
Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil at AU

On the evening of November 19th the Queers and Allies' Trans and Non-Binary Collective at American University held the Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil and Speakout. After speakers at the indoor portion spoke of the severe discrimination, poverty, and widespread murder and police violence faced by transgender people, everyone went outside for a vigil to remember those who have been killed. Flags of remembrance for the fallen were planted in the quad while the whole group held candles in the dark.

Violent arrest at 2nd night of Trans Week of Action street protests

On the 18th of October, Trans Week of Action protesters took to the streets for the second night in a row. This time around, the blockades targeted the area around Target. Police tried to aggressively move traffic past protesters. When protesters stood their ground, one cop responded first with pushing, then with a violent takedown and arrest of an activist perceived as an organizer. Arrest can be a life-threatening experience for any transgender person, so the rest of the protesters were severely agitated by this, ultimately responding by retaking the exact same intersection.

Video-violent arrest at Trans Week of Action protest Nov 18 and precipitating incident

This incident of a cop shoving a protester led to a violent arrest

Violent arrest after trans activists blockade 14th st

TPP burned at Phillipine Embassy, one arrest after lockdown at Japanese Embassy

On the 17th of November,protesters against the TPP trade deal marched to the embassies of many countries affected by the treaty.At the Embassy of the Phillipines, protesters burned a symbolic "TPP text" much smaller than the 6,000 page stack in solidarity with protesters in the Phillipines who burned ASEAN logos. At the Embassy of Japan, one protester locked himself by the neck to the doors. It took about an hour for police to remove and arrest him.

Video-burning the TPP

Video-civil disobedience at the Japanese Embassy

Burning a stand-in for the TPP at the Phillipine Embassy, the 6000+ page full text would require a furnace to incinerate.

Burn the TPP!
