
Diez horas con la globalizacion-El Individuo Nación

 Diez horas con la globalizacion-El Individuo Nación  Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega Creer que nuestra identidad nos la puede proporcionar un territorio, un idioma, nuestras tradiciones y mucho menos una bandera, un himno o una patria es simplificar lo complejo. Con seguridad nuestra “individualidad” está potencialmente en nosotros mismos y todos los derechos deberían de orientarse a que se desarrollase total y libremente.

The Shortwave Report 02/08/19 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,     This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and  Sputnik Radio.        From JAPAN- Vietnamese people are pleased that the second US North Korea summit will be held in their country. Honda Motor will team up with a Chinese company to develop batteries for electric vehicles- Honda plans to launch 20 models of electric cars in China by 2025.

State of the Union draws protests in multiple locations

Before Donald Trump could give his State of the Union Address filled with racist venom against migrants, he had to get past protesters. There were protesters at the White House and along both the Constitution Ave and Independence Ave motorcade route options.

Video from the motorcade route protests 3 min 1 sec

A motorcade's-eye view of the Constitution Ave side of the main protest

Puerto Rico Debt Deal Receives Court Approval

Judge Laura Taylor Swain approved a deal to restructure $17 billion of Puerto Rico's $72 billion debt on Monday. Court approval was the last hurdle creditors and the island's oversight board needed for a plan to address sales tax backed debt or "COFINA" debt."We are worried that not enough debt is being cut and that Puerto Rico's people are carrying heavy austerity burdens," said Jubilee USA Executive Director Eric LeCompte, who monitors Puerto Rico's debt. "The math isn't adding up.

Armed antifascist march celebrates after KKK and Nazi no-show at "Rock Stone Mountain"

Feb 2nd was supposed to be the major KKK/Nazi "Rock Stone Mountain" rally at Stone Mountain Park in GA. The mountain has figures of Confederate generals carved into it and is the reputed birthplace of the KKK. Antifascists had been mobilizing for months to counter this rally, while the Klan and Nazis expected total police support. The fash were denied a permit by Stone Mountain Park, and their organizing fell apart into disarray. The event was cancelled. On Feb 2, not a single fascist was seen by antifascist activists guarding the area, so an antifa victory march was held. WE HAVE REPLACED YOU!

Video compilation:Klansman burned in effigy, armed march and victory speech citing Berkeley victories 3 min 10 sec

Photo by Shay Horse
