
DC transgender Police Sgt. Jessica Hawkins confirmed to have marched solo in Pride parade

It has been confirmed that in addition to the MPD officers spotted marching ahead of the Pride parade by David Thursten, transgender MPD officer Jessica Hawkins marched in uniform, solo, with the transgender flag. At one point, MPD retweeted a video showing her, then realized people in the background were chanting "fuck the police" and pulled down their retweet.

The Shortwave Report 06/15/18 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,     This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.        From JAPAN- North Korea media describes agreements reached at the summit with the US as a phased denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and a halt to the US/South Korean military exercises. Then an Insight on the summit by the former head of a Japanese security agency. A further report from North Korean media says sanctions will be lifted.

DC Bike Party holds big Pride-themed ride

On the 13th of June, the DC Bike Party held their Pride-themed June 2018 ride. This ride was very large, and when the ride went to the basilica at Catholic University and circled the street in front of it not all of the ride would fit in the circle at one due to its size.

Video from the start of the ride plus the visit to the Basilica

Densely packed bikes as the ride leaves Dupont Circle

DC Resistance Iftar condemns Trump's Muslim ban and support for oppressive regimes

On the 12th of June, multiple organizations held the DC Resistance Iftar on Freedom Plaza. Iftar is the Islamic traditional sunset breaking of the fast during Ramadan. Community Iftars around issues of concern to all are part of this tradition. Before the sun set on the DC Resistance Iftar, speakers condemned Trump's travel ban US support for the brutal regime in the Phillipines and the ongoing siege of Gaza.

Video including part of the statement by Jerome Succor Aba read out at the Iftar

Waiting for sunset

Indigenous Keystone XL resisters to install solar panels in path of pipeline.

While "TransKlanada" has announced no final decision on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, they nonetheless plan to start clearcutting THIS YEAR to allow construction in 2019. Oil prices spiked dangerously close to the level that would make tar sands profitable again this year, possibly putting KXL back on the table. In the face of this, Indigenous communities have announced they will build solar power facilities in the direct path of the proposed pipeline.
