
Overflow crowd at BB&P event to save Museum Square from mass eviction

Museum Square at 4th and K sts NW is one of the last affordable housing projects in Chinatown, containing nearly half the remaining Chinese community there plus many African-American residents. The owner of the building (Bush Properties in Va) wants to replace it with condos and luxury apartments for the rich. As part of the campaign to save the building and block the evictions, Busboys and Poets at nearby 5th and K st, held a party for Museum Square residents and supporters on July 20. The room was packed to standing room only.

Too Many Cops

Not sure what the original problem was, but when this video was shot one problem was that there were too many cops! And only one young guy documenting it on his cell phone.

By the end of the last video, there were fewer cops, and more people recording with their phones.


Video: Greece explodes after bailout deal repudiates vote

Early on the 16th of July, the Greek Parliament voted to accept even more extreme austerity than the measures voted down by a supermajority in the July 5 referendum. The previous day and well into the night protesters in the streets to defend the NO vote, responding to police tear gas grenades with Molotov cocktails.

Inspirational Greek Solidarity video

Greek anarchists drive motorcycle cops back

Greeks stand up to German bankers and the IMF

"Christians United for Israel" draws protest

On the 13th of June, protesters showed up outside the Washington Convention Center opposing the "Christians United For Israel" (CUFI) convention being held inside. Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike called out current Israeli occupation policies for violating the philosophies expoused by Jesus, thus calling the convention one of hypocrisy. One of the current positions espoused by CUFI (along with AIPAC) is opposition to any nuclear deal with Iran, as they advocate war against Iran instead.Some "Christian Zionists" believe that the Jews must hold Jerusalem to enable the Rapture, an event associated in the Bible with Armageddon and among other things the loss of the entire Jewish population in Jerusalem. Thus war with Iran would fit their agenda.

Video of the protest (1 min)

THIS is why some "Christian Zionists" support Israel-really crazy

Protesting "Christian Zionist" convention
