Kurds, allies rally at White House against Turkish invasion of Afrin
Video: Protesters charge Turkey with supporting ISIS by fighting Kurds
Update 3-15:Turkish shelling and airstrikes kill 12, wound 60-and displace 10,000 on just March 14-15
On the 13th of March, Kurds and supporters of the YPG/YPJ protested at the White House, demanding the US force an end to Turkey's bloody invasion and bombing of Afrin in Syria. If the US threatened to cut off military aid and weapons sales to Turkey, Turkey would have no choice but to comply. Turkey is attacking the YPG/YPJ, who in turn defeated Daesh/ISIS. Thus Erdogan is fighting on the side of ISIS.
At this time Turkish troops are reported to be on the outskirts of Afrin, a city they had vowed to take over a month ago. The war has become bogged down for Ergoden and his theocrats, who will lose their fight with the Kurds just like their ISIS friends did. The YPG and YPJ do not fight alone, they are getting global suppport from the international progressive community. Just days ago an Icelandic international volunteer gave his life defending Afrin from Turkish troops and terrorism. In the anticapitalist community this has been compared more than once to the Spanish Civil War and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The difference is that this time around, our side is winning the war!
ISIS is on the verge of complete defeat, though Kurdish fighters and internatonal volunteers had to pulled off that front line to deal with the current threat from Turkey. Thus, continuing US aid to Turkey is now directly aiding ISIS, and Trump must choose between those who stopped ISIS before, and the Turkish thugs who last year beat and kicked protesters in the streets of Washington DC.
When ISIS/Daesh was on the verge of overrunning Kobane, the YPG and YPJ made a stand that can only be compared to the successful defense of Stalingrad against Hitler's troops during WWII. Like the Russians there, they turned Kobane into a hornet's nest of highly accurate snipers. There is no reason to believe that if Turkish troops ever reach Afrin's urban areas at all that this performance cannot be repeated.