So-called "People's Convoy" gets disruption, direct action after threat to BLM Plaza

Video-direct action against the convoys 3-18 to 3-21 31 sec

On the 18th of March, a convoy speaker at Hagerstown Speedway threatened to scrape the paint from BLM Plaza, then tar and feather the plaza and "all our delegates." This brought a firestorm of counterattack down on the convoy.

On the 18th, one of their livestreamers got a facefull of soda. The next day, a solo biker riding as slow as possible all but stopped the convoy near the White House. On March 21, another convoy livestreamer got his car covered in root beer and antifa stickers. After he got the root beer cleaned off, his car was found again and antifa stickers applied for the second time the following day!

Unfortunately, there is also an incredibly ugly report over Twitter that a convoy driver in a BMW(!) rammed down an elderly woman crossing the street, then laid into the horn and demanded she "get the fuck up!" A crowd gathered to defend her in case he moved the car up on her again.

Solo biker blocking the convoy: one "longtail" holding many bobtails!

Two cups of soda going into a "people's convoy" livesteamer's face the same day the convoy threatened to tar and feather BLM Plaza

Witness report on the ugly car ramming (by the convoy) incident vs an elderly woman on Sunday

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