
Protesters beseige MPD 4D station, smash windows. Both parents of Karon Hylton maced

On Tuesday, Oct 27, Karon Hylton's parents showed up at MPD's 4D station, demanding to see the officer (Officer Sutton) who killed their son on Saturday. Community residents protested outside in support. Something happened that infuriated protesters. They surrounded the door, smashed the station's windows and Ga Ave blew up. Soon, riot cops were detonating flashbangs and firing tear gas. During the protest, both of Karon Hylton's parents were maced by police.

Video posted by Toni to twitter-cops mace Karon's Mom 44 seconds

Riot cops on Georgia Ave

Barrett supporters strip Black Lives Matter signs from BLM Plaza fence

On Oct 26, Trump's SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in after a highly irregular confirmation hearing. Anti-abortion, pro-theocracy supporters of her stripped signs from the fence at BLM Plaza as part of their celebration of her installation to the US Supreme Court. One Twitter poster said simply "it's ON!"

Video-Right-wingers rip down signs at BLM Plaza 28 sec(Myra Slotnick)

April Goggins photo of BLM PLaza fence after ACB supporters stripped it

Premature Deaths,Profiteering, Abuse: US Nursing And Assisted Living

Premature Deaths,Profiteering, Abuse: US Nursing And Assisted Living


Scrum at the Supreme Court as GOP rams Barret confirmation vote through Senate

On the evening of October 26, GOP Senators rammed through the final confirmation vote to install Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court 52-48, a party line vote. As they did so, women's rights activists protested while supporters of Christian theocratic fundamentalism celebrated.

Video-confrontations outside the Supreme Court 2 min 53 sec

Solo protesters chains herself to Supreme Court against Amy Coney Barrett nomination

On the 25th of October, the U$ $enate prepared for an all-night session to pave the way for a final vote to ram Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. As they did so, a single protester chained herself to the Supreme Court, saying NO to this misogynistic and homophobic excuse for a "justice."

Photo by Alg0rhythm
