
Reportback from Kwame Ture Brigade march to Justice or Else rally

On the 10th of October, the All-African People's Revolutionary Party held a march from Malcolm X Park, past the White House, to the Mall. The Mall was the site of the massive "Justice or Else" rally held on the anniversary of the 1995 Million Man March. Many at the Justice or Else rally spoke on the crisis of ongoing police murder of African-American youth. Earlier in the week, the head of the US Capitol Police was forced to apologize for an email predicting "violence" at this event(there was none to be seen). The Park Police did not seem to take any overtly aggressive action but did have an armored vehicle on site, along with a long line of horse trailers in reserve.

Video clips of the Kwame Ture Brigade march plus horse cops and armored vehicle

The Kwame Ture Brigade's march from an overpass on 16th st

Kwame Ture Brigade

Climate First! protests Morgan Stanley's investments in MTR coal mining

On the 9th of October, Climate First! showed up at the I st offices of Morgan Stanley, demanding they divest themselves of all investments in mountaintop removal coal mining. This was part of a nationwide day of action against Morgan Stanley called by Rainforest Action Network.

Code Pink protests for second day in a row against US bombing of Afghan hospital

On the afternoon of October 7, Code Pink showed up in "bloody" doctor's coats in front of the White House. They were there to protest the US airstrike that killed doctors from Doctors Without Borders and their patients at a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. The US has now changed their story 4 times, and talk of Taliban fighters at the hospital is near proof the airstrike was intentional. Doctors Without Borders is now treating this as a war crime until proven otherwise.

Video-Code Pink reads a statement from a Doctors Without Borders survivor of the airstrike

Reading a Doctors Without Borders Kunduz survivor's statement
