June 2023

Protesters risk arrest at White House to oppose MVP and fracking

On the 8th of June, protesters opposing the Mountain Valley Pipeline and fracking showed up at the White House. Under "Apocalyptic" Code Purple air from wildfire smoke, they protested the kind of climate recklessness that generates weather favorable for more fires.

Video from clips by Antonia Juhaz and Shutdown DC 40 sec

Photo by Jamie Henn

Book Banning issue arrives at Montgomery County, MD school board meeting

At a school board meeting in Montgomery County, MD (just north of DC), Moms4Liberty and a groups of Muslim parents demanded soft book bans (via an opt-out process) on pro-LGBTQ books. Pro-LGBTQ folks counterprotested, demanding schools remain secular.

Video based on Ford Fischer's clips 1 min

Photo of pro-LGBTQ counterprotest by Mont Councilmember Kristen Mink

Ajike Shanterell’s mother, community members speak at press conference after Ajike was murdered by Susan Lorincz

On Friday the 2nd of June in Ocala, FL, Ajike Shantrell went to the door of racist neighborhood bully Susan Lorincz to ask about an Ipad stolen from one of her four children. Susan opened fire without ever opening the door, killing Ajike. As she was a single mother this left her kids without either parent.

Video highlights of the press conference, featuring Ajike Shanterell's mother 6 min 7 sec.

Atlanta cops raid house, charge "money laundering" for Stop Cop City BAIL FUND

Heads up! The Atlanta Police Department just raided the “teardown house” and arrested three people for allegedly managing the Stop Cop City BAIL FUND.Supposedly bailing other people out of the Dekalb County Jail is now “money laundering.” I suppose lawyers who don’t argue for their clients to be jailed are next?

Literally laundering money to demonstrate to Ga Gov Brian Kemp the difference between laundering money and raising bail funds 1 min 46 sec

Video by Boudigga comparing Ga Gov Brian Kemp to the Hunger Game’s President Snow 1 min 38 sec

THIS is laundering money! Raising funds for bail is NOT
