July 2022

Reportback from pro-choice rally at Orlando, FL city hall

On the 10th of July, pro-choice activists held a rally at Orlando's city hall. Speakers warned that the religious bigots and Governor "DeSatan" would never stop at just abortion rights but would target contraception and GLBTQ rights next. In fact, that is already starting.

Video: Speakers at the Orlando rally warn of what's coming 3 min 9 sec

Protesters-one in full "witch" dress-return to Alito's house

Supreme Court "Justice" Samuel Alito's embrace of 17th century rape-legalizing, witch-killing judge Matthew Hale in the Dobbs decision has earned him over two months of protests outside his home by pro-choice and religious freedom advocates. On the 9th of June, one of the protesters was dressed in the clothing typically associated with a Halloween "witch," pointed hat and straw broom included.

Video: Protesters at Alito's house including on in classic Halloween witch dress 1 min 23 sec

(Photo by Downright Impolite/Our Rights DC)

Women's March occupies White House sidewalk, ties green cloths to fence, no arrests

On the 9th of July, protesters summoned into action by Women's March descended on Franklin Square park, and marched from there to the White House. Barricades did not stop them, they went around or over all obstacles. They reached the White House fence, tied green bandannas to the fence, some even tied themselves to the fence. Cops declined to make the expected mass arrests.

Video: Women's March occupies, ties green bandannas to White House Fence 1 min 30 sec

Still from Alejandro Alvarez (https://twitter.com/aletweetsnews)Twitter video

Extinction Rebellion DC blockades Washington Gas HQ with boat lockdown

On the 8th of July, Extinction Rebellion DC blockaded Washington Gas's headquarters as part of their ongoing campaign to block a $5B gas pipeline replacement project. This campaign is known as "Electrify DC" and this is the latest in a string of high profile disruptive actions.

Video: Extinction Rebellion's boat blockade at Washington Gas 1 min

BOUNTY offered on sightings of SCOTUS "justices" after "Back Alley Brett" Kavanaugh flees Morgans

In the wake of "Back Alley Brett" Kavanaugh scuttling out of Morton's like the vermin he is, Shut Down DC has posted a bounty on future sightings of Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Roberts. Bounty is $50 for a "confirmed sighting" and $200 if they are still there 30 minutes later.

Amy Coney Barrett gets home demo, SCOTUS Marshal's bluff called

On the 7th of June, protesters again showed up at the home of Amy Coney Barret, literal handmaid of the religious cult People of Praise and SCOTUS "Justice." This was first time back in VA after the Marshal of the Supreme Court attempted to demand MD and VA "enforce" laws regulating residential picketing the protesters are already in compliance with.

Video: protesters marching in Amy Coney Barrett's neighborhood 16 sec

Marching back up from Amy Coney Barrett's house. Marching up and down the block complies with bans on "residential picketing" of one house (Photo by Downright Impolite/Our Rights DC)

Proud Boys seen on the Mall with the 1776 convoy MAGAts

On the 7th of June, members of the Proud Boys were spotted on the Mall, showing their signature logos and insignia. Use caution around the Mall and major government buildings.

Far-right terrorists blow up Georgia Guidestones in IED attack

Early AM on the 7th of July, far-right terrorists blew up the Georgia Guidestones, a stone monument sometimes compared to Stonehenge. Inscriptions on the stones included a call for limiting human population growth, and failed GOP candidate for governor Kandiss Taylor called the stones "Satanic."

Protesters return to Kavanaugh's house, again read the First Amendment, visit Roberts too

On the 6th of July, protesters again descended on the area surrounding the home of Supreme Court "Justice," frat boy, and rapist Brett Kavanaugh. Again they read out the First Amendment in front of his house. This is in response to the Marshal of the Supreme Court demanding in the Washington Post that protesters at SCOTUS homes be arrested. "Justice" Roberts lives nearby and protesters showed up there too.

Update: Kavanaugh bailed out of restaurant Morgan's later that night after protesters showed up in front. Maybe he should speak to former DC Mayor Tony Williams about how bad this can get?

Video-Protesters at Kavanaugh's house read out 1st Amendment, keep going in drenching rain 2 min

At Kavanaugh's house (Photo by Downright Impolite/Our Rights DC)

MAGAt "1776" Convoy returns to DC, leader arrested on warrant from MD

On the 6th of July, what was originally an anti-vaccine mandate convoy but has morphed to a general far-right convoy returned to DC. Shortly after they arrived, their leader (a man known as "Santa") was arrested. After the convoy blockaded part of I-95 on July 4, the MD authorities in a highly unusual stop obtained an arrest warrant for the known leader.

Photo by "Jo Jo from Jerz"

Pro-choice protesters march on House of Representatives from SCOTUS

On the 6th of July,pro-choice advocates gathered at the Supreme Court and marched to the House of Representatives. Marchers demanded House Democrats take the lead on protecting abortion rights. Protesters explicity demanded expanding the Supreme Court to remove Trump's leftovers from the "majority."

Video-Demanding "Spineless gutless Democrats" expand the Supreme Court, protect abortion rights 49 sec

Photo by Downright Impolite/Our Rights DC

Declare Emergency blocks Capitol Beltway

On July 4, as confrontations raged nationally over the nightmare of spreading abortion bans and fundamentalism, Declare Emergency reminded the US that there is still another emergency: the climate crisis. This time around, they blocked the Capitol Beltway to protest unending CO2 emissions.

Still from Ford Fischer video
