
High Heel Race takes over 17th st

On the 27th of October, a huge crowd descended on 17th st to watch the annual High Heel Race. Included in the race was a "Kim Davis" themes contingent complete with clashing "Free Kim Davis" and "Do Your Job" signs

Video featuring the "Kim Davis" contingent(1 min 10 sec)

High Heel Race

Code Pink protests "Predator" drone talks at Air and Space

On the 27th of September the National Air and Space Museum hosted the "Predator: Transforming Modern Warfare with Drones" talk. The featured speaker was James G. “Snake” Clark, a former US killer drone commander. Outside Code Pink protested the talk and the drone exhibit with a banner, a mock drone, and a die-in. Attendees mostly refused Code Pink leafets detailing how many people these drones have killed.

Video of the die-in outside Air and Space

Die-in at Air and Space

Proposed $600/month rent hike at Mt Vernon Plaza apartments draws protest vigil

Mt Vernon Plaza at 10th and M sts is owned by Bush Construction Companies, the same VA landlord who is seeking to evict all residents of Museum Square in Chinatown. At Mt Vernon Plaza Bush is attempting to shake down tenants for an extra $600 a month in rent, a 50% increase. On the 26th of October, tenants held a vigil outside reinforced by activists from the Black Lives Matter movement and other community activists. Bush Construction Companies was warned that evictions would require carrying people-including community activists-physically out of the building.

Video-Reverend Hagler speaking on gentrification and displacement as racism-including a direct comparison to the displacement of and theft of land from Native Americans

Rev Hagler at Mt Vernon Plaza
