Suspicious police activity at Franklin Sq homeless camp as DC prepares to reopen
Video of Park Police in Franklin Sq homeless camp 56 sec
On the 26th of May, several police cars and cops entered the homeless camp at Franklin Square, apparently for the second day in a row. This time around it was US Park Police, there is a report on Twitter showing MPD and National Guard at the same location the previous day. So far not an all-out eviction, exact nature of activity unclear.
The timing is interesting however: Mayor Bowser is talking of partially reopening DC on Friday, May 29. At that point she may want to expel homeless tent cities from parks so the yuppies called back to office duty can have the parks back to themselves. It is known that her ReopenDC Advisary Group includes major developers as well as both former Mayor Anthony Williams(aka "Tony the Rat") and his immediate successor Adrien Fenty, who was responsible for the closure of the former low-barrier homeless shelter in Frankin School adjacent to this park.