They also warn the current US government would be likely to respond with an invasion of Venezuala.

HD video of a Code Pink "Thunder Run" through the incredible noise and press of coup supporters. 3 min 4 sec

View from the street, North side

FOOD deliveries to beseiged Embassy of Venezuala spark confrontations and arrests

On the 2nd of May, DC area progressive activists made a determined attempt to resupply the Embassy Protection Collective in the beseiged Venezualan Embassy. They were partially successful-some of the food got in, but confrontations and arrests resulted. One Code Pink activist has been charged with "throwing a MISSILE(!) for allegedly tossing food to the defenders inside the Embassy.

HD Video:Successful food delivery followed by attempts by Guaido supporters to gain control of both back doors 3 min 27 sec

Juan Guando supporters try to get control of both back doors after a successful food delivery. Apparently the False Ambassador was there and tried to exploit the situation.

DC celebrates Mayday with march, festival in Malcolm X Park

On May 1, DC area activists celebrated International Workers' Day with a march into followed by a festival in Malcolm X Park. This was overshadowed by the high drama at the Embassy of Venezuala, and those at the Mayday march closely monitored events there as the appearance of False Ambassador Carlos Vecchio generated warnings of a possible raid.

False Venezualan "Ambassador" Carlos Vecchio leaves Embassy in defeat

On May 1st, defenders of the Embassy of Venezuala won a major victory over Guaido's "Ambassador" Carlos Vecchio. Vecchio expected the SS to storm the building and hand it over to he and his staff. That did NOT occur on May 1, though the risk of it remains with the SS citing a "process." He tried to give a speech to his supporters, only to flee in defeat and disgrace after being shouted down by the defenders of the beseiged Embassy of Venezuala.

False "Ambassador" Carlos Vecchio on right (in circled part of image) with the man who broke into the embassy and vandalized an office to his left, apparently as part of his security detail. Photo cropped and edited from Max Blumenthal photo
