
House committee proposes draft registration for women

On the 28th of April, the House Armed Services Committee attached a provision permitting the President to order women to register for the draft to a $602M Pentagon budget bill. Men-only draft registration faces the possiblity of being overturned in court now that women can participate in combat positions in the military. An alternative bill to abolish draft registration entirely is scheduled for later consideration.Nobody has been prosecuted for refusing to register for the draft since 1987, and during Vietnam refusing to register was the safest and most effective way of defying the draft.

Dissent limited at Offshore oil/gas Drilling "open house"

On the 26th of April, members of a number of environmental organizations held a rally outside the Marriot on 12th st near Metro Center denouncing the 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program. Afterwards they sought to enter the "Open House" being held inside for a draft version of the environmental impact statment. The person in a polar bear costume was denied entry to the building, security guards collected people's signs on the way in-and they moved to interfere with anyone shooting photos or videos in the lobby.

Video showing an Alaska Native speaker followed by what happened when the polar bear and then an Indymedia photographer tried to participate in this "public event"

The scene at the rally outside the Marriot

Public Open House on offshore drilling doesn't like dissent

People of faith disrupt FERC meeting over gas fracking

On the 25th of April, members of a number of churches and religious groups answered a call by Interfaith Moral Action on Climate to speak out and disrupt the April monthly meeting of FERC, infamous as the fracked gas industry's rubber stamp. FERC is also the agency that gives the builders of gas and oil pipelines the power to resort to eminent domain.

Video combining both clips published by Beyond Extreme Energy

Disrupting FERC over gas fracking-AGAIN!

Vigil demands release of Purvi Patel, jailed for self-induced abortion

Purvi Patel is serving 20 years of a 46 year "feticide" sentence in Indiana over a use of pills ordered online for a self-induced abortion that left her in the hospital. Donald Trump has called for, then tried to retract his call for imprisoning women like Purvi for illegal abortions. The Susan B Anthony List and other antichoice groups have been attempting to distance themselves from Trump's call for prison terms. On the 21st of April the Susan B Anthony List held a high-profile dinner at the Andrew Mellon Auditoriam on Constitution Ave. Outside, protesters held a vigil demanding the "walk the walk" by issuing a statement calling for Purvi Patel's release.
