HoCo Green New Deal townhall
MEDIA ADVISORY / FOR PLANNING PURPOSESDATEContact: Iris Zhan, Hub Coordinator, hocosunrise@gmail.com, 410-917-3337 TITLE: Howard County Green New Deal Town Hall run by the youth Columbia, MD As climate change becomes a more urgent issue for Americans, the Green New Deal has never been more alive, which is why we are building grassroots momentum for the Green New Deal and discussing the opportunity the Green New Deal could bring for Howard County.WHAT: Community leaders and youth activists will convene to discuss what a Green New Deal looks like for Howard County and what’s next for the movement.WHEN: Saturday May 4 from 2-4pm ETWHERE: Owen Brown Interfaith Center Room 1507246 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045WHO: Sunrise HoCo, HoCo Climate Collaborative, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, Indivisible HoCo MD, Our Revolution, Neighborhood Sun, NAACPWHY: The younger generations are going to be hit the worst of climate change if we continue business as usual and we must invite young people into the climate conversation to make sure our voices aren’t being left out so we can have a stable livable future. ###