The Shortwave Report 08/27/21 Listen Globally!

This week's show features stories from  Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {33MB}        From CUBA-  In Bolivia, Jeanine Anez who seized the presidency following a coup, has been charged with genocide and other crimes- the US demands her release. Venezuela release a report on the damages caused to the country by the US unilateral blockade, and is seeking charges at the ICC. In Peru, right-wing factions and part of the army are accused of planning to create a coup against President Castillo. A new report by UNICEF warns that nearly half of the world's 2.2 billion children are endangered by the climate crisis. British journalist George Monbiot released a report on how the media helped to create climate change by giving equal time to deniers whenever discussing the scientific evidence.        From JAPAN- Japan has extended a state of emergency on the Covid crisis to half of the country- the spread of infections continues to surge with hospitals under pressure. On her tour of SE Asia, US VP Kamala Harris called on Vietnam to challenge what she called Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific region. The presidents of China and Russia say they are willing to work with other countries to restore stability in Afghanistan. The Japanese Defense Force scrambled jets after Chinese military aircraft flew between southern Japanese islands- this was two days after Japanese forces held a joint military exercise with a strike group from the UK aircraft carrier in waters south of Okinawa.        From GERMANY- There was new massive rain and flooding in China, Tennessee, Kenya, and Venezuela this week. Wildfires are raging in central Russia as well as California and the Northwest. Indigenous Brazilians continue protests against president Bolsonaro, while in Bolivia clashes erupted outside the prison housing former coup president Anez. Israel's new PM is visiting Washington, while Israeli bombing of Gaza continues. For years Turkey has been besieged by refugees from Syria and elsewhere, and is saying it will not warehouse Afghanis fleeing the Taliban turnover in their homeland. Available in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at PODCAST!!!- feed://  (160kb Highest Quality) Website Page- < >       ¡FurthuR!      Dan Roberts "Because we cannot save ourselves without contesting oligarchic control, the fight for democracy and justice and the fight against environmental breakdown are one and the same. Do not allow those who have caused this crisis to define the limits of political action. Do not allow those whose magical thinking got us into this mess to tell us what can and cannot be done."-- George Monbiot Dan RobertsShortwave Report- www.outfarpress.comYouthSpeaksOut!

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