Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 06/28/2016 - 14:16
In the wake of court decisions that struck down a huge "no protest" zone around the Cleveland Republican National Convention, cops are now knocking on doors at activists houses in what they call a "community outreach" program. Obviously the real message is "we know where you live and will raid you if anything bad happens during the RNC." These cops need to understand that payback is a game two can play. Perhaps they should talk to DC cops and especially former protest cop Capt Harold about what can happen when protesters are mistreated. They should then remember that DC activists were not using the full range of tactics used by activists elsewhere when they retaliated for things like mock mass arrests or warrants. Cleveland has a much more powerful and aggressive activist presence than DC, police should think twice before infuriating a huge beehive into an all-out swarm.