Climate Marchers march on Democrat headquarters, vow to obstruct pro-fossil fuel candidates

Hours after blockading the headquarters of FERC, activists from the Great Climate March and their supporters marched on the national headquarters of the Democratic Party. Marchers warned that candidates who accept fossil fuel industry "donations" and support their positions would not only not get their votes but instead find activists "getting in their way." This is a direct threat to obstruct and oppose compaigns for President or other office by Hillary Clinton, Martin O' Malley, or anyone else who does the bidding of the fracking, tar sands, and mountaintop removal coal industries.

Video of the march on Democratic Party headquarters featuring the threat to "get in the way" of runs for office by Hillary Clinton or other pro-fossil fuel candidates

Hillery Clinton and MD Gov Martin O'Malley star on this banner with other pro-fracking, fossil fuel fiunded Democratic politicians

Lockdowns, 25 arrests at FERC against fracking, gas export

On the 3ed of November, climate and anti-fracking activists blockaded all entrances to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or FERC. 25 were arrested. Some of the arrests were nasty and two without legally required warning. Meanwhile, Kelly Canavan of MD locked down to a crucial piece of construction equipment in Solomons, MD, halting work on a pier needed for the Cove Point gas export facility. Fifteen more actiivsts were arrested at another gas infrastructure blockade at Seneca Lake, NY.

Video:FERC blockades and rough/no warning arrests

Lockbox blockade of the back entrance to FERC

Great Climate March arrives in DC after 10 months on road from LA

On the 1st of November, the Great Climate March entered DC and marched to the White House. The march begin 10 months ago in Los Angeles. Since March the Great Climate March has travelled over 3,000 miles. Many of the participants on foot the entire distance, one of them a 71 year old grandmother.

Stirring video of the march

Just past the DC line

Black is Back marches on White House demanding "Peace through Revolution"

Black is Back was formed in the aftermath of Barrack Obama's election, when many liberal "peace" groups abandoned antiwar protest because there was no longer a white GOP President. This year, the Back is Black march on the White House explicitly demanded "Peace through Revolution" in the aftermath of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson and so many other police murders.

Photo by "Harris from the Post"

Halloween Critical Mass bike ride reportback

On the 31st of October, DC Critical Mass took to the streets for Halloween with more riders than usual for this time of year, several of them in costume.

Video: DC Critical Mass for Halloween

DC Goverment helping Wal-Mart drive Ga Ave stores out of business

Respect DC is reporting that DC's decision to support Wal-Mart by relocating a bus stop to directly in front of the store and installing pay parking meters on Peabody Street has devastated nearby small businesses. One business owner was quoted as saying "I have customers that tell me, ‘I want to come to your store, but the bus drops me at Walmart.’"

We Act Radio posts video of council candidate debate on racism, gentrification, and displacement

We Act Radio has posted this Youtube video video of the at-large City Council candidate's debate on racism, gentrification, and displacement. Video about 2 hours, 11 min, sound low first couple minutes

High Heel Race draws huge crowd to 17th st

On the 28th of October, the annual High Heel Race drew a huge crowd to 17th st. This event is normally on the last Tuesday before Halloween. Until a 1991 police attack on the event it was an underground high heel race between some of the gay bars on Halloween itself. This provoked a massive occupation of 17th st by the GLBT community on Halloween 1992, and ever since it has been an officially supported event on the last Tuesday BEFORE Halloween

Video of the Race

One of the race leaders-hard to see in the crowd


DEAR  FOLKs:  warm greetings + many blessings !!the GREAT CLIMATE MARCH started in LOS ANGELES on 1-MARCH-2014  and will arrive in WASHINGTON, DC on SATURDAY-1-NOVEMBER-2014 ...our main focus is on the problems related to GLOBAL-WARMING + CLIMATE-CHANGE ... below is a copy of our schedule for SATURDAY-1-NOVEMBER:  un-fortunate-ly, it was changed, due to the fact that our PERMIT from the city allows us to walk only from BETHESDA to the WHITE HOUSE, with no stops along the way ...

Only two DC Councilmembers attend Stop and Frisk hearing

On the 27th of October, DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier appeared before the city countil to testify about the use of "stop and frisk" tactics by DC Police. This is an admission that Stop and Frisk exists in this town. Unfortunately, only two DC City Councilmembers bothered to attend, leading one witness to remark when a white witness was testifying that this amounted only to "three white people having a conversation."
